Third Party Press

T Gewehr value/price.

Good Morning,

I have been shooting my T-Gewehr for almost two years and use 50BMG cases. Originally, I had ordered OEM specification cases from RCC but they went Chapter 7. The specifications I use to modify my 50BMG cases are based on page 106 of the above cited Kern book. Randy

T-Gewehr Cartridge.jpg
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If I could get OEM spec cases, then I would should them with much joy. That now seems impossible and I have worked up the 50BMG (rimless) to where I am at almost 100% first-pull ignition. Most shooters use the 50BMG with very careful reforming of the brass. I found that you got to get the headspace just right or NoGo. You also might get good extraction with the original extractor or need a bit of wiggling. Without that kind of reloading/reforming patience, I went another route.

If you follow my thread at, you will see my journey with the T-Gewehr. Of note is page 8 where you see the bolt head and extractor modifications I had made to make my life MUCH easier. Take a look and fire away with questions. Glad to assist in any way I can. Randy

Military Rifle Journal