SS turd k98k rifle

One thing I find strange is the owner of this rifle becomes a member here one day after I posted this rifle here. And his first post is defending his rifle. Is it because I may cost him a gun sale? In the end I don't care if I cost the sale of turd rifles. If my information I post helps prevent someone from being taken by them then so be it. Thats one good thing I have to say about the internet too. You can't hid a faked up rifle whens it been sold before and there's pictures to show the difference between the pieces.

Get used to this. Over a decade ago this kind of exposure created a rather hostile show visit or two or three with those perpetraitors of boogered with peices...but a fraudulent scumbag is just that. I gave up on such toads as they seem to close ranks and oink how good their shite must be for the money paid..and they know so and so and the other so and so sold it to them so they know it all. Bobbleheads is all I have to say...and the closet nazis among them....swine through and through.
This seller has a number of guns that he has tried to sell /// not one has passed the smell test.
Look, I bought it. I don't care what those pictures show, I know it's original.


Well since 1946 anyway, or whenever the first idiot decided to "enhance" the value of a rifle WHICH LIKELY WAS PRETTY VALUABLE BEFORE the "enhancements."

There is nothing wrong with a run of the mill bolt mismatch rifle, nor is there anything wrong with an "honest" mismatch even including Russian capture guns.

Just sell the rifle as it is, and let the market decide the true value at that moment, without any attempts to boost your profits.

STOP RUINING GUNS. (No I won't stop saying this.)

Sorry dude, whether you faked it or someone else did and you got hoodwinked it's a hump job. It happens, I hope you didn't do it, but yeah it's a bad rifle. Part it out and melt the humped pieces so nobody else gets screwed and DON'T ruin any more guns.
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Loewe, at this point you're way up past being an ace in confirmed humper kills ;)

I'm the owner of the gun that you guys have under scrutiny here. I am sure I have not done any tampering with this gun. I can also tell you I have shown that to my local gunsmith to inspect it
closely and he did not detect any mark of punch or tampering. All markings and metal are evenly worn , consistent with the age. Not any single spot of discrepancy. White paint is applied so the markings are seen better.
It's not right and mature to issue a final verdict without knowing something for 100% which can be only done when you see it in close.

So, who are we going to believe, you or our lying eyes? The pic of your rifle from a previous auction shows no "SS death's head" and now the same rifle, which you are selling, has one, a bad one. Informed, expert opinions were rendered about the rifle you are attempting to sell being humped up, faked, and those opinions were backed with solid photographic evidence. This is about as close to 100% as it gets.

So, for historical purposes, " SS Deaths Head " K98k ar 41 3247 a : your auction, a pic from the auction showing the rifle without the "SS Death's head" and the picture from your current auction showing it with one, along with some stock "restoration".


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To all super moderators, senior members and other think tanks. With all due respect I appreciate all the comments and always try to learn things that I don't know.
First I have not tampered with this gun nor any other guns. One of the comments were referring that my other guns are fake! This is a very immature conclusion. How can you fake a Finn M39 Mosin Nagant? or a Browning?
I assume it take much more money and time to fake something that is sold for $400. Where is your common sense? Maybe some people who are hungry for money will do it. But I am not in the need for money. Only reason for selling some of my guns is that I have more than space allocated and wife complaining. Money is not the issue.

Another comments was about me registering in this forum recently. Well that's true, but how I could respond if I did not register. I'm not afraid to face truth and will take every opportunity to learn.

I'm looking at the pictures posted by Lowe. I am comparing pictures with the gun I have and these are my observations, and I'm not trying to in utter denial but to learn:

- the rust in the pictures are flaking and I could not find any marks/recessed spot in existing gun inspecting same spot. Is it been sanded at some point? where are sanding mark?
- the serial at magazine plate area is matching with rest of numbers and there are no sign of punching it later. How you explain it. How can one find a matching magazine ?
- tottenkopf mark dose not look sharp and fresh as been stamped later. My local gunsmith looked it under magnifier and he said it is not a afterward metal work.
Grooves are worn as well like rest of that spot. If this gun is the gun in the picture there is a possibility it's been covered by rust and once cleaned and white inked- whoever did it- was detected?
-Are there pictures available of the said gun from other spots of receiver, around rear site, bolts, etc?
-where were these pictures taken? did you posted this gun and see it yourself? When were these pictures taken? I got the gun close to 2 years ago.
- tottenkopf mark dose not look sharp and fresh as been stamped later. My local gunsmith looked it under magnifier and he said it is not a afterward metal work.
Grooves are worn as well like rest of that spot. If this gun is the gun in the picture there is a possibility it's been covered by rust and once cleaned and white inked- whoever did it- was detected?

That river in Egypt........

Who is your "gunsmith".

Can't very well give him any credibility without knowing who this "expert" in K98 markings is without knowing.
- the rust in the pictures are flaking and I could not find any marks/recessed spot in existing gun inspecting same spot. Is it been sanded at some point? where are sanding mark?

In Loewe's pictures the barreled action sits in a freshly sanded blonde stock. I think what you perceive as rust spots are actually remnants of dried varnish. They are visible on several metal parts on that particular rifle.

- the serial at magazine plate area is matching with rest of numbers and there are no sign of punching it later. How you explain it. How can one find a matching magazine ?

I don't like the looks of trigger guard and floor plate. Rainbow colors from welding. The floor plate restamped to a point where it buckled. Not typical for German inspector or serialization stamps.
The trigger guard had the numbers restamped. When you take a look at Loewe's close up picture showing the front part of the trigger guard, you will notice a small dent in the outer circumference of the trigger guard where it touches the wood. The position would be at 6 o'clock right below the trigger guard screw in Loewe's picture. Surprise, your trigger guard has the same dent at the same spot. Also, the weird scratches left of the WaA, same on both trigger guards. The numbers on trigger guard and floor plates are as fake as grandma's teeth.

- tottenkopf mark dose not look sharp and fresh as been stamped later. My local gunsmith looked it under magnifier and he said it is not a afterward metal work.

Just brush the stupid white stuff off, take a picture like the one Loewe posted and let's see how it look without the white.

The numbering on the upper barrel band is also suspicious. Please provide a close up.
I see no purpose in trying to convince the seller his rifle is the same rifle, it is so obvious it doesn't deserve discussion. As to the pictures, they are Gun Broker pictures, as you can tell by the water mark with the sellers handle. They are from (saved) March 2, 2012. I have no other information.

As for the collection of data from all sources it is not about humper busting, I do it for trends work, and I rarely save all the pictures if the parts are mismatched. I just happened to save the TG in this case, but I am sure there were more pictures, but the parts probably didn't match or weren't helpful for my research (if they matched I would have saved them, regardless of condition).

I am glad that my database has been helpful to humper busting, but that is not the purpose of my research. Outing humpers (forgers) might be rewarding, but it is a futile endeavor, it is fighting human nature, especially with the decline of morality and ethics in our society.
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One of the comments were referring that my other guns are fake! This is a very immature conclusion. How can you fake a Finn M39 Mosin Nagant? or a Browning?
I assume it take much more money and time to fake something that is sold for $400. Where is your common sense?

There was quite a ruckus on Gunboards not long ago about a shady dealer humping $300 Mosins. Why would someone hump a low margin rifle? Good question, easy answer: It's for vetting the quality of their fakery, much like credit card forgers testing the waters with unsuspicious $1 purchases before pulling the big stunt.

Unfortunately, you have been identified as someone peddling a humped K98. Your item description doesn't state the rifle has been humped. Either you are lacking the knowledge to distinguish a humped rifle from an unmolested one or you are the humper himself. For those reasons every rifle you're offering is automatically suspicious and considered humped until exonerated by experts in the field.
Its hard to argue about that deaths head. Are you saying its original to the piece Sruger? Because the pictures don't lie that mark was not on the piece when it sold back in 2012 and now it is. My question to you when you bought this rifle two years ago who did you buy it from? Maybe the seller who sold it too you faked it if your saying you didn't do it. Maybe that seller is still out there faking rifles and maybe we can put a stop too it. Too me the best thing for you to do is end that auction to prevent somebody from being scammed by the piece and post on gunbroker why you ended it. I believe that would be the right thing to do.
To all super moderators, senior members and other think tanks. With all due respect I appreciate all the comments and always try to learn things that I don't know.
First I have not tampered with this gun nor any other guns. One of the comments were referring that my other guns are fake! This is a very immature conclusion. How can you fake a Finn M39 Mosin Nagant? or a Browning?
I assume it take much more money and time to fake something that is sold for $400. Where is your common sense? Maybe some people who are hungry for money will do it. But I am not in the need for money. Only reason for selling some of my guns is that I have more than space allocated and wife complaining. Money is not the issue.

Another comments was about me registering in this forum recently. Well that's true, but how I could respond if I did not register. I'm not afraid to face truth and will take every opportunity to learn.

I'm looking at the pictures posted by Lowe. I am comparing pictures with the gun I have and these are my observations, and I'm not trying to in utter denial but to learn:

- the rust in the pictures are flaking and I could not find any marks/recessed spot in existing gun inspecting same spot. Is it been sanded at some point? where are sanding mark?
- the serial at magazine plate area is matching with rest of numbers and there are no sign of punching it later. How you explain it. How can one find a matching magazine ?
- tottenkopf mark dose not look sharp and fresh as been stamped later. My local gunsmith looked it under magnifier and he said it is not a afterward metal work.
Grooves are worn as well like rest of that spot. If this gun is the gun in the picture there is a possibility it's been covered by rust and once cleaned and white inked- whoever did it- was detected?
-Are there pictures available of the said gun from other spots of receiver, around rear site, bolts, etc?
-where were these pictures taken? did you posted this gun and see it yourself? When were these pictures taken? I got the gun close to 2 years ago.

Ok, assuming you looked at the pictures Loewe had saved, and also the pictures that I enhanced to try to bring out the marking if it really was there in the 2012 pictures, how do you account for the existence of either rifle? I mean if they are not the same rifles then which one is real and which fake, or do you have a different explanation?

I looked at both very closely, and I agree in the older pics there appears to be old varnish on the metal, but no way is it hiding that marking in the 2012.

I sincerely hope you're not the faker. And I agree with Loewe, unfortunately there are people out there who will do the dishonest thing to make a buck. His research is of primary importance in understanding these rifles fully and in proper context, it is a secondary benefit to have evidence to spot fakes.

Having said that, he is seldom mistaken when it comes to rifles he has seen before. Had the initial auction been for an "SS" rifle, his notes would have included that and he would have pictures of it.

That's pretty convincing evidence that this rifle has been humped. To paraphrase Dickens: "how can you doubt the evidence of your own senses?"
I think this is one of those "cold busted" situations where the seller actually attempts to argue semantics, tries to maneuver this into a "you can't prove it fake so it must be real" scenario, and sprinkles in some ad hominem for distraction. It's the double secret junior pseudo lawyer routine he thinks he has down because he watched 20 episodes of Matlock. In this situation, it would have been best had he just ignored all of this, let the auction end, and then try to monger this turd on a dimly lit back aisle of a fun show.
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I had some long rant typed up, but had to delete it. This shite is just absurd. It has to be someone joking with us. I can't believe it.
I think this is one of those "cold busted" situations where the seller actually attempts to argue semantics, tries to maneuver this into a "you can't prove it fake so it must be real" scenario, and sprinkles in some ad hominem for distraction. It's the double secret junior pseudo lawyer routine he thinks he has down because he watched 20 episodes of Matlock. In this situation, it would have been best had he just ignored all of this, let the auction end, and then try to monger this turd on a dimly lit back aisle of a fun show.

Exactly. In over his head here. Irretrievably busted.

I think this is one of those "cold busted" situations where the seller actually attempts to argue semantics, tries to maneuver this into a "you can't prove it fake so it must be real" scenario, and sprinkles in some ad hominem for distraction. It's the double secret junior pseudo lawyer routine he thinks he has down because he watched 20 episodes of Matlock. In this situation, it would have been best had he just ignored all of this, let the auction end, and then try to monger this turd on a dimly lit back aisle of a fun show.

Haha 20 episodes of Matlock?!? Anyone who would willingly endure THAT ought to have his sanity checked! That alone right there is evidence of some kind of derangement!!

Anyway since apparently my questions to the owner aren't going to get answered I'll just leave this here for his next, ...ahhh.... remarkable find. Yeah.


I think this also comes in "Phosphate" and "Russian Blue" but this one matches your color more precisely.
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I gotta wonder why the seller still has it up and it's for sale AS IS. Doesn't say much for the seller, if he ain't the humper why is it AS IS?
Yeah playing victim will not help you here or the auction. but I giveu the balls for coming out after you got called out.

What did Biden say....
I have removed any reference to SS sign from the description and headline. I think it's a fair way for me to try to sell my gun not advertising those questionable marks