SS turd k98k rifle


ax - hole
Been seeing this piece on gunbroker for almost two months now and it still hasn't sold I wonder why? Just surprised how bad the deaths head is done on this piece its horrific on the barrel personally I thought it looked like Frankenberry from the Halloween breakfast cereal. I do wonder how much of this junk is out there though. I wouldn't mind owning a true SS rifle in my collection in the future but always thought it was very risky with so many fakes like this out there.
March 2012

What do you think?


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Even before Loewe posted those pictures, you could see that the new stock is not correct..and the band spring is stamped.
Probably not, but why bother... altered rifles are common on the auction sites, many have replaced parts making them more correct, - or outright forgeries like this one. I learned when i was in my 40's that there is no saving stupid people from themselves, - worse it never pays, as they almost never appreciate it, and many actually get angry at you when when you try to help.

I think the best way to "help" is help those that ask and to participate on the forums with like minded.

Wow... See it's not weather he was right or wrong when he committed outright forgery, it's how he felt about it... Thanks Paul.. Any way to get that pulled?
Probably not, but why bother... altered rifles are common on the auction sites, many have replaced parts making them more correct, - or outright forgeries like this one. I learned when i was in my 40's that there is no saving stupid people from themselves, - worse it never pays, as they almost never appreciate it, and many actually get angry at you when when you try to help.

I think the best way to "help" is help those that ask and to participate on the forums with like minded.

Thanks Loewe. This is my exact line of thinking and why I am here. To learn and not get burned. It sure makes the hobby more enjoyable. :thumbsup:
Is the date restamped? That 41 looks like a mess. I think the action has been sprayed painted black too. Wow.
About K98 with Totenkopf

I'm the owner of the gun that you guys have under scrutiny here. I am sure I have not done any tampering with this gun. I can also tell you I have shown that to my local gunsmith to inspect it
closely and he did not detect any mark of punch or tampering. All markings and metal are evenly worn , consistent with the age. Not any single spot of discrepancy. White paint is applied so the markings are seen better.
It's not right and mature to issue a final verdict without knowing something for 100% which can be only done when you see it in close.
I'm the owner of the gun that you guys have under scrutiny here. I am sure I have not done any tampering with this gun. I can also tell you I have shown that to my local gunsmith to inspect it
closely and he did not detect any mark of punch or tampering. All markings and metal are evenly worn , consistent with the age. Not any single spot of discrepancy. White paint is applied so the markings are seen better.
It's not right and mature to issue a final verdict without knowing something for 100% which can be only done when you see it in close.

I'd take a hard look at the photos that Lowe posted.

When did you purchase the rifle?
I'm the owner of the gun that you guys have under scrutiny here. I am sure I have not done any tampering with this gun. I can also tell you I have shown that to my local gunsmith to inspect it
closely and he did not detect any mark of punch or tampering. All markings and metal are evenly worn , consistent with the age. Not any single spot of discrepancy. White paint is applied so the markings are seen better.
It's not right and mature to issue a final verdict without knowing something for 100% which can be only done when you see it in close.

Sorry buddy but it appears you have been burned. Lowe posted pictures of your rifle and it contains no SS markings or death heads. The men here are the most knowledgeable in the country. They're opinions are completely unbiased and very much expert. I would listen to what they have to saw. And don't feel bad if you got burned, it has happened to every collector who has collected for more than two minutes.

Now if you are responsible for creating this rifle than absolute shame on you. I hope this is not the case.
I'm the owner of the gun that you guys have under scrutiny here. I am sure I have not done any tampering with this gun. I can also tell you I have shown that to my local gunsmith to inspect it
closely and he did not detect any mark of punch or tampering. All markings and metal are evenly worn , consistent with the age. Not any single spot of discrepancy. White paint is applied so the markings are seen better.
It's not right and mature to issue a final verdict without knowing something for 100% which can be only done when you see it in close.

This is like telling your ASE certified, 40 years in auto mechanics, mechanic, that the knock you hear can't be from a thrown rod because your friend Bubba works in a tire shop says it isn't......

Pretty brazen to actually argue with pictures, I assume you are saying these two rifles are not the same?

A casual examination and comparison of these 2012 pictures with your auction pictures show the trigger guard is the same but serial altered to match (both TG and FP scrubbed and re-serialed to match,- very obvious in your pictures), the damage next to the date is the same as your rifle, the serial matches and looks the same and the DH is ridiculous compared to any original you care to refer to. Further the auction pictures, while no better than yours, shows no sign of a DH, - and even a simpleton would have identified such a marking as valuable. I suspect the stock is not the same stock, the damage around the TG is not there in the 2012 pictures, but these are the only pictures I saved. Either way the DH at the wrist is comical...

Anyway, these are my observations; you are free to argue your case here if you choose, - we tolerate almost anyone. Free speech and all... as long as you follow the simple rules, no profanity, threats or excessively rude behavior.

I'm the owner of the gun that you guys have under scrutiny here. I am sure I have not done any tampering with this gun. I can also tell you I have shown that to my local gunsmith to inspect it
closely and he did not detect any mark of punch or tampering. All markings and metal are evenly worn , consistent with the age. Not any single spot of discrepancy. White paint is applied so the markings are seen better.
It's not right and mature to issue a final verdict without knowing something for 100% which can be only done when you see it in close.
Been seeing this piece on gunbroker for almost two months now and it still hasn't sold I wonder why? Just surprised how bad the deaths head is done on this piece its horrific on the barrel personally I thought it looked like Frankenberry from the Halloween breakfast cereal. I do wonder how much of this junk is out there though. I wouldn't mind owning a true SS rifle in my collection in the future but always thought it was very risky with so many fakes like this out there.
I thought the DH looked like Toxie, Toxic Crusader from the 90's cartoon. All jokes aside, I appreciate what members here do. There are many things that newbies like me miss while scrolling through pictures, but are pointed out by members. Were it not for them many people would've been duped into buying bad rifles or fakes.
I'm the owner of the gun that you guys have under scrutiny here. I am sure I have not done any tampering with this gun. I can also tell you I have shown that to my local gunsmith to inspect it
closely and he did not detect any mark of punch or tampering. All markings and metal are evenly worn , consistent with the age. Not any single spot of discrepancy. White paint is applied so the markings are seen better.
It's not right and mature to issue a final verdict without knowing something for 100% which can be only done when you see it in close.

I can't tell if this is a joke. There are pictures of the same gun when it didn't have the SS marks or matching numbers. This can't be serious. This has to be someone pulling our leg.
Being handy with this kind of thing I took the liberty of saving some of the pictures above and doing some enhancements to them to see what is or is not there in both sets of pics and to be sure they are both the same rifle.


Included for comparison are two images which forum members suggested COULD be the basis for the marking in question. Understand that if true for either one, it would push back the known dates for either one and would require much rewriting of official time lines.

It WOULD however support the theory that Hitler Youth members were in fact recruited partially on the promise of receiving specially marked FrankenBerry weapons in their McHimmler's "totenkopf" kids meals.



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Ok all kidding aside, it's the same gun. I mean with the enhancements applied to the older pictures you can clearly see the barrel lot code markings and the death head is not there. We can't compare stocks because no picture of the death head from the old auction is shown......
Which brings me to this question: wouldn't those markings have been prominently featured in the OLD auction? I mean would not the seller have shown them, both on the stock and the barrel, if present?

It sure looks like the same rifle to me, comparing the markings other than the frankenberry.
Oh one more thing:

Will you people PLEASE STOP RUINING GUNS?!?! PLEASE?!? This is like three decent rifles in the last MONTH that have been shown here that have been humped.

I'm the owner of the gun that you guys have under scrutiny here. I am sure I have not done any tampering with this gun. I can also tell you I have shown that to my local gunsmith to inspect it
closely and he did not detect any mark of punch or tampering. All markings and metal are evenly worn , consistent with the age. Not any single spot of discrepancy. White paint is applied so the markings are seen better.
It's not right and mature to issue a final verdict without knowing something for 100% which can be only done when you see it in close.

Words cannot describe my feelings. The picture does.

One thing I find strange is the owner of this rifle becomes a member here one day after I posted this rifle here. And his first post is defending his rifle. Is it because I may cost him a gun sale? In the end I don't care if I cost the sale of turd rifles. If my information I post helps prevent someone from being taken by them then so be it. Thats one good thing I have to say about the internet too. You can't hid a faked up rifle whens it been sold before and there's pictures to show the difference between the pieces.
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