Scope Cans- Fake, Real and Compare LSR, Turret, and SC Cans

Interestingly, the Sauer LSR cans do not have the letter suffix on the non strap side of the lid. This is Sauer can 3005X with matched Spring Steel Banded Sauer DOW LSR Scope. I would guess the Sauer High Turret Cans would have same font and numbered on strap side with or without letter block??????

I have a likewise can without scope and formed a likewise theory. Thank you for confirmation.
I think Peter's Can he posted here in this thread is a Sauer High Turret Can. Here it is again.

Sauer High Turret Can.jpeg
Dave. Is that the only Sauer Can you have seen with a letter block?

Edit: Limited this to one question.
No , I have seen other and as I mentioned I have a few other Pics of 1 or 2 others I have had in past , I just need to locate them .
No , I have seen other and as I mentioned I have a few other Pics of 1 or 2 others I have had in past , I just need to locate them .
OK. I guess the Germans had many variations then. There are a ton of Sauer LSR Scopes around. Not many Sauer Rifles or Sauer Numbered Scope Cans survived though.

I would still say the Sauer Number/Letter Fonts are similar to the those seen on my 3005 matched can and not similar to fonts on Single Claw Cans.

Edit: The LSR Cans are pretty consistently numbered on the non strap/WaA/JVB side of the can though.
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Hi Hercules
here are some cans without numbers and of different dimensions


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    can 003 [hugo].JPG
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Hi Hercules
here are some cans without numbers and of different dimensions
Hello Sauer. This photo is vague. I can’t see much here that helps. You show a tan can with belt loop and a green can with just a place for a strap. I have my doubts. Never say never, but this photo does not show the details and there are lots of fakes out there. Why did you post this?

Edit: I just can't see much in this one photo. I have already posted all the cans I have or know about, so if you have more to add please make your addition here. Thanks.
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Hi Hercules
here are some cans without numbers and of different dimensions
Those cans are questionable until you show more details. When you post stuff like this are you just implying these have to be real? If they are then post more pictures or your just wasting time or adding to misinformation with this.
Here are some pictures of my scope tin I picked up in Latvia a long time ago with shrapnel damage (found in a barn roof).


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