I happened to catch some of your posts at the Axis Pistols forum. You do understand that there are all manner of interests in the background which must promote and continue the various narratives which are unsound, particularly on the Krieghoff / HK / Ku areas which have been heavily sprinkled with high dollar fakes. It is obvious. I believe I would be censored and banned from there in a moment for wading in and adopting a position. You guys who know me know what my "win - loss" record is on my positions. The truth always causes the most hysterical negative reactions, i.e., the flak is always heaviest over the target. Fortunately for me, I am not beholden to any dealers (I'm not a trinket whore) nor am I invested in any theories or narratives to support what I've bought, sold, or collected.
You are running up against institutionalized narratives, with all manner of sellers, people in the chain of title, and money behind narratives which you oppose. The only person who saved me at Gunboreds was Tuco (RIP) with whom I often spoke and had a friendship. Tuco (Brent) was a friend of the hobby. Sadly, others are only friends of $ and the appearance of "authority". Keep up defending the truth and sound knowledge, but understand the latent resistance to it and why it is so, which will never be spoken openly, like the Champagne Rune SS matter and German helmet collecting. It took a man of wealth and integrity who valued truth and integrity over trinket whoring to essentially buy his own site to get that information out. Then, all the waftarded and helmet guys came out and exclaimed "we all knew that!" when the narrative got out of their control. If you push too much on a sacred cow false narrative you'll be attacked, then when you respond you'll be sanctioned, censored, then banned if you do not take a knee. We don't do that here. Ever see any of those guys come here on a level playing field to debate anything? When you see people censor, this is why:

You are running up against institutionalized narratives, with all manner of sellers, people in the chain of title, and money behind narratives which you oppose. The only person who saved me at Gunboreds was Tuco (RIP) with whom I often spoke and had a friendship. Tuco (Brent) was a friend of the hobby. Sadly, others are only friends of $ and the appearance of "authority". Keep up defending the truth and sound knowledge, but understand the latent resistance to it and why it is so, which will never be spoken openly, like the Champagne Rune SS matter and German helmet collecting. It took a man of wealth and integrity who valued truth and integrity over trinket whoring to essentially buy his own site to get that information out. Then, all the waftarded and helmet guys came out and exclaimed "we all knew that!" when the narrative got out of their control. If you push too much on a sacred cow false narrative you'll be attacked, then when you respond you'll be sanctioned, censored, then banned if you do not take a knee. We don't do that here. Ever see any of those guys come here on a level playing field to debate anything? When you see people censor, this is why: