Senior Member
Cant wait to get mine!!
They arrived! An awesome addition to my growing firearm book collection, especially since they are signed by Darrin!
Thank you Matt and Ryan for stepping up and pointing out the issues with the SVT section. Very disappointing to see such fakes, as these, being used in a
top dollar collector book like this. I agree with what they have stated on that section, no need to repeat. Sad thing is, new collectors will read and see that and
think the information is correct.
Unfortunately, that hurts the credibility of the rest of the book too I feel.
As Ryan has said..."Not trying to rain on anybody's parade or anything.."...But, I have read mainly the G43 section of the book so far.
I have to admit that I was fairly disappointed overall in what I have seen so far. There is some new historical information, which is great to see! However, the quality of the pictures, on many (not all) is pretty poor..lacking in detail, where detail is needed, in many cases. In addition, I feel there are a few known facts, among other things not addressed...were they not known or just not placed in there, maybe there is a good reason? I cannot answer that.
I am sure some questions will come up as more people read their books.
Perhaps you and the others should try to write a better book yourself ...
I do genuinely want to hear about mistakes, typos, disagreements, et al. So, please don't think I do not. After six books, I realize that that there is no perfect book, there will be disagreements and mistakes no matter how many people look at it or how hard you try and I have fairly thick skin about it. I just ask that you are civil and constructive. I already have a half-page of Errata and of course the community will find others that I missed. Look things over, send me an email if you'd like, and I'll put out as complete of an Errata page as possible both digital and hard copy in a couple of weeks.
What I won't do however is get into lengthy discussions and arguments on the forums for several reasons and I ask you to respect that.
Warm regards,