Picked this up recently, besides one screw it's all matching, the former owner gave me a decent run down on what the potential history was via a book, in which unstamped K98s were referenced. Curious if anyone has read, or has any other opinion on this history of this K98. So far, the suspicion is the some parts previously did not pass specs but in the late war the specs were lowered and the gun was assembled and sent out. I suspect that the receiver was restamped to join the rest of the series but that part just happened to start with '59'. Seems coincidental, otherwise maybe it's just a mistake that was fixed. Not too sure on that one.
What I can see are matching S/Ns on buttstock, and interior groove, waffenamt 352, byf, and S/N on butt stock, another waffenamt on the grip and eagle but the numbers are unreadable. On the receiver/barrel: 38si80, 3x waffenamt 280, 2x waffenamt 623 under rear sight, last two numbers of S/Ns ground down, and restamped. Around the rest fo the rifle there are a few other waffenamts in various places with 80, 655.
What I can see are matching S/Ns on buttstock, and interior groove, waffenamt 352, byf, and S/N on butt stock, another waffenamt on the grip and eagle but the numbers are unreadable. On the receiver/barrel: 38si80, 3x waffenamt 280, 2x waffenamt 623 under rear sight, last two numbers of S/Ns ground down, and restamped. Around the rest fo the rifle there are a few other waffenamts in various places with 80, 655.