Bargain basement # 185
This is an original M42 ckl64 shell with 95% original paint. The helmet has been adorned with a high quality reproduction SS insignia which was painted on with a precise stencil. The decal replicates an ET/Ckl pattern which is extremely close to the original. The liner is an original in nearly unworn condition. Although the original no-decal helmet has literally been ruined in order to creat this SS replica, it does make a top-notch display. SOLD
One of Ken's bargain basement helmets. The SS rune is clearly fake, but notice that the ad says it was painted on with a precise stencil. Hmmm...... I've heard of something like this before..... Oh, that's right! This is one of those Champagne SS helmets !!! So why doesn't Ken just say 'Champagne' ? Is he trying to distance himself from that very dark chapter in this hobby ?
The quote below is from his first book published in 2009. Again, he won't say 'Champagne'.
Also as with the case of Heer helmets, the correlation between helmet producer and SS decal supplier is weaker among NS and SE marked helmets." - Ken N. 'Germany's Combat Helmets 1933-1945 p.351.
BTW: this looks like one of those railcar capture helmets. See this clip on Critical Past:
No decal, slate gray, unissued.
View American pilots vintage historic HD stock video footage in Germany, 1945. Buy HD video and archival still photo images of clip number 65675078104.
NOTE: The above ad was modified slightly to remove the phrase,
which was painted on with a precise stencil
Bargain basement # 185
This is an original M42 ckl64 shell with 95% original paint. The helmet has been adorned with a high quality reproduction SS insignia which replicates an ET/Ckl pattern that is extremely close to the original. In fact; I don’t recall that I have ever seen a copy as good as this one. The liner is an original in nearly unworn condition and is by all indications, original to this helmet. SOLD
possibly an attempt to remove any possible reference to Sham-Pain SS. The helmet has been "adorned" with a high quality reproduction SS insignia, but no mention is made of materials of the insignia. It is not a DECAL so it is not called a DECAL. Now no mention of it being "painted on with a precise stencil" - CSS
Recall what the C-SS bigwigs of the past were telling us about the bug: It was a DECAL constructed almost exactly as a Pocher-SS DECAL. Under USB magnification it had clear period pulver and base construction. Its Champagne hue was due to the 3% copper revealed by XRFacts. As the C-SS house of cards began to fall down, it was finally revealed that C-SS was micro painted on using precise stencils.
Even after it had been sold, the above ad had been "sanitized" to remove all possible ties to C-SS, although the photos show that's exactly what it is.
What immediately comes to mind is the Sham-pain ruins SS saga, the one where a highly detailed (and completely false) narrative was built up (by numerous people) to support a spray painted fraud - a very dark chapter in this hobby. - M45