Questionable SS Helmets

Back in the day, the mid to late 80s, there was a guy who did the shows with a briefcase with original unapplied SS decals for sale. He had a pile of them. Hicks was around like any other table dealer then. Bill Maertz the helmet “restorer” has admitted applying many of these decals to mostly no decal helmets. I think Maertz claimed to have done “hundreds” of them and His method of application was as the originals, thus what he did was “restoration” not fakery.

Yes, I remember those good old days when you and Maertz would go at it on the now defunct MCF forum. The above helmet shows how lot number research can aid in rooting out these Maertz "restorations", in this case the slapping of original Pocher-SS decals on factory no-decal stock. We know to beware of bright decals on aged paint finishes, and realize the factory blue-gray color should only sport a Luftwaffe decal (if any), and now lot number research seems to confirm the above by showing only factory ND helmets with that lot number.

The supposed "field application" of the Pocher SS decal on factory ND M42s can be a very slippery slope, since it can be used to justify virtually any such combination.
Yes, I remember those good old days when you and Maertz would go at it on the now defunct MCF forum. The above helmet shows how lot number research can aid in rooting out these Maertz "restorations", in this case the slapping of original Pocher-SS decals on factory no-decal stock. We know to beware of bright decals on aged paint finishes, and realize the factory blue-gray color should only sport a Luftwaffe decal (if any), and now lot number research seems to confirm the above by showing only factory ND helmets with that lot number.

I ended up a moderator over there as a result of that, but then resigned when I saw what was what. I recommend GHW2 as the only German helmet site / forum on the internets. I do like those guys and if I had more time I’d be there more. This is my only internets presence.

Bargain basement # 185

This is an original M42 ckl64 shell with 95% original paint. The helmet has been adorned with a high quality reproduction SS insignia which was painted on with a precise stencil. The decal replicates an ET/Ckl pattern which is extremely close to the original. The liner is an original in nearly unworn condition. Although the original no-decal helmet has literally been ruined in order to creat this SS replica, it does make a top-notch display. SOLD

One of Ken's bargain basement helmets. The SS rune is clearly fake, but notice that the ad says it was painted on with a precise stencil. Hmmm...... I've heard of something like this before..... Oh, that's right! This is one of those Champagne SS helmets !!! So why doesn't Ken just say 'Champagne' ? Is he trying to distance himself from that very dark chapter in this hobby ?

The quote below is from his first book published in 2009. Again, he won't say 'Champagne'.

"Also as with the case of Heer helmets, the correlation between helmet producer and SS decal supplier is weaker among NS and SE marked helmets." - Ken N. 'Germany's Combat Helmets 1933-1945 p.351.

BTW: this looks like one of those railcar capture helmets. See this clip on Critical Past:

No decal, slate gray, unissued.

NOTE: The above ad was modified slightly to remove the phrase,

which was painted on with a precise stencil

Bargain basement # 185

This is an original M42 ckl64 shell with 95% original paint. The helmet has been adorned with a high quality reproduction SS insignia which replicates an ET/Ckl pattern that is extremely close to the original. In fact; I don’t recall that I have ever seen a copy as good as this one. The liner is an original in nearly unworn condition and is by all indications, original to this helmet. SOLD

possibly an attempt to remove any possible reference to Sham-Pain SS. The helmet has been "adorned" with a high quality reproduction SS insignia, but no mention is made of materials of the insignia. It is not a DECAL so it is not called a DECAL. Now no mention of it being "painted on with a precise stencil" - CSS

Recall what the C-SS bigwigs of the past were telling us about the bug: It was a DECAL constructed almost exactly as a Pocher-SS DECAL. Under USB magnification it had clear period pulver and base construction. Its Champagne hue was due to the 3% copper revealed by XRFacts. As the C-SS house of cards began to fall down, it was finally revealed that C-SS was micro painted on using precise stencils.

Even after it had been sold, the above ad had been "sanitized" to remove all possible ties to C-SS, although the photos show that's exactly what it is.

What immediately comes to mind is the Sham-pain ruins SS saga, the one where a highly detailed (and completely false) narrative was built up (by numerous people) to support a spray painted fraud - a very dark chapter in this hobby. - M45


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Waffen-SS M42 single helmet - ET64


€ 5.500,00


A German M42 helmet with a single decal. The type of helmet was issued to Heer, Luftwaffe, Kriegsmarine, Polilzei and Waffen-SS troops. This example was issued by the Waffen-SS.
Paint: Original factory paint. Nearly 100% still present. Not much signs of wear
Decals: The SS eagle decal is about 95%. Signs of age.
Lining: Flexible leather lining. Size 56
The prongs are straight
Chin strap: The leather is not too soft.
Markings: ET64. Lot number "2083" ?

This alleged M42 SS helmet recently sold at Ratisbon's for 5,500 Euros.

My eyes tell me I'm looking at a complete 100% fake helmet with nothing, not even the steel shell, authentic.

This is the new reality for helmet collecting in the 2020's and going forward; not just encountering fakes using original parts (shells, liners, etc) as in the past, but now encountering believable fakes that are ground-up replicas, even the steel shell. While we have seen obviously bad reproduction shells made in the east or wherever, we are now seeing shells that are much more true to the originals. As we can see with this example, they are greatly improving.


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What are the tells that the shell is fake? I’ve looked at the pics a few times and nothing obvious is sticking out to me.
I will give you my overall thoughts on this one.

-The shell is marked ET but it does not have ET fonts. The font appears to be a gothic font, abandoned by ET in mid 1937 for the block scripted ET font. ET marked M42 shells should be block scripted.
-The lot number is also an incorrect font. The numeric font does not match known Thale fonts. The #4 is closed at the top, not open as it should be. The spacing between numbers is also incorrect.
-Other than just a few 70cm SD SS M42s with ET mark, these are basically non-existent in the collecting world. It should always be a red flag when you see an ET marked M42 SS helmet. Originals should be ckl marked. I believe that nearly all ET marked M42 SS helmets went to the Russian Front and never returned.
-The Thale factory used a green-gray paint during the decal era, prior to August 28, 1943. The slate gray color did not appear at Thale until after this time, probably in early 1944, well after most decals were dropped. The above helmet looks to have a textured black color. The only time I have seen a textured black factory paint was on a very late helmet (re: 1945), almost never seen.
- The air vents look odd, not the typical Thale air vents.
-Of course the liner and chin strap are fake.
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From one of the book photos posted at the beginning of this thread. “Indirect veteran purchase.” Wtf is that even supposed to mean? Hahaha.
The phrase does have validity. Aside from the BS that dealers force-feed us with, I purchased my B/II prototype from an Ebay dealer who had acquired the helmet from a veteran. The vet probably went to a rest home and he or his family hired a dealer to put his stuff on Ebay. I did not purchase it vet-direct, but indirectly. This vet ownership was confirmed by the capture paper that came with the helmet. An unusual capture paper in that the name of the 9th Army HQ Colonel who signed it matches the name of the soldier who brought the helmet home. He had signed his own capture paper.
What are the tells that the shell is fake? I’ve looked at the pics a few times and nothing obvious is sticking out to me.
Based on what you have just told me, you (and much of the collecting world) are in grave danger. In danger of paying original prices for worthless fakes.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not criticizing you or anyone. I'm just saying if you want to collect German WWII helmets (or any militaria) in this day and age and have it be a happy experience (no fakes inadvertently purchased) you must essentially become an expert in each field you choose to collect in. To do this is time consuming (research, networking) and costs money (reference works).

I wrote the Lot# book to help collectors in their quests to find originality.

A lot of truth there. I do have some reference books and a small network of knowledgeable friends that I vet items with. I’ve been lucky/blessed so far with not getting burnt on a big ticket item, least not one I’m aware of ;-). But even some of the most learned collectors make mistakes, just look at the CSS debacle. It’s really sad how greed F’s everything.
Many of those learned collectors and 'experts' who were vetting C-SS back then were not actually fooled by C-SS. Some of them have since admitted on forums that they had never believed C-SS to be authentic.

That is the really scary part of this hobby. Those trusted 'friends and experts' who were directing us were actually leading us astray. We were deliberately deceived.

-And of course, there’s the “Champagne Rune” the most notorious, biggest, and most long lived and pervasive fraud and hoax in militaria collecting in my lifetime.-Hambone

-What immediately comes to mind is the Sham-pain ruins SS saga, the one where a highly detailed (and completely false) narrative was built up (by numerous people) to support a spray painted fraud - a very dark chapter in this hobby. - M45
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102331WWII German REPLICA SS Champaign Decal Helmet M42 Combat Helmet Size HKP66 $925

This is a very nice helmet, which looks better in real life than in the photos. Everything except the decal is original. The liner looks to be original to the shell and is excellent. It looks good and tells its own interesting story....o

Another Sham pain ruined SS helmet, this time on an uncommon hkp M42 in SLATE gray with high vents. Even to this day, some 8 years after it was 'officially' exposed as a fake, it amazes me the sheer number and caliber of people involved in promoting this fraud; the authors, dealers, experienced collectors, forums, moderators, admins etc...

The 100s of examples of these that still exist will hopefully prevent us from ever forgetting how dark the dark side of this hobby actually is.


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102331WWII German REPLICA SS Champaign Decal Helmet M42 Combat Helmet Size HKP66 $925

This is a very nice helmet, which looks better in real life than in the photos. Everything except the decal is original. The liner looks to be original to the shell and is excellent. It looks good and tells its own interesting story....o

Another Sham pain ruined SS helmet, this time on an uncommon hkp M42 in SLATE gray with high vents. Even to this day, some 8 years after it was 'officially' exposed as a fake, it amazes me the sheer number and caliber of people involved in promoting this fraud; the authors, dealers, experienced collectors, forums, moderators, admins etc...

The 100s of examples of these that still exist will hopefully prevent us from ever forgetting how dark the dark side of this hobby actually is.
“Looks to be” my a$$!
#1185 "Named" M40 ND SS Helmet
11-25-2019, 08:39 PM

This helmet originally belonged to SS Soldier Alfred Tonn.

Born April 10, 1916, he was "killed in action" in the Russian bombardment of the Festung Schneidemuhl between 5 and 10 February 1945 during the Battle for Poznan.

He is buried in the military cemetery in Poznan Miłostowo.........

A Ron R. helmet.
This is a factory no-decal helmet produced after the factory decal drops on 28 august 1943. This helmet (DN442) was probably produced around mid 1944. The entire basis of this being a supposedly original SS helmet is some white paint, which most anyone can apply.

A Battle for Poznan Eastern Front helmet ? Not very likely. I think very few German helmets in the East Zone ever made it to the west once the Soviet zone was established around July 1945.


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From SS-Steel updated p.257 and pp.158-159. Listed as Champagne SS, origins unknown. Notice the top of the right hand rune is off indicating custom template work. This helmet was clearly a factory blue-gray SD Luftwaffe helmet that had been modified. This was one of the 'key helmets' in the SE/hkp Champagne lineage that tied SE M35 champagnes to the M42 hkp champagnes.


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A very close approximation of an original that might fool most novice collectors. This was likely a restored relic (note rust pitting on rim near ET66. Also paint texture is not period factory production.


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Herman Historica Waffen-SS M42 helmet. CKL64 4887 marked.

This helmet looks fantastic. What could be wrong with it ? The paint appears to be SLATE gray, introduced by Thale sometime after the 28Aug43 factory decal drop.

M42 ckl66 3551 SD SS NO-TILT ZSH RTGG ET-SS STRAP-RB-Nr. 0/0365/0012

The 4887 lot number is some time after the last known factory ET-SS helmet at 3551.

May be an original ET-SS decal applied some time later. Scratches at upper right appear to go underneath decal.


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A helmet that would fool many if it's bad. But why could it be bad ? The Quist shell should have a Q-SS factory decal, or possibly a Pocher-SS decal if it is a reissue. The second to last photo is of a factory Q-SS decal (early version). The last photo is of a Pocher-SS decal (early version).

With something like this, always check the left side of the helmet for any evidence of a Heer decal.

Check the lot# range for the last known factory Q-SS helmet.


You had better break out the books if you are contemplating the purchase of a supposed 'original' SS helmet.

The lot# is difficult to read. A DN390 should be all rear marked, not side marked as shown here. It is also in the factory no-decal range.

R390, R10390, S1390 or T1390 are in the side marked range and seem possible.






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