PTR44 Semi-Auto MP44

It does not seem to be a marked for them, maybe 20% of the guys on the list actually pay for them. Same problem with some other stuff, guys ordering parts for other stuff and don't pay for it so i don't take special orders anymore except from some longtime customers. The shipping and material prices go up to, so i would need to go up in price and i don't see a marked then. There is more interest for the 38, so i will focus more on that. D
It's an interesting market for sure..

I hate to put it this way but the people paying $20,000+ for a PTR-44 are not the type to do research and NOT the type to take on a project. They want the gun now.. they need instant gratification/investment. I believe many of these people are simply buying a PTR-44 to park their money in something as a hedge against the inflation currently climbing in the US.
So your kits are not attractive to that "instant gratification" type of buyer.. Many of these people I fear don't want an STG-44 but rather want something "rare" "one of 200 imported".

The majority of other buyers who actually want an STG-44 do not have the income to toss around to buy a $4000+ kit and then spend another $2000 getting it finished.

As for "only 20% of people actually paid."
Been there before.. That's the problem with taking preorders on expensive items. You'll get a ton of dreamers who like the idea of your kits and agree to buy one because the bill isn't due for months but when it comes time to pay, reality hits and they'll welch on their word. Can't tell you how many times I used to offer preorders and got so many comments of "I'll take one!" "Sign me up!" and then those same people would vanish or give some excuse like "yeah wife said I can't.. sorry". Preorders or asking "would anyone be interested if I could get some of these?" is a really poor way to gauge true interest in my experience.

Hopefully you'll at least continue to have replacement parts available. I've not yet ordered with you but hope to some day.
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Well shucks, now isn't a good time to get into PTR44's now huh. Prices are up and the last of the kits are gone.

On topic though, what were people doing for getting the barrels for Dingo's kits?
So that's the question, do I buy a barrel without the kit in the hopes of getting the kit, or do I bide my time.

I know someone had posted a kit in the market here recently, and that dingo was a source, but anyone have advice on where I might find one now that they've dried up?
I have a quote for new made barrels from a top of the line manufacturer, minimum order is 10 and I am not sure it is worth me investing the money by myself.
Dingo, what do you say about importing an mkb42 kit?

Honestly I’ll front you the money now if that’s what it takes.
So that's the question, do I buy a barrel without the kit in the hopes of getting the kit, or do I bide my time.

I know someone had posted a kit in the market here recently, and that dingo was a source, but anyone have advice on where I might find one now that they've dried up?
My last kit is on Gunbroker, it ends in 1 hour