PTR44 Semi-Auto MP44

that is the going rate, if you got one cheaper hey you got lucky, they have not been selling for less than 6k for 2-3 years WW2 parts or not
if I had not just paid the IRS the equivalent to a down payment on a house, I would buy this rifle and ship it off to pete, in a heart beat ( that rhymes )

one can not have enough MP-44's

anybody who pays $ 500 and up for a original mag is out of their mind, a few who did must have unlimited disposable cash, and ran up that going rate, few here or in europe are paying those prices. I am offered magazines below $350 on and off

HMG= nothing I would ever buy, they do not even belong in this conversation
I guess most of us already had buyer's remorse when we witnessed the first catastrophic breakdown. But even at $5000 just for the rifle itself you're already past the point of no return. So you get the spare part, git 'er done and back to the range. After 200 rounds with a big smile on your face you've almost forgotten about the $400 replacement op-rod.

HMG missed out on a great opportunity to drum up extra business. Had they made a faithful receiver flat that not only fits their rifle but could also be used to resurrect cut-up MP44, they could probably have gotten $1K a pop from fools like me. Instead, they're wasting time cobbling together a bastard rifle they're marketing at $1700 while still hoping to make some profit.

Yep, I'm right there with ya. Hell I would have ordered a new press the same day as pre-ordering a flat.

Keep thinking I'll be seeing one of the HMG rifles collecting dust at a pawn shop some day...price tag $899.99...I'll give you $550 cash out the
that is the going rate, if you got one cheaper hey you got lucky, they have not been selling for less than 6k for 2-3 years WW2 parts or not
if I had not just paid the IRS the equivalent to a down payment on a house, I would buy this rifle and ship it off to pete, in a heart beat ( that rhymes )

one can not have enough MP-44's

anybody who pays $ 500 and up for a original mag is out of their mind, a few who did must have unlimited disposable cash, and ran up that going rate, few here or in europe are paying those prices. I am offered magazines below $350 on and off

HMG= nothing I would ever buy, they do not even belong in this conversation

Mentioned only as something that could be driving up demand.

I'd buy one purely for the novelty someday. Wouldn't even give them the cost of a crap AK though.

Agree that it doesn't deserve mention on a PTR-44 thread.
$7000 for a PTR44 without at least the replacement op rod and the lower receiver work wouldn't be exactly a cheap cost, but these rifles sell north of $6000 without all that extra work being done on them. The serial number is right in the known range of defective parts as a lot of PTR44 rifles that have issues with them are in the 800s and 900s SN range. You can see in the description discusses "ask questions" and bought "as is" and having firearms checked out by a gunsmith. Although that's not unusual to mention in a gun sale nowadays, whenever it's mentioned in a PTR44 sale you can bet the rifle will have issues of some kind.

Adding it all up ... a buyer would pay $7000 for the rifle, then another $1500 - $2000 in parts (likely more) ... then, if you're not a competent gunsmith like our own MP44 master (HOO HUH !!!), you will pony up another $1000 +/- roughly in work needed to make the rifle function 95% reliably + shipping. That's $10,000 boys and girls to buy a virgin PTR44 and get it running properly. Let's not even talk about the cost of adding original magazines ... argh. You got 10 large, you are in the PTR44 club with a functioning, and freaking fun to shoot, rifle. Easy peesy.

Personally, I wouldn't buy another one. TOO much of a headache to get it done and TOO much $$$. Wait for the bastardized re-welds or Franken44s that are being pieced together from PTR44 and/or MP44 parts kits. Those can be had for around the same money as a virgin PTR44 and I haven't heard any complaints - so far - about them not working. OR ... (BIG OR) ... wait for the NEWEST batch of 922r compliant BD44, MP44C, PTR44, MP44 ... whatever ... to come across the pond and be refitted here in the good old USA. Hopefully ... (clouds parting and angels singing) ... they will have zero issues and be cheaper than the above proposition.

shite, or do yourself even better and buy one of the SMG FG42 Type 1s. THOSE will work and can be fixed (if needed) and are much cheaper.

Hey Dog,

Thanks for the kind words! We are finally about to get back on track producing parts for the type I as the RP46 belt feed kit for the DP series is about to be finished. I know some are like "what the hell were you doing?" but it was simply - or what looked simple - a decision to roll a few things in and out that looked pretty straight forward to generate money to survive on until we could get the type I into a full production state on the tough parts of it.

Boy did I miss the mark. Projected the RP46 to be shipping end of Oct and here we are still about 3 weeks out.... Oh well. Seems every time I felt we were there, there is another part to make. Very straight forward to make work well but man there is a reason no one else has made them. They are much smarter than I when looking at the work involved I think. lol

The type I should be a really nice rifle as the prototype is a good shooter AND a smaller learning curve than the type II. But that's to a large degree due to what we learned building the type II. There still was a curve though as the first idea was just to use as many type II parts as possible to speed things. But what it was looking like was not completely a type I but a type II in drag sorta deal. So.... Make everything based on the type I sizes/scale and what we end up with is a rifle where only a couple of springs and pins and the mag are interchangeable with the type II. And then there is the sheet metal buttstock, or not, yet......

But the type II has proven to be a pretty solid rifle with the rental rifle at Battlefield Vegas now having over 10k rounds - as of about 6 months ago - through it without any parts replaced save a bipod leg. And I know 10k is not a lot of ammo but at least proves the shop mule wasn't a fluke. Hope the second rifle they bought holds up as well. Maybe we can sell them a type I. : )

The serial number is right in the known range of defective parts as a lot of PTR44 rifles that have issues with them are in the 800s and 900s SN range.

Mine was purchased through an estate auction and unfired for the most part as it didn't work with a darn all factory original. Mid 700 SN range and purrs like a kitten with the regular WW2 parts.

Can't say enough good things about Rick and the FG42! I'll get a type 1 before I'd mess with another PTR44...
The type I should be a really nice rifle as the prototype is a good shooter AND a smaller learning curve than the type II. But that's to a large degree due to what we learned building the type II. There still was a curve though as the first idea was just to use as many type II parts as possible to speed things. But what it was looking like was not completely a type I but a type II in drag sorta deal. So.... Make everything based on the type I sizes/scale and what we end up with is a rifle where only a couple of springs and pins and the mag are interchangeable with the type II. And then there is the sheet metal buttstock, or not, yet......

But the type II has proven to be a pretty solid rifle with the rental rifle at Battlefield Vegas now having over 10k rounds - as of about 6 months ago - through it without any parts replaced save a bipod leg. And I know 10k is not a lot of ammo but at least proves the shop mule wasn't a fluke. Hope the second rifle they bought holds up as well. Maybe we can sell them a type I. : )


Hiya Rick -

I'm reeeeeally wanting a Type 1 as well as that would add another weapon to my WW2 German firearms original/reproduction collection. Just need the dough. Unfortunately, getting divorced next month (argh ... f*ck) so now going back to counting pennies again like I did in the 1980s. Maybe I'll get tired of my boat and sell that ? ... naaaaah. Anyway, the cost of being on the list is no big deal to me. If the funds aren't here when they are ready, then oh well. Keep on trudging buddy. As always - best wishes from Alaska !!!

In the meantime, people, ... we have another PTR44 from Recon Ordnance for sale on GB in a NO RESERVE AUCTION !!! ... but the starting bid is $7900. How about it people, any bets whether the bidding will even start? I'm guessing no ...

Divorcing? Even married in the first place??? I thought you were far too intelligent for that Doug! Shame on you.
Unfortunately, getting divorced next month (argh ... f*ck)

argh ... your f*ck days are over, buddy. Now it's down to counting pennies and half is his and half is hers. That will keep you busy for a long time. That, and THE UNKNOWN lurking around the corner... Ask me how I know. Wait, don't ask.
Wasn't that a cat from Germany you married? Well, hang in there, it's gonna be alright. We're here to help you. No need to sell your rifles (does she know anyways how many you have?).
Hiya Rick -

I'm reeeeeally wanting a Type 1 as well as that would add another weapon to my WW2 German firearms original/reproduction collection. Just need the dough. Unfortunately, getting divorced next month (argh ... f*ck) so now going back to counting pennies again like I did in the 1980s. Maybe I'll get tired of my boat and sell that ? ... naaaaah. Anyway, the cost of being on the list is no big deal to me. If the funds aren't here when they are ready, then oh well. Keep on trudging buddy. As always - best wishes from Alaska !!!

In the meantime, people, ... we have another PTR44 from Recon Ordnance for sale on GB in a NO RESERVE AUCTION !!! ... but the starting bid is $7900. How about it people, any bets whether the bidding will even start? I'm guessing no ...


about three years back Jerry had three (3) of these rifles. each was selling for 5K. They all needed work, I think he said they were returns. initially, I called him to ask if he had any spare receiver flats laying around,then he tried to hawk these to me.
He told me there was a smith who repaired these, then said a few unfriendly remarks, who he was referring to I do not know. so know he feels they are worth just under 8 k nice mark up, but heck I believe in capitalism
Hiya Rick -

I'm reeeeeally wanting a Type 1 as well as that would add another weapon to my WW2 German firearms original/reproduction collection. Just need the dough. Unfortunately, getting divorced next month (argh ... f*ck) so now going back to counting pennies again like I did in the 1980s. Maybe I'll get tired of my boat and sell that ? ... naaaaah. Anyway, the cost of being on the list is no big deal to me. If the funds aren't here when they are ready, then oh well. Keep on trudging buddy. As always - best wishes from Alaska !!!

In the meantime, people, ... we have another PTR44 from Recon Ordnance for sale on GB in a NO RESERVE AUCTION !!! ... but the starting bid is $7900. How about it people, any bets whether the bidding will even start? I'm guessing no ...


It's been relisted numerous times, I'm guessing nobody will bite - despite the wording he uses "gun works well, was put away by owner and stored." I'm sure it was, out of fear of failures.

Although, someone did recently drop 10K on one from recon that looked like it was built from a receiver flat, with WWII bolt and carrier. Link is expired or I'd post it.

Extra repro mag ($100) plus repro pouch set ($50)...yeah I'd say the $7,900 has a fairly healthy markup.
It's been relisted numerous times, I'm guessing nobody will bite - despite the wording he uses "[I]gun works well[/I], was put away by owner and stored." I'm sure it was, out of fear of failures.

Although, someone did recently drop 10K on one from recon that looked like it was built from a receiver flat, with WWII bolt and carrier. Link is expired or I'd post it.

Extra repro mag ($100) plus repro pouch set ($50)...yeah I'd say the $7,900 has a fairly healthy markup.

It works well alright, all 10 rounds did just fine. lol That rifle does look nice but it will need all of the upgrades to function correctly. That makes it an 11K Gun.
Someone may get it just as a wall hanger.

I have had mine about 8 years now. It works fine for a few years and then some small part breaks or other problem occurs. It is usually easily fixed.

I thought that I was going to need to send it to Pete, but I was able to fix it by replacing parts.

One thing that I noticed is that the supports in the trigger housing that hold the trigger, hammer pins in place have become loose. Also, the pins have been peened back in place so many times that they will need to be replaced. Not sure where I can get those, maybe Pete can make them?
Is the "buy it now" way out to lunch on this one?

I recently got one for well south of this number, and it had the failed bolt parts replaced with WWII components. A little beat up by its former owners, but adds to the charm IMO so it was worth it to me. The fact that WWII parts are listed for ridiculous prices now leads me to believe this one in the GB link is overpriced, despite being pretty on the outside.

Also listed on Armslist. There you can make an offer, $7000 OBO. FWIW.
Divorcing? Even married in the first place??? I thought you were far too intelligent for that Doug! Shame on you.

LOL Wilhelm - You actually think I have intelligence concerning woemen? You give me undeserving credit buddy. Unfortunately for me, intelligence takes a back seat when they look like this ...


-sigh- :googlie:

Oh well. If I work the math out from the dissolution settlement, it comes out to about $200 for each bed time romp ... still cheaper than Vegas. :thumbsup: Too Funny Gunkraut ... She's German and her name is Cathie and we call her "Cat" ... LOL And NO - she doesn't have a clue what firearms I actually have or what they're worth. ... Shhhhhhhhhh ... :biggrin1:
LOL Wilhelm - You actually think I have intelligence concerning woemen? You give me undeserving credit buddy. Unfortunately for me, intelligence takes a back seat when they look like this ...

View attachment 168957

-sigh- :googlie:

Oh well. If I work the math out from the dissolution settlement, it comes out to about $200 for each bed time romp ... still cheaper than Vegas. :thumbsup: Too Funny Gunkraut ... She's German and her name is Cathie and we call her "Cat" ... LOL And NO - she doesn't have a clue what firearms I actually have or what they're worth. ... Shhhhhhhhhh ... :biggrin1:

Welcome to the divorce club Doug, been their done that back in the early 90's. I survived and so will you.
After the Bitch was gone my collection grew by leaps and bounds. :biggrin1:
Welcome to the divorce club Doug, been their done that back in the early 90's. I survived and so will you.
After the Bitch was gone my collection grew by leaps and bounds. :biggrin1:

I couldn't agree more! Mine was done in 2001 and I rewarded myself with a huge safe after my C&R arrived.. Your firearms with hold up much longer than those boobies Doug!
Is the "buy it now" way out to lunch on this one?

I recently got one for well south of this number, and it had the failed bolt parts replaced with WWII components. A little beat up by its former owners, but adds to the charm IMO so it was worth it to me. The fact that WWII parts are listed for ridiculous prices now leads me to believe this one in the GB link is overpriced, despite being pretty on the outside.

ok back to this particular PTR

it did not sell it did not make reserve the highest bid was $ 3,850 which is low the buy now off is $ over 6k

divorce is the last thing on my mind, my nightmare is equally disturbing its called the IRS, I could have bought a new F-150 in cash for what I just paid the lois lerner charity