Senior Member
Can you elaborate on what was wrong with the replacement recon ord bolt?
I believe it is OEM. The seller has fired it some and said it was OK to shoot other than one magazine constantly jammed(we can guess who made that magazine).
Came with a repro mount and zf4 scope along with several hundred rounds of ammo and some spare parts. I couldn't say no.
I certainly was not going to wait around for the HMG gun anymore.
I sure don't want one.
Thats why my new PTR44 is arriving tomorrow.Can't wait.
Did you ever get a reply about a PTR manual? My question fell on deaf ears though I keep forgetting to ask Dingo directly..
It came with a manual. I'll take some pictures and put them in my PTR44 thread for you sir.
No replies yet whether or not a booklet or manual came with a new SSD BD-44 or PTR44.
Can you elaborate on what was wrong with the replacement recon ord bolt?
It's out of spec, Shortfall was unable to properly fit it in my Gun. That Fu**ing thing cost me $500.00!! The only good thing about was I was able to sell it off for $300.00 so I'm only out $200.00. Still to this day it bothers Me that I was told this was combatable with my PTR44. I did have it (somewhat) running in the Gun however it was completely unreliable.
I remember that bolt. It was told to me that the Recon bolts were made with the locking surface purposely longer supposedly to help with headspace issues a particular rifle might have. Problem is that if the bolt will not drop down to lock after contacting the barrel face the locking surface must be machined (at the proper angle) until it does. That bolt had suffered an attempt ( by a prior repairer) to reduce that surface but so poorly done that the surface was rounded off and that angle was lost, plus it still would not go into battery unless slammed hard. Add to that the extractor pin holes were not in line such that the pin had to be driven in with a punch and hammer blows. The extractor with the bolt was poorly machined and not an exact duplicate of an original WW2 part.
Maybe Model got a oddball bad one but it was what it was. If I remember right a original bolt went right in and worked fine.
As in Miller MIG welder...
Steyr MP44 receiver converted to semi auto with ample denial blocks. F/A hook on WW2 op rod eliminated, carbide steel plate welded into receiver to interfere with auto sear hook on original F/A op rods. PTR44 semi auto trigger pack with Recon 922(r) parts. Recon stock, grips, mag follower and mag floor plate. Shortfal trunnion, modified Yugo M76 922(r) barrel. California compliant fixed 10 rd magazine (pain in the a$$ to load).
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Is the "buy it now" way out to lunch on this one?
I recently got one for well south of this number, and it had the failed bolt parts replaced with WWII components. A little beat up by its former owners, but adds to the charm IMO so it was worth it to me. The fact that WWII parts are listed for ridiculous prices now leads me to believe this one in the GB link is overpriced, despite being pretty on the outside.
I think it is priced about what they are going for these days. Was $5000 new. This one has an original mag instead of a hit and miss repro part.
Good point. WWII mags are going for $500 a pop on gunporker these days. Demand is way up with the younger generation due to WWII video games and the abortion that HMG is trying to peddle.
If anyone ever succeeds at importing more from SSD, going to have a lot of buyer's remorse among the folks who dropped 7K on a rifle that required another 3K of parts and work to run reliably.