PTR44 Semi-Auto MP44

That's good because it would self destruct! I know I sound like a broken record.....

But I'm weird I guess because I expect things to work.

Everyone who purchased one back then (2010) expected them to work, as I recall back then you also wanted one and offered Jerry (from recon) a exchange deal for your G43.

I think you purchased a NDM 86 Chinese Sniper and were short on cash at the time these were being sold..... Does this sound familiar my Man.

Has it been six years since we got them? Wow! It took me a year to get mine right. But since I got it running, I have put thousands of rounds through it. it runs great! I do not regret my decision at all.

Everyone who purchased one back then (2010) expected them to work, as I recall back then you also wanted one and offered Jerry (from recon) a exchange deal for your G43.

I think you purchased a NDM 86 Chinese Sniper and were short on cash at the time these were being sold..... Does this sound familiar my Man.

Actually, I used the money I had saved up for the PTR44 to buy the NDM instead. The research I had done on these at German sites had made me aware of the hardness issues and they started to crop up here immediately. I figured the money would be better spent on the NDM and I still feel that way. I offered the trade to bungus prior to because I wanted to get rid of the G43 w/ scope and I figured I'd conserve cash in the process. That's when assfont called me a "bottomfeeder" and said he'd be doing me a favor to even give me $1500 for the whole setup (which I subsequently sold for 5K). I still want one but I just will not pay a premium for an item that I then have to pay another premium just to make it reliable. I continue to hope that someone will build a proper one at some point.
I've got much less than that in my semi auto, even with the work done and US made parts. Was built with one of Pete's rear repair sections, his US made trunnion, a PTR lower and US internals and a US Made barrel. Everything else was original. Thing runs like a sewing machine. I won't sell it unless I need a kidney or something.
Actually, I used the money I had saved up for the PTR44 to buy the NDM instead. The research I had done on these at German sites had made me aware of the hardness issues and they started to crop up here immediately. I figured the money would be better spent on the NDM and I still feel that way. I offered the trade to bungus prior to because I wanted to get rid of the G43 w/ scope and I figured I'd conserve cash in the process. That's when assfont called me a "bottomfeeder" and said he'd be doing me a favor to even give me $1500 for the whole setup (which I subsequently sold for 5K). I still want one but I just will not pay a premium for an item that I then have to pay another premium just to make it reliable. I continue to hope that someone will build a proper one at some point.

I don't recall any hardness issues being discussed by you or anyone else back then in the Spring of 2010 (on the old G/K 43 forum) Seeing that forum is gone now I guess we will never know. Of course the Hardening Issue did come up in 2011 after Me and others started to experience issues with our Guns after approximately 500 round's use.

If anyone understood the PTR44 had that kind of defect no one would have purchased one in the first place. Who in there right mind wants to spend $4500.00 on a defective Firearm, certainly not me. Anyhow it's all water over the dam now and I'm glad I have one that is actually dependable now. (thanks to shortfal)
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I've got much less than that in my semi auto, even with the work done and US made parts. Was built with one of Pete's rear repair sections, his US made trunnion, a PTR lower and US internals and a US Made barrel. Everything else was original. Thing runs like a sewing machine. I won't sell it unless I need a kidney or something.

How about posting a picture so we can all see your 44.
PTR approval

Pete, Good question, Look at what parts kits go for now. I think that you will have a wide variety on quality of the builds. Also, I understand that PTR went through the whole ATF approval process?


It'd be interesting to know what the PTR approval process paperwork looks like. 922 Compliance depends on how the parts are counted. How come Recon's compliance set of 9 parts has grip panels, charging handle, buttstock, trigger, hammer, disconnector, sear, follower, and floorplate?
Worst case count of MP44/PTR44 parts is 19. If the grip panels do not count and the carrier, piston and handle are counted as one (per a letter I have) it's down to 16. So they'd need only 6 to not exceed 10.
Would someone have parts made that were not needed? PLUS, PTR's came with a foreign made mag as far as I know, no obvious US made floorplate or follower. Charging handles do not appear to have been changed out on PTR's I've worked on. I just do not know. They were supposed to have come in with the magwells blocked to make them single shot guns. Maybe that changed the whole 922 compliance thing?? I do not profess to know, just making conversation.
It'd be interesting to know what the PTR approval process paperwork looks like. 922 Compliance depends on how the parts are counted. How come Recon's compliance set of 9 parts has grip panels, charging handle, buttstock, trigger, hammer, disconnector, sear, follower, and floorplate?
Worst case count of MP44/PTR44 parts is 19. If the grip panels do not count and the carrier, piston and handle are counted as one (per a letter I have) it's down to 16. So they'd need only 6 to not exceed 10.
Would someone have parts made that were not needed? PLUS, PTR's came with a foreign made mag as far as I know, no obvious US made floorplate or follower. Charging handles do not appear to have been changed out on PTR's I've worked on. I just do not know. They were supposed to have come in with the magwells blocked to make them single shot guns. Maybe that changed the whole 922 compliance thing?? I do not profess to know, just making conversation.

My PTR has welding beads inside the mag well. I always assumed this must have been part of the trickery to get outlawed rifles into the country.
They also welded restrictors into the back of the receiver to keep MP44 bolts and op rods from simply sliding in. Because of the restrictors they had to make the bottom flat of the PTR bolt narrower to be able to fit between the restrictors. Since the PTR bolt was narrower, it had less support inside the receiver, especially in the region with the large hammer cutout. Fire some ill-suited blanks or homemade cartridges and soon the bolt will try to dig its way through the hammer slot. And then it gets really expensive...
Here you go. Brought to you and me with a LOT of help from Pete. :thumbsup:

How about posting a picture so we can all see your 44.


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getting paperwork from the BATF is call "poking the bear", every time someone suggests getting a BATF to feel better, at first the agency says yes, then the next guy does not feel comfortable unless he gets a yes and third guy, fourth guy etc then the BATF says OH NO!!!!!!!!! you can't to do that anymore
their are numerous examples over the years of poking the bear.

as long as semi parts are in place and denial blocks are used, there is no issue. if you followed the gun builder sites, this is common knowledge.

again great build Kevin. I replied in kind on your post on the guild
getting paperwork from the BATF is call "poking the bear"

Yes, we all know. I was wondering if someone had ever gone to great lengths to have his S/A conversion blessed so this blessing could be claimed by all other S/A builders. I'm also fine with the alternative route where you take an approved S/A design of new manufacture and alter an existing design to emulate the approved S/A design. What is a good site to learn about the process? Thanks
Very Nice, that is way better than that POS HMG is trying to come up with.:thumbsup:

I agree wholeheartedly, I even told the owner this on the running b*tch fest he started on weaponsguild. I told him he had the chance to make a fine american made MP-44 and instead produced junk, he went ballistic I did not back down after all this is America, and I'm a deplorable. his buddy Ian ( who the owner claims has not direct association with his product??????) would have jumped in, but he is banned from weaponsguild

I saw a post on gunboards yesterday, regarding these so called fine HMG rifles the gist of the story was where are these fine rifles?????
...told the owner this on the running b*tch fest he started on weaponsguild. I told him he had the chance to make a fine american made MP-44 and instead produced junk..

I missed that but I'm kind of surprised. Seems they run a pretty tight ship over there regarding beefs and such. I've never seen much dissent go unchecked? :)
This is a semi auto built with pretty much the same denial aspects as a PTR. There is no provision to mount the full auto sear nor does the slot exist in the receiver for it. The lower is pinned in place and is not readily replaceable without destroying either the lower or upper. Also the pin that holds it on is a reduced size, as are the holes, so you are unable to mount a full auto one. The bolt system on these is an open bolt system so you are in the clear there as well.

I hear that "once a machine gun always a machine gun" statement a lot too, well that is not true exactly. If the receiver has ben demilled to ATF specs it is no longer a machine gun receiver it is hunks of scrap metal. When it is rewelded it becomes a new receiver. If it is rewelded in a non full auto manner then it is not a machine gun.

This is well below the 922r parts count as well. You do not need ATF paperwork to build your own semi auto rifle or pistol. Anyone legally able to own a rifle/pistol in the US is able to build one provided there are not state or other local laws in place prohibiting it. You just need to follow basic guidelines regarding it not being readily convertible to full auto. These are not very much different than making a semi AK or AR, not much difference between a full auto and semi except the absence of a hole and different/modified fire control group. There are tons of guys rolling their own out there, go to someplace like Weaponsguild etc. and you will see wonders galore. :thumbsup:
I missed that but I'm kind of surprised. Seems they run a pretty tight ship over there regarding beefs and such. I've never seen much dissent go unchecked? :)

the topic had nothing to do with the MP-44 clone, it started on building the Cetme "L" the folks at HMG are making receivers as is Prexis, HMG was starting shite. the membership not the site owners shut down HMG.

looking up one thread is not going explain whats going on