This thing must’ve been an absolute mess. I’d love to hear what the issues were! These were not exact clones of the original MP44 so in my mind the comparisons to German production 80 years ago aren’t terribly valid (plus pretty sure actual MP44s had a fairly high reject rate even back then). Nevertheless, unless one of these could’ve been obtained for substantially less than Tor’s MP44s (as a budget friendly alternative to a much more expensive but more faithful clone), I never could see the point of these.

I will applaud PSA for being open and not sweeping this under the rug and also not rushing out a clearly questionable gun.
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Not really surprised but they have been teasing this one for over a year and earlier this year they indicated they were in pre-production and making final tweaks and then poof! When first announced they said they bought along the fat man from H&M with the project I had my doubts. If it worked as planned even though it didn't have 100% authentic appearance it wasn't going to cost big $ either. I'm wondering if it's more of an over extended product line than technical issue pause.
PSA made several references in 2022/2023 Shot Show to their planned "Battle Field" line of new products and this was to have been the first.
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I was Googling something yesterday and I saw that PSA had a Video on their STG-44. (It's there, if you care to look for it.)

I did not even bother to open it, but did think about linking it here, to this discussion. (Figured it was old news.)
So that is why I am getting hate emails today

I’m so sorry and I hate to hear that. The two rifles really aren’t even comparable as far as I’m concerned. Your MP44 is a legitimate clone and that PSA thing was something that just kinda looked like an MP44…
It's not Tos fault. That kinda wana be a mp44 gun has been in development for over 10 years. It got a lot of people's hopes up and then let everyone down who wanted one. I recall people sending in deposits for one. Buy just the receiver to drop before a new CALIFORNIA gun ban went into effect.
PSA thought they could fix the issues but it was simple a bad design. Trying to make it in interchangeable calibers was a over reach. I feel had they put there work into a single caliber like the originality it would have been a safer bet.
You can't blame Tor for that Frankenstein gun not working out. Tor was able to get his product out in a reasonable amount of time and it shoots. Early bird gets the worm. I think PSA saw that also.
I'm glad this thing flopped. Why? Because having owned a real transferable MP44 I knew it could never be done in those other calibers. 7.62x39? it's too long for starters and that requires a whole new receiver design to accommodate a longer mag. 5.56x45? Same reason. I have said this since the beginning, but it fell on deaf ears. Now that it's been shelved, it's an "I told you so" that has been overdue for years.
Yeah it was such an over reach to think they could make it work in multi calibers. Even In 7.92x33 they only got one gun to shoot. I always feel bad for the people who lost their deposits and the ones who bought the receiver with hopes it would come together later.