But its a shame they altered some parts of the design for reasons I don't know. I'm interested in knowing why they gave the action a safety notch like that on the MP40 and why the magazine release is on the wrong side. The rear iron sight looks wrong too.
Right. It's not even the same mechanically/"in the details", so I don't really get it. Other than being something that sorta looks like a StG-44, I fail to see the point. The proof is in the pudding though. I guess we'll see if all these guys claiming they want one, actually make it a sales success. Assuming it ever comes out at all...

Personally, if I want a semiauto StG clone, I'd far prefer an actual clone and one that was more affordable than what's been offered before.
Bunch of homemade videos in You Tube from PSA booth at Shot Show. Same guy, same long story, same excuses that have been playing since 2015 from what I can find. PSA hired him so he claims production will now be "industrialized". PSA had better keep a close eye on all this.
I hope they do an FG-42, Dragnov, and VKS (in 300 blackout) with this new "Battlefield" series. The HMG example looks cheap, but I hope that PSA can crank out some cool range toys for unobtainable milsurps.
According to a PSA guy in an interview he said it would be "North of $2000." If you are saying the STG will be $6000 I don't believe it would go that high.
Even PSAs Tula AK builds are only $2250. I have seen them on the secondary market as low as $1400. I do not see PSA as a value brand offering anything in the neighborhood of $3k or higher.
According to a PSA guy in an interview he said it would be "North of $2000." If you are saying the STG will be $6000 I don't believe it would go that high.
$6,000 will be a lot for this clown rifle.
But then again, that POS GSG .22 I own set me back $500 and it's just Zamack with a plastic mag. But came in a nice wooden box.
If it works I'll buy one to throw rounds down range with, just because I can. But only if it works !!!!!!!

I think the mag release is on the wrong side so AR15 mags will work in it

The MP40 style notch is a SAFETY gimmick probably done because many people are idiots

I assure you every German re enactor will buy one even if they have to go hungry to do so.
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I wish PSA would concentrate on making the SVD. This mp44 looks about like the GSG plinker, fake.

@mrfarb hmmmm….. PSA or B&T

Love my APC9Pro and have lots of good experiences with their firearms top notch stuff, even though they don’t make this they are importing… they wouldn’t attach their name to one if it didn’t meet their standards.

These will go faster than the speed of light.
@mrfarb hmmmm….. PSA or B&T

Love my APC9Pro and have lots of good experiences with their firearms top notch stuff, even though they don’t make this they are importing… they wouldn’t attach their name to one if it didn’t meet their standards.

These will go faster than the speed of light.

What is wrong with making Russian style stock and hand guards for these and not fudd style wood like that. Jeez.

These will go faster than the speed of light.[/USER]
MSRP of $7500??? I'd bet my wallet they're coming out the door at FEG for less than 1/4 of that price. Probably quite a bit less. I bought quite a bit of brand new stuff from M&M when they first started importing and prices were ridiculously cheap. Their prices tripled in less than a year.
I’ve been following the HMG since they first announced it. Controversial take here but I’ll be throwing my cash at them as long as it’s under $2500. For a chance to own an original style mechanism reworked by a senior mech e is gonna be super cool. Disappointed by the finish, but I’m just buying it for the mechanics and shooting experience. I can’t afford a PTR or a real gun yet.

Side note the reason HMG got themselves into trouble in the first place was that they had no capacity to actually produce the gun. Their subcontractor bailed on them hence the lawsuit. PSA with its sheet metal experience on AK’s will be a natural and ideal manufacturer for this project.
$6-7K - ?

I had several semi's built from original parts for film-use at that cost, and nowadays with Tor's parts you can do a great replica even cheaper.

If you just have to have a replica MP44 why not have one that follows the iconic design and mechanism, not an approximation, that you need to squint at to hide the flaws and inaccuracies.

It's a lot of money to pay for an AR15 that's been molded and printed to have a different silhouette, but people pay a lot of money for AR15's so each to his own.