Proper rifle care


Senior Member
Hey guys this is a pretty generic post although my main concern is K98's. So essentially I've always cleaned my rifles very, VERY thoroughly (Hoppe's #9), and left a very thin layer of oil on them when I'm done. Every time I get a new rifle I strip it completely apart (and I mean COMPLETELY) and clean every bit of it. Then after that, I clean the bolt & bore after I shoot them. The thing is there's a trend that my bolts start to stick after 40-60 rounds and get tough to break open once the rifle heats up. I feel like I should be putting grease of lubricant on some parts but not sure where to put them. The same goes for my handguns; they start to get stiff once a while (I have a P64 that I can't even turn the safety on with one thumb).

I'm the first one of my family to get into guns so I never learned from my father or had the knowledge passed down to me.

What do you guys suggest for proper maintenance for mausers, and handguns?

Any help is very much appreciated. If this post needs to be moved to a more relevent category feel free to move it.

Thanks guys!
I clean and store all my rifles and handguns the Swiss way. Never have any rust nor parts sticking.

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Perhaps Hoppe's is too thick? I've used it once before but never had this problem. You might just leave too much on/in it when cleaning. I use Ballistol mostly though, it's real thin which is great for bolt actions
I've also read somewhere that the original cleaning and lubricant solution the Germans used was most similar to Ballistol but I have no sources so that's neither here nor there. Either way, it's nontoxic and doesn't mess with wood, so it works for me.
I don't think the hoppe's #9 is too thick, I think that if anything it is burning off when the rifle heats up. I'm wondering if I should put some cosmoline-esque grease inside the bolt
I use Ballistol for everything. I buy the 16 oz. cans and put it in a pump spray bottle and little USGI squeeze bottles for the range.
60 rounds rapid through a K98k? Jeebus. Ouch. :laugh:

Ballistol for my K98k's, CLP for the modern stuff. Hoppe's #9 to clean bores on both.

60 rounds rapid through a K98k? Jeebus. Ouch. :laugh:

Ballistol for my K98k's, CLP for the modern stuff. Hoppe's #9 to clean bores on both.


20 rounds through a bnz44 sporter with a petrified recoil pad will cut your shoulder open and bleed. Trust me!
60 rounds rapid through a K98k? Jeebus. Ouch. :laugh:

Ballistol for my K98k's, CLP for the modern stuff. Hoppe's #9 to clean bores on both.


This, my ideal until I ran out of CLP and now it's just easier to use the Ballistol on everything. Too lazy to buy more CLP and deal with two different cleaner/lube/protectants.
20 rounds through a bnz44 sporter with a petrified recoil pad will cut your shoulder open and bleed. Trust me!

I buy my Ballistol by the gallon. It is one of many things I use. There are a lot of right answers. If you expect temps below -10, I would use Mobil one, 0W20. I use it on moving parts on most of my semi-autos. The wrong answer is Remoil. It has been tested with poor results. RIG for long term storage and rust prevention. ATF is aggressive against corrosion but not real adherent.
I've been using Grizzly Lube CLP. I like it since it is non-toxic thick liquid and then forms a DRY protectant / lubricant. A little bit goes a long way.
I've reached the point where it's a matter of "good enough", not BEST! My stuff isn't stacked up out in the back yard and I pull maintenance after the range, field, or a hunt. This stuff has lasted this long, much of it under less than ideal care and circumstances. Obviously, some of it has been thrashed by improper storage, failure to clean after shooting, etc., but much more is still in nice shape if left alone and out of the hands of idiots. Ballistol works plenty good for me. Further, since I'm not doing combat dive brackish water swamp infiltration weekends with Seal Team 6 with my ARs and AKs, I use Ballistol on them too. ;)
60 rounds rapid through a K98k? Jeebus. Ouch. :laugh:

Ballistol for my K98k's, CLP for the modern stuff. Hoppe's #9 to clean bores on both.


I put 150 rounds through my Smle one day trying out the mad minute. Shooting alot rounds through a k98k is equally as fun!
150 rounds through my Swede m/96 is comparable to walking through a field of breasts.

I've always wanted to use that line.:biggrin1:
I've reached the point where it's a matter of "good enough", not BEST! My stuff isn't stacked up out in the back yard and I pull maintenance after the range, field, or a hunt. This stuff has lasted this long, much of it under less than ideal care and circumstances. Obviously, some of it has been thrashed by improper storage, failure to clean after shooting, etc., but much more is still in nice shape if left alone and out of the hands of idiots. Ballistol works plenty good for me. Further, since I'm not doing combat dive brackish water swamp infiltration weekends with Seal Team 6 with my ARs and AKs, I use Ballistol on them too. ;)

Indeed! I attend to rifles when they arrive to me, and then only again sometime down the line. I see air rust on occasion and knock it back etc. The other end of the spectrum is oiling/wiping daily... just not necessary. Much the same is said about leather. Slings sit in a box with normal room temp. They are 70 years old now and I'd expect no deterioration on "my watch" (10-20 yrs) by doing nothing...
150 rounds through my Swede m/96 is comparable to walking through a field of breasts.

I've always wanted to use that line.:biggrin1:

Those Swedes are awesome rifles, I have two of them. Totally underrated round and rifle.

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