Proper rifle care

One of the major problems we had in the Army was over cleaning weapons to the point that more damage was incurred during the redundant cleaning process than inflicted during actual range / combat use.

The only weapon that ever a required more detailed cleaning was the M16 rifle series because of the direct impingement system that results in a very dirty weapon in a short time, but even those were often scrubbed until the finish was abraded completely.
One of the major problems we had in the Army was over cleaning weapons to the point that more damage was incurred during the redundant cleaning process than inflicted during actual range / combat use.

The only weapon that ever a required more detailed cleaning was the M16 rifle series because of the direct impingement system that results in a very dirty weapon in a short time, but even those were often scrubbed until the finish was abraded completely.

Yep. I bet more harm has been done to firearms, collectible and as tools, by over-cleaning and improper cleaning than leaving them be.
Church, yo.

We cleaned our rifles to DEATH in the Army, just an institutional silliness, discipline taken a step over the pale. Just a bunch of excessive, artificial wear.

TACCOM in Balad, Iraq told us to just POUR clp on everything, and keep rockin' in combat.

60 rounds rapid through a K98k? Jeebus. Ouch. :laugh:

Ballistol for my K98k's, CLP for the modern stuff. Hoppe's #9 to clean bores on both.



CLP is fantastic stuff. Have used it forever on my modern rifles, shotguns and carry pistols never an issue.
I have recently discovered Ballistol and only use it on my K98s and TR pistols .To be honest I dont shoot my matching number TR guns so its really just for preservation and storage.I am sure it would serve them well if I did shoot them.
I do have a DOT 1944 RC that I have shot quite a bit for almost 20 years and cleaned it with Hoppes and CLP never a problem.
I find some ammo with heavy lacquer sealer causing more of an issue then anything else. Just my 2 cents.