Pimped, wanked, and Gunbonkered; Memes Only



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But it's from a forty year old collection. Thst Chinese Broomhandle he's selling looks a little suspicious too and it's up to $5.5K. Guy winning the auction seems to buy a lot of stuff from gunsrc, HHHMMMNNN.

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Yes he does SD. Bidding almost $600 on a $250 Carcano then over $500 on the Clawson .45 book right after that, now a Chinese Broomhandle. He’s all over the place, but the common theme is big bucks.
Spiritlaker winning the broomhandle, he really loves Gunsrc. Ruscon61, likes Sreisel, Legecy, Commonwealth, and Gunsrc, they all have one thing in common. He ain't winning the 98. Some guy with 9 feedbacks is.
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It seems that the most consistent theme of Spiritlaker’s bidding is that he bids top end on Gunsrc auctions. The best item Spiritlaker “won” was the M1903A3 SC in the box for $965. He sure does collect a wide range of high priced items :googlie The most recent high prices items include a 03A3, the Clawson book, a nickel plated .357, and a Carcano. Quite a diverse collector with lots of money who bids a lot on Gunsrc auctions. For example.....


The recent wins:

Prior recent wins:
Fair price on the 03A3, stupid price on the Carcano. Prices on them are going up, but really good ones are still around $350. I have to admit, I could see myself buying all of those things too, except maybe the nickel Trooper. I like Colts but that's a bit too pimp for me. LOL.
Fair price on the 03A3, stupid price on the Carcano. Prices on them are going up, but really good ones are still around $350. I have to admit, I could see myself buying all of those things too, except maybe the nickel Trooper. I like Colts but that's a bit too pimp for me. LOL.

There is a difference between "buying those things too" and swinging for the fence / paying highest retail for them. Do you know anyone who collects M1903A3s, Clawson Books, Carcanos, and Chinese Broomhandles and will pay top end retail + for all of those things? I like the first three too. I could see myself buying all three, but only at exceptional deals, which none of those are. People swing for the fence on things they collect, which are "needed" or hard to find. They don't swing for the fence on all kinds of things. All my opinions of course.
I don't disagree. The buying pattern is certainly dubious.

And I don't disagree with your point. I could see myself at a funshow picking up all of those things. However, it would be at lower prices. Does anyone collect Clawson books, Carcanos, nickel plated .357s, and 03A3's? He certainly didn't "win" them for reselling as he'd be stuck with everything but the 03A3 for years, maybe he'd never get his money back out of them. I probably would have paid $965 for that M190sA3 SC in the DCM box with all the stuff. HOWEVER, I would not have won it on that auction. "Spiritlaker" bid it up until the last legit bidder stopped at a retail number, which is reasonable retail, maybe even low retail. That's why I would have not bid on it.
There is a difference between "buying those things too" and swinging for the fence / paying highest retail for them. Do you know anyone who collects M1903A3s, Clawson Books, Carcanos, and Chinese Broomhandles and will pay top end retail + for all of those things? I like the first three too. I could see myself buying all three, but only at exceptional deals, which none of those are. People swing for the fence on things they collect, which are "needed" or hard to find. They don't swing for the fence on all kinds of things. All my opinions of course.

Odd enough for me to doubt that it is a legitimate buyer, and this type of thing is one reason to think that something bigger is afoot. Having a fake account to bid up auctions only makes sense when you’re trying to simulate interest by other bidders. If the item were legit, a higher starting bid and/or a reserve would make more sense and would guarantee that the seller gets a good price. If any of those items come back up for sale again by the original seller then that’s pretty damning.

It’s important to understand the habits and methodology of the fakers who are damaging our interest. It’s also important to call them out when we find them. If a seller comes up and proves me wrong I will certainly apologize and retract my statements. I don’t know that that has ever happened here though. Honest sellers have nothing to fear, there’s a big difference between an inaccurate description in an auction versus a faked gun being foisted upon an unsuspecting buyer.

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