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Truly weird.
I though you liked that rifle and loved the seller?
No, I asked what's wrong with the rifle besides the stock being cleaned, and said that the seller had always been on the up & up with me. I've been dealing with him since his printed list, pre-internet days. No problems.
I though you liked that rifle and loved the seller?
No, I asked what's wrong with the rifle besides the stock being cleaned, and said that the seller had always been on the up & up with me. I've been dealing with him since his printed list, pre-internet days. No problems.
we [...] have made K98k collecting healthy, successful, and filling with 20 and 30 somethings and other areas of the hobby are dying, literally, with little interest. This thread is an effort to maintain our standards.
The stock on the rifle is heavily sanded and the takedown disc and buttplate were heavily whizzed. The stock inspection is enhanced. It's a $1500 to $1750 rifle that bid up to almost $5,000 by a guy with relatively little bidding history since 2005, evidently not a K98k collector, whose last purchase was a $20 MN spike bayonet that no one else in the international gunbonker bidding world wanted. Look at who he was bidding against. Look at the history. Is the rifle renumbered and faked other than the wanking and pimping? I don't see it immediately no. Nothing about that auction is unusual to you? Do you feel like as long as the rifle has original numbers on it everything else is fair game?
I know the seller from the days pre-internet as well. So do a number of people here. I believe I stated this is not an indictment of any person, but a concept which is damaging this hobby. You are evidently not as involved in the K98k end as the rest of us. Here's a suggestion, which involves critical thinking, not ad hominem snarky bullshit insults based upon your own bias: go look at the auction, look at the pics, look at the description, look at the bidding, look at the prior bidding of the bidders. You must not have done this because your comments don't reflect critical independent thought. Look at all the auctions, look at the prices. Are you scratching your head? if not, then intelligent discussion with you is futile.
As far as you insulting me and other whinging, the fact that you are able to do that openly here is a testament to the value of this site, our ideals, and why we (without you and your mentality) have made K98k collecting healthy, successful, and filling with 20 and 30 somethings and other areas of the hobby are dying, literally, with little interest. This thread is an effort to maintain our standards. If you can't see that, agree with it, or even understand it, then will be far happier elsewhere in a more controlled, structured forum environment. However, mods elsewhere might give you "infractions", a dunce avatar, and censor your posts for it and ban you if you posted as you do here. Such forums have the "structure" you apparently like, and aren't "weird" like us, but you'll be wallowing in nitwits, sycophants, and misinformation. These are all my opinions, and again, be at least a bit thankful that you are free to insult and oppose conventional thought here openly.
I’ll add a couple other aspects to consider above and beyond what’s already been said. It’s certainly possible that a decent seller could buy an “enhanced” rifle and then unknowingly turn around to sell it. That would be a lesser evil because not every dealer is capable of identifying fakery. BUT that rifle STILL ought to be called out!!! In such a case the seller might become aware of fakes and fakery in K98s especially. In such a case we wouldn’t suspect the seller of being involved in the fakery, but someone still is going to get burned by that fake if it sells.
It’s a different level of wrong when the seller can be expected to know better, may or may not have DONE the faking, and is then engaged in what is clearly shill bidding to help the faked rifle “get over” with unsuspecting buyers. Totally different intent. This instance is deliberate and well carried out fraud, and MUST be called out by us. In both instances it is the potential buyer we are trying to protect, as well as lamenting ruined parts and/or whole rifles.
We have said before that it would be bad if we gave a blow-by-blow post mortem on these fakes as we are (or at least I am) pretty sure there are lurking spies among us here in this forum. That’s why I usually just post my “meant to be amusing yet completely serious” bad fake SS skull humped photo and say nothing else. I don’t want to give these guys a master’s level course on proper fakery refinement. It may be annoying for people but that’s why rifles often get blasted here but no detailed reasons why are given.
It’s certainly possible for unscrupulous sellers to also sell completely legit pieces that for whatever reason they don’t enhance. When dealing with variable morality it’s hard to predict where the ok/not ok line is. THIS rifle in question and the auction and the bidding all follow a well known pattern of fakery and shill bidding, and those are enough to call into question the seller.
I have seen VERY FEW parts or rifles for sale that SAY in the description that they are fakes or altered or humped. Where HAVE I seen it? Here in the trader. Could someone buy a cheap, humped, defaced but useable part for a re-enactment rifle, or a shooter? Sure!! If it gets scratched or dented or a little rusty it’s no big deal. But those I have seen come right out and say it. That’s an honest sale. The rifle and auction in question definitely make me worried about the seller’s morality. DISHONEST SELLERS need to get called out too. It is not good to have a fascinating interest littered with land mines, whether they be bad parts, bad rifles, or bad sellers.
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The format of this thread is another great testament to that. Hambone understands the meme-based thinking of us 20-somethings
But more seriously, this is a much better time than a dry discussion of what's wrong, at least if you have seen enough rifles and auctions that you can already guess at what's wrong. And if not, PMs to other members work well too