I want to reply to the accusations of people not helping other people. First of all, I've come to realize in my life that you can't make everyone happy. There are those who just expect have to have everything served up instantly on a silver platter, with full explanation and understanding. Those people generally can't be helped at all, even when you tell them straight up front the whole story. This isn't the Matrix where we can plug a cord into the back of your head and download all of the information you seek instantly. You will never learn a thing like that anyway, it's just information overload. It reminds me of the proverb:
Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.
This lesson applies to all internet forums. I agree that telling folks to buy a book is not helpful on it's face, but the purpose of those statements is not to be insensitive or mean to new collectors. These are simply collectors that have been affected positively by the books, not just our books but any reference book out there. No book is perfect, ours included. They are written by humans with the information at hand at the time, from our point of view. Perhaps others have a different skew of things. I suggest that they write a book themselves! It's a cathartic experience writing a book. It's 1000 times more difficult than you can imagine, and 1,000,000 times more rewarding than you imagine! We've touched literally thousands of collectors around the world with these books, including Kings!
So before you chime in and say how unhelpful forum members can be, think about the true reason you are here, to learn, if that is the reason. Look at the features we offer for FREE, such as the Picture reference (which we constantly update and add too). Use the search feature, it works well on this forum and is invaluable. If all else fails, ask your question. But don't get all high and mighty when people dispense what they consider wisdom but you consider an insult. If it is such a bad spot to hang out and ask questions, perhaps you should find a board more suited to your learning style.