Ok something is obviously not right here. Another turd lesson?

In reading your post, I can clearly understand the frustration many of those who have been in the hobby a long time feel re: some new entrants in the hobby. You believe collectors who have invested a great deal of time, effort and money in the hobby somehow owe you something--you are not only too cheap to invest in your own education, but too lazy to do 10 minutes of research to find comparable examples to this rifle and find out the answer yourself. Please go away and come back when you are willing to give us something more than insults and bad attitude.

This. Good grief. B!tching, moaning, and insulting because we aren't stepping and fetching quick enough to respond to that which can be gleaned with a little initiative? :googlie
I know it is an ongoing auction but something is clearly wrong and I can't tell what it is.

MODEDIT: Sorry, no live auction links allowed, unless a member is IDing a turd.

Kcode, someone jacked up an otherwise original rifle to put a bayonet lug on it where one was not on it when it left the factory. This is a most ridiculous modification, akin to vandalism. Look in the pic sticky reference forum for byf 45s. Accordingly, it's not nearly worth the "BIN".

Just got back to this thread so had not seen all the educated replies to my reply. First, I did not ask the original questions about the rifle, I responded to the lack of responses other than "buy books" and gave my opinion based on my knowledge. Second, I am well aware about buying books, have bought many thousands of dollars worth over the last 40 years until I have a wall and numerous bookcases full of them covering many, many different weapons, etc, including Mausers and K98's. Just not the 2 holy grail books listed on this site. (I do plan to get the 3rd book when it comes out as it fits in my interests) But that is neither here nor there. If someone asks a question on a site supposedly devoted to the study of the K98k then I would have guessed that a reply would be forthcoming from the experts here who normally are happy to do so. Otherwise we could just use the canned "buy books" or "look at the stickies" response for every question to show our superiority.

I see the final post before mine finally answered the original question which was not too far off from my response. Wonder why that could not have been done in the first place.
Wonder why that could not have been done in the first place.

Because I think most of us see this as a more advanced venue in general than gunboards. Most of the members here dont care about complete mismatches or RC's (thats why no one comments on them), nor do they like the same 'ol mitchell's mausers threads and whats wrong with this or that, nor people who fail to follow simple directions on not posting live auction links, nor people who will not simply use google or the provided pic stickies or the search feature to come to the answer to a quite simple question in a matter of minutes. Thats how I feel on it anyways
I'm pretty much a K98k novice yet my questions are always answered in a very courteous manner even by one of the authors of the books you seem to think we are shilling.

Maybe my attitude and the respect I show for these very knowledgable individuals gets good results.

Attitude and respect work well in most every aspect when dealing with people that don't know you from the man in the moon.
Just got back to this thread so had not seen all the educated replies to my reply. First, I did not ask the original questions about the rifle, I responded to the lack of responses other than "buy books" and gave my opinion based on my knowledge. Second, I am well aware about buying books, have bought many thousands of dollars worth over the last 40 years until I have a wall and numerous bookcases full of them covering many, many different weapons, etc, including Mausers and K98's. Just not the 2 holy grail books listed on this site. (I do plan to get the 3rd book when it comes out as it fits in my interests) But that is neither here nor there. If someone asks a question on a site supposedly devoted to the study of the K98k then I would have guessed that a reply would be forthcoming from the experts here who normally are happy to do so. Otherwise we could just use the canned "buy books" or "look at the stickies" response for every question to show our superiority.

I see the final post before mine finally answered the original question which was not too far off from my response. Wonder why that could not have been done in the first place.

Thanks for your response which is spot on. I am new to the site and very disappointed by most of the other responses. My apologies to the guy asking the question. In my experience, most "collectors" answer questions with the courtesy and respect of the above quote.

The previous post on our motive pretty much laid it out.

We initially started the project to address the lack of material covering late war K98ks and while not perfect, we believe the first book was a big improvement over
previous texts on the subject or lack of. Mike is correct in that we spent extra funds to insure that the final product was of the highest quality and done in the US.
Our 2nd volume represented the efforts of improving on Kriegsmodell and for the final volume we fully expect to meet and likely exceed the quality and breadth found in Vol. 1.

As for financials, we are still in the hole over the printing costs for Vol.1 and the reprint of the revised Vol.3 (Kriegsmodell).

So much for shilling...and for all the members who support this site and our printing endeavors, Mike and I are grateful for your support.

Sorry to deviate off topic from the aforementioned byf45 kriegsmodell with modified (non-factory) bayonet mount.
I want to reply to the accusations of people not helping other people. First of all, I've come to realize in my life that you can't make everyone happy. There are those who just expect have to have everything served up instantly on a silver platter, with full explanation and understanding. Those people generally can't be helped at all, even when you tell them straight up front the whole story. This isn't the Matrix where we can plug a cord into the back of your head and download all of the information you seek instantly. You will never learn a thing like that anyway, it's just information overload. It reminds me of the proverb:

Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.

This lesson applies to all internet forums. I agree that telling folks to buy a book is not helpful on it's face, but the purpose of those statements is not to be insensitive or mean to new collectors. These are simply collectors that have been affected positively by the books, not just our books but any reference book out there. No book is perfect, ours included. They are written by humans with the information at hand at the time, from our point of view. Perhaps others have a different skew of things. I suggest that they write a book themselves! It's a cathartic experience writing a book. It's 1000 times more difficult than you can imagine, and 1,000,000 times more rewarding than you imagine! We've touched literally thousands of collectors around the world with these books, including Kings!

So before you chime in and say how unhelpful forum members can be, think about the true reason you are here, to learn, if that is the reason. Look at the features we offer for FREE, such as the Picture reference (which we constantly update and add too). Use the search feature, it works well on this forum and is invaluable. If all else fails, ask your question. But don't get all high and mighty when people dispense what they consider wisdom but you consider an insult. If it is such a bad spot to hang out and ask questions, perhaps you should find a board more suited to your learning style.
You won't make everyone happy and sadly there are enough people out there who are looking to piss and moan about something. The more you try to placate them, the more they demand until you can no longer do things the way they demand and then they are once again mad at you.

The internet age has also ushered in the advent of "drive thru vetting". That is, why learn anything, or for that matter google or review FAQs or pic sticky reference for 15 minutes, much less (God forbid) buy a book, when you can drop in and post a link and get instant answers, then break like the wind? This also seems to create "gift fish sniffers" who think people owe them help on a free site. I've never seen more gracious and helpful people than on this site, by the way.

So, if you want to whine and complain and be butt hurt because someone commented that you should do little looking around the site and read the rules before expecting a bunch of stepping and fetching, my advise: Sod off, you won't be happy here, and your presence here isn't assisting our community either. There are no K98k forum EBT cards.
Other than a smart answer (involving shilling for someone's expensive books) I have not seen a reply as to whether the pictured rifle is good or not. To me, the stock finish and especially the bayonet lug screw holes look suspect, but would like to hear from the experts here first.

And no, I do not have the over $200 of recommended books at the top.

The internet age has also ushered in the advent of "drive thru vetting". That is, why learn anything, or for that matter google or review FAQs or pic sticky reference for 15 minutes, much less (God forbid) buy a book, when you can drop in and post a link and get instant answers

+10. This virtual world in which we groove, can be wonderful, but it also creates societal laziness. Try asking High School students to read a book for class and to extract the key points. Result: Students will find the essence in a review on the web, and ditch the book. The student approach today is to make the shortest possible cut. Just give me product (end point information), who cares about the process (learning). It's an epidemic.... Okay/ rant off
Spot on imo, I was going to stay out of this debate because I thought it would end rather quickly, as I was under the impression everyone here, everyone active on the forum, appreciated the opportunity Mike and Bruce "give" us everyday for free... they do not ask "for support", they do not have fund drives to support the forum, they do not even "hint" at a need to cover their costs.

Something that should be said, and that should have been said long ago by me, - thanks Mike and Bruce for the opportunity to be on this forum, I for one appreciate your gift very much.

I want to reply to the accusations of people not helping other people. First of all, I've come to realize in my life that you can't make everyone happy. There are those who just expect have to have everything served up instantly on a silver platter, with full explanation and understanding. Those people generally can't be helped at all, even when you tell them straight up front the whole story. This isn't the Matrix where we can plug a cord into the back of your head and download all of the information you seek instantly. You will never learn a thing like that anyway, it's just information overload. It reminds me of the proverb:

Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.

This lesson applies to all internet forums. I agree that telling folks to buy a book is not helpful on it's face, but the purpose of those statements is not to be insensitive or mean to new collectors. These are simply collectors that have been affected positively by the books, not just our books but any reference book out there. No book is perfect, ours included. They are written by humans with the information at hand at the time, from our point of view. Perhaps others have a different skew of things. I suggest that they write a book themselves! It's a cathartic experience writing a book. It's 1000 times more difficult than you can imagine, and 1,000,000 times more rewarding than you imagine! We've touched literally thousands of collectors around the world with these books, including Kings!

So before you chime in and say how unhelpful forum members can be, think about the true reason you are here, to learn, if that is the reason. Look at the features we offer for FREE, such as the Picture reference (which we constantly update and add too). Use the search feature, it works well on this forum and is invaluable. If all else fails, ask your question. But don't get all high and mighty when people dispense what they consider wisdom but you consider an insult. If it is such a bad spot to hang out and ask questions, perhaps you should find a board more suited to your learning style.
+10. This virtual world in which we groove, can be wonderful, but it also creates societal laziness. Try asking High School students to read a book for class and to extract the key points. Result: Students will find the essence in a review on the web, and ditch the book. The student approach today is to make the shortest possible cut. Just give me product (end point information), who cares about the process (learning). It's an epidemic.... Okay/ rant off

We had that stuff too. I remember being able to get these book outlines that were pretty much cheat sheets that gave us a whole book in less than 20 pages.

Not that I ever used them. :biggrin1:

The difference today is that it is so much easier finding this stuff.
Something that should be said, and that should have been said long ago by me, - thanks Mike and Bruce for the opportunity to be on this forum, I for one appreciate your gift very much.[/QUOTE]

Very well put, my sentiments also. Thank you Mike and Bruce for the wonderful opportunities to learn, meet other collectors and yes have items vetted from time to time.
I want to reply to the accusations of people not helping other people. First of all, I've come to realize in my life that you can't make everyone happy. There are those who just expect have to have everything served up instantly on a silver platter, with full explanation and understanding. Those people generally can't be helped at all, even when you tell them straight up front the whole story. This isn't the Matrix where we can plug a cord into the back of your head and download all of the information you seek instantly. You will never learn a thing like that anyway, it's just information overload. It reminds me of the proverb:

Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.

This lesson applies to all internet forums. I agree that telling folks to buy a book is not helpful on it's face, but the purpose of those statements is not to be insensitive or mean to new collectors. These are simply collectors that have been affected positively by the books, not just our books but any reference book out there. No book is perfect, ours included. They are written by humans with the information at hand at the time, from our point of view. Perhaps others have a different skew of things. I suggest that they write a book themselves! It's a cathartic experience writing a book. It's 1000 times more difficult than you can imagine, and 1,000,000 times more rewarding than you imagine! We've touched literally thousands of collectors around the world with these books, including Kings!

So before you chime in and say how unhelpful forum members can be, think about the true reason you are here, to learn, if that is the reason. Look at the features we offer for FREE, such as the Picture reference (which we constantly update and add too). Use the search feature, it works well on this forum and is invaluable. If all else fails, ask your question. But don't get all high and mighty when people dispense what they consider wisdom but you consider an insult. If it is such a bad spot to hang out and ask questions, perhaps you should find a board more suited to your learning style.

Mike, that is one of the best summations I have ever read.

I do not think that the newest generation of collectors will ever get that message as they are so used to getting the answer, for free, in seconds.

I got my knowledge base over 40 plus years. It was not easy and I am still learning every day, but not as quick and with less retension. Books like yours and Bruce's are the way to learn, relearn and get the answers.
The books are amazing, I can't imagine the work they took. Can't wait for Vol. 2. Can I place my order now?
For those new to k98's this forum is every bit as useful and valuable as the books! Lots of info to be learned here!! Get a cup of coffee, a pen and notepad, sit down where you won't be bothered, and ABSORB!!

Yes some books are pricey but you do get what you pay for, and the books, like the rifles, become a valued and treasured part of your collection.

Besides, if I take rifles to look over in bed before falling asleep the wife gets a bit worried. Not so with books. Can take them on vacations and trips too without anyone freaking out.

Learning isn't cheap, check out semester-hour costs lately? These books are doctorate level stuff, too. Suggesting that someone buy these books isn't a sales pitch, it's a gift and a wish that they can enjoy the same books as much as the one who recommends them!!
Compare the cost of the research materials to the cost of just one expensive purchasing blunder, and then make the judgement call of whether the money invested in the research material was, or was not well spent.
Because I think most of us see this as a more advanced venue in general than gunboards. Most of the members here dont care about complete mismatches or RC's (thats why no one comments on them), nor do they like the same 'ol mitchell's mausers threads and whats wrong with this or that, nor people who fail to follow simple directions on not posting live auction links, nor people who will not simply use google or the provided pic stickies or the search feature to come to the answer to a quite simple question in a matter of minutes. Thats how I feel on it anyways

You maybe right about most of the members not caring about complete mismatches or RC`s, although back when I first posted pictures of a byf43 RC I picked up, there where responses. One or two were negative, but the others were polite and helpful. I didn`t join this forum to simply ask a question and expect an instant answer. I have used it to learn and I have.
Not all that have interest in K98`s can afford an all matching one or even a bolt M/M. The lowly RC provides that opportunity. Besides you don`t have to worry about an RC being humped up. It is what it is. A puzzle to take apart and reassemble. A learning device. Better for some novice to bugger up a screw on an RC than a mint matching K98.
Not all collectors can afford the set of books or even one of them.That is what this forum is for, in part. Before just posting and waiting for an answer, research. You are smart enough to get on a PC and send emails, then you can find the answers here. Read and learn.
As a further comment on my byf43 RC. I have made a few chnages to it in the past 3 years.The stock had a lamination splitting problem that went from the recoil bolt to the butt. It went to a member here to fix a duffle cut. I also traded out alot of the metal. None of the parts were electro-penned. Most still had the original German blue. The guy that got the Waa 280 TG was very happy. Still have an early, near mint, droop-wing Waa 63 front band that I`m sure some one will need. The RC does provide a purpose. But, that`s just my opinion and I`m not trying to start an argument with you.