now $9k for a STG44 dummy gun?

Just saw their email and they've added another one at $9k. At this point I think they've got a stash of these parts kits. Too much of a coincidence that they're putting one up every couple weeks.
Single saw-cut receiver so it's the most desirable demil. All included parts appear good and they rate the barrel a 9/10. Still seems rich but I'd say not insane compared to what I've been seeing. I'd take this ALL DAY over the last 3 hatchet jobs that sold on IMA.
Ah gotcha. I haven't done much research on these rifles mainly because they are unobtainium to me 😆. But I suppose it never hurts to keep learning!
Single saw-cut receiver so it's the most desirable demil. All included parts appear good and they rate the barrel a 9/10. Still seems rich but I'd say not insane compared to what I've been seeing. I'd take this ALL DAY over the last 3 hatchet jobs that sold on IMA.
Yes, earlier de-mill. Rifle is complete with no missing receiver chunk nor notable issues. Mostly matching too. Actually, that's one of the best kits I've seen in a long time. Perfect for a semi build and far superior to that shite at IMA.
A good enough buy all things considered.
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Yes, earlier de-mill. Rifle is complete with no missing receiver chunk and notable issues. Mostly matching too. Actually, that's one of the best kits I've seen in a long time. Perfect for a semi build and far superior to that shite at IMA.
A good enough buy all things considered.
Last comps I saw were 3-4 years ago. Guy out of Vegas I think who has or gets some interesting and unique stuff had 2 kits on GB. Single sawcut as seen here, matching and pretty minty. They sold for like mid 6k and 7ish IIRC. Though it was the highest price I'd seen up until then, but kind of seems like a bargain in 2023.
I have a dummy made of parts and fake receiver / I do not need it, but have no idea of value ///// NO INTERNAL receiver parts
I have a dummy made of parts and fake receiver / I do not need it, but have no idea of value ///// NO INTERNAL receiver parts

A ton of variables there. How matching? Parts condition? Live barrel and it's condition? IMHO, other than the IMA dummies (several of which sold with internals) it generally takes a combo of condition and completeness of the kit to pull big numbers.
I have a dummy made of parts and fake receiver / I do not need it, but have no idea of value ///// NO INTERNAL receiver parts
I flipped one of those (display on aluminum dummy receiver) on Gunbroker just like that two or so years ago. Barrel was good but no internal parts less the recoil spring. Sold at maybe 2400 IIRC, which meant I didn't lose money on it nor did I make anything worthwhile. These complete saw cut parts kits, especially if matching are on a whole different level. I mean, other than the de-mil saw cut they are 100% complete. So, if these cobbled IMA display pieces are bringing big money and these original but mismatched sMP43/44/Stg semi builds are bringing the average of 15K then a complete matching or mostly matching parts kit might be seen as a pretty good score in comparison. Looks like that IMA turd is the worst choice by far, at least from my perspective.
This reminded me to inquire what the latest was on the Hill & Mac now Palmetto State Armory STG44? Last I read was that PSA kept the fat man from H&M on to oversee the project.
Take a gander at this mess. I'm not saying there's nothing decent there (nothing I want for sure) but that price! :oops:
Take a gander at this mess. I'm not saying there's nothing decent there (nothing I want for sure) but that price! :oops:
Crazy. At this point these guys are just throwing numbers at the wall hoping someone will bite. It won't be long til they pass 10k. I'd love to know the demographics of who's been buying these at those inflated (IMHO) prices. 9k for a dummy that looks like it was welded up by a blind 6 year old??
Damn, looks like a BD44 is going to be my only chance to own a StG44 of any kind at a fair price with the way these parts kits and actual transferables are selling.
$9k was a bargain, legacy has a kit now for a Lincoln shy of $10k!