now $9k for a STG44 dummy gun?

Hey, the AMC Javelin was in Diamonds are Forever, gotta be cool it's a James Bond car.

Yah, I know they kinda sucked, lol.

That putty-filled receiver is ugly, those guys at IMA do work hard for their sales though, I'll give them that, love the on line catalogue, but if you look at anything you start to get emails about similar items they're selling.
No one here cares but they get really good ACW stuff. I'm on the 'like' for IMA. I do love looking at their double decal SS Afrika Korps camo medic paratrooper helmet knock offs:). People buy that stuff.
....and I've got a bunch of mp44 original stuff, but Steve Michaels already has dibs on it. Still looking for parts that are well hidden:unsure:
Why not buy a Shoei STG 44 for less than $2,000.00

I mean it is a non gun
Because it's not the real thing.

I think the price is nuts for what you're getting, but I get the desire to own even a piece of the real thing. I came pretty close a week ago to throwing down a bid on GB for a stripped turkish M90 receiver. I've been looking for an intact one for years, one of those is pretty much the only way to get an oberndorf-manufactured m89/90/91 pattern rifle, and it would have been a cheap way to at least have something in my collection with that "made in Oberndorf" turkish script on the side.

Opted not to in the end because as a stripped receiver it wasn't transferrable on an 03 and I'm too cheap to pay an FFL transfer fees on a $40 stripped receiver, because I'm cheap. And kind of regretting it to be honest.

Some model rifle isn't the real thing. If I lived in a country that wasn't OK with me owning functional firearms at all I'd probably have a bunch of welded up deacts rather than some airsoft or model BS because, at the end of the day, it's still the real thing and it was really there.
No surprise really. Probably the most desirable WWII German rifle and since the parts kit supply has all but dried up the price of individual parts move into the stratosphere.
Sometimes though it still defies all logic.
What gets me is the average enthusiasts are absolutely priced out of the market.

So who is buying up all the parts?
I wonder the same thing. That's part of why I started this thread. The prices IMHO have gone off the rails. Look at what I've charted for the last 2-3 years for mismatched dummy guns.
I didn't want to pimp on it. It's IMA (of course) And holy phuck; it sold.

An aside... I thought the economy was in the shitter?? I've seen many MP38/40 tube guns bring up to 20k the last 12 months or so.

I'm in the wrong line of work...
A PTR build kit came up on gun broker‘s don’t quite understand the builders kit part because it seems that the upper receiver is already finished. But if anyone’s interested and has $6000 it could be yours 2D0C505A-30A3-445C-9A99-2B507B75BCF2.jpeg
An StG44 demilled parts kit sold on Legacy for $9,500... Oh, and no magazine included.

An StG44 demilled parts kit sold on Legacy for $9,500... Oh, and no magazine included.

Single saw-cut receiver so it's the most desirable demil. All included parts appear good and they rate the barrel a 9/10. Still seems rich but I'd say not insane compared to what I've been seeing. I'd take this ALL DAY over the last 3 hatchet jobs that sold on IMA.