New semi auto STG 44s being imported

They're not "cursed"; they're just not well built. SSD needs to understand that there's more to making a Quality rifle than just looks. They also need to understand that selling inferior products WILL screw them in the long run.
receiver blocks

For those of you needing a receiver block now or for a future build, it looks like they will be available soon. I sent the steel to the CNC shop and they have the special cutters needed. I'm looking forward to getting one in hand soon. Having a few done without the barrel pin hole for anyone using a undrilled barrel.
Barrel holes are to be .905.
All depends on my CNC guy now. He's running a couple in 1018 to prove the cuts.
Great news Pete. Nice to see this come to pass. Will make building my semi that much easier. :thumbsup:
After the announcement that El-Be-Tac had partnered with Robinson Armament to bring in new semi-auto MP-44's I emailed El-Be-Tac. I had emailed them inquiring as to whether they would be supplying spare parts in the USA. And if so, how could I go about getting a new oprod and bolt for my PTR-44 that had a bolt failure after only 49 rounds. I included pictures of my broken bolt. See the thread for pictures of the broken bolt. I did not hear back from them at that time.

On the 2/5/15 date at 1204 hrs EST I emailed Robinson Armament.

Here is part of that email--
[[[After reading this announcement I visited the El-Be-Tac website
( where I found two interesting things. First, the
firearms that they show on their website appear to be the ones made by Sport
Systeme Dittrich of Kulmbach, Germany. And second, that you are shown as
partnered with El-Be-Tac.

If this partnership is true then I have some questions to ask of you.

Are you currently able to get replacement parts from El-Be-Tac?

Will you be getting replacement parts from El-Be-Tac once the firearms start
being imported into this country? ........

.......If in fact you are partnered with El-Be-Tac, and are able to get replacement
parts, I would like to see about procuring a new oprod/bolt carrier assembly and
a new bolt. The oprod/bolt carrier assembly is shown as a complete piece on
the Sport Systeme Dittrich website ( for
328.44 Euros and the bolt is shown as a single item for 278.46 Euros on the same
webpage. Both prices have the 19% VAT included. So they should be a bit
cheaper without the VAT since they would be shipped out of Europe.]]]

At approximately 1600 hrs EST that same day I received a personal phone call from Lars Brüggemann. He had received the forwarded email from Robinson and was calling me from his office at Germany. He was very concerned about the issue at hand.

We had a long discussion about the previous PTR-44 problems with heat treat and the lack of spare parts. He assured me that since his money and his reputation were at stake he was making sure that there would not be any heat treatment failure issues. Also, he did inform me that there would be spare parts supply line set up through Robinson Armament. I informed him that should either issue arise that this product would die a very quick death here in the USA as the buyers had already be burned once before.

We also discussed the rumored pricing of $5000. He did not give me a price at that time but he did say that it would not be that high.

He also said that he would work on getting me a new oprod/bolt carrier group and new bolt at dealer cost straight from Sport Systeme Dittrich. That was back in February. To date I have not heard anything further from El-Be-Tac.

In the meantime, I have sent my PTR-44 to ShortFal for repair. It is running fine now with an original MP-44 oprod/bolt carrier/bolt/and recoil spring. ShortFal also did a bunch of other minor things to improve the receiver and other things. His work is truly a work of art and a labor of love! By the way, FYI, the SSD recoil spring has the same number of turns as an original spring but is approximately 1.5 inches longer. It also takes a much heavier force to pull it to the rear to charge the gun. It seems to have a heavier feel during recoil versus the recoil from an original MP-44 recoil spring.

I will post any updates that I get from El-Be-Tac or Robinson Armament.

Don't hold your breath.

Not doubting Jadg's post, but I'll believe this when I actually see some rifles for sale. The fact that it's now 3 months later since he talked to Lars, and still has NO replacement part, pretty much says it all to me. You can buy STG parts all day on frickin' ebay or GB (from EUR too), so WTF is the problem sending him a replacement op rod part ? ... really ...

Not doubting Jadg's post, but I'll believe this when I actually see some rifles for sale. The fact that it's now 3 months later since he talked to Lars, and still has NO replacement part, pretty much says it all to me. You can buy STG parts all day on frickin' ebay or GB (from EUR too), so WTF is the problem sending him a replacement op rod part ? ... really ...


The problem is the German laws !! That is why i have to send parts from my personal adress that is not in Germany. D
These don't look to be the same. Waffenfabrikusa are definitely SSD products. The other is some abomination that also takes .223 ammo, etc.


Well if this happens then a lot of guys long time wet dreams will finally come true. Those being a MP44 clone in a caliber other than 7.92x33. The problem I have with this is if one wants to shoot 5.56, then buy an AR. If one wants to shoot 7.62x39, then buy an AK.
When a website shows an "artist's interpretation" of the product, I immediately become uninterested. If one isn't made available for viewing before putting them up for sale, how will a thousand get made afterwards?
These don't look to be the same. Waffenfabrikusa are definitely SSD products. The other is some abomination that also takes .223 ammo, etc.


Waffenfabrik definitely looks like SSD. So, same procedure as last time, shotgun wedding between imported Euro parts and some domestically produced 922(r) junk? Didn't we drive down that dead end street once already?

I'm not sure what hmgunworks is offering, are they selling Photoshop rifles right out of "Castle Wolfenstein"? That thing looks stupid, the visible spring right behind the charging handle reminds me of the crappy .22 made by GSG and sold through American Tactical, another piece of junk to speak of.

I know, American enthusiasts are willing to pay a little extra to own something special, but for heaven's sake, stop supporting those fly by night manufacturers. Stick with someone like Rick who builds cool stuff and stands behind his products.
AR magazines.........FAIL
Picatinny rail...........MEGA UBER FAIL.

Now we're even making STG44's tacticool. :googlie
8 Kurz

AR magazines.........FAIL
Picatinny rail...........MEGA UBER FAIL.

Now we're even making STG44's tacticool. :googlie

A wanna be Sturmgewehr that shoots anything but 8 Kurz is only a sorrowful kind of look alike COPY.
A wanna be Sturmgewehr that shoots anything but 8 Kurz is only a sorrowful kind of look alike COPY.

I agree with you, however I do believe there is a market for a Stg44 look a like (not a clone) that will shoot a more affordable round (7.62/5.56)
for around 1K. not everyone can afford to purchase that 5K Clone Gun. Of course I personally would have no interest in such a weapon.

For anyone reading this thread that is interested in buying one of the "Waffenfabrik" weapons, I would seriously inquire about spare parts. I would also ask where the serial number range is. The 0700s to 0900s on the SSD weapons (assuming these are SSD weapons - which they definitely look to be) are where parts failures are being reported in the USA. I know absolutely zip about re-heat treating metal. If the rifles are in this known range or even close to it, I would think it prudent to ask questions about that and the availability of spare parts before shelling out your hard earned coin.

Also ... if you buy one ... PLEASE SHOOT IT !!! That's the only way anyone will know for sure if they work. Not the 20 rounds and "Yeah, it works ..." Shove a few hundred through it at a time. You'll only likely get a 1 year warranty, buddy. Oh, and don't get me wrong ... I can understand safe queens for antiques, rare finds and what not, but new production high cap rifles? You guys should be beaten with a hot wheels track ... :biggrin1:

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For anyone reading this thread that is interested in buying one of the "Waffenfabrik" weapons, I would seriously inquire about spare parts. I would also ask where the serial number range is. The 0700s to 0900s on the SSD weapons (assuming these are SSD weapons - which they definitely look to be) are where parts failures are being reported in the USA. I know absolutely zip about re-heat treating metal. If the rifles are in this known range or even close to it, I would think it prudent to ask questions about that and the availability of spare parts before shelling out your hard earned coin.

Also ... if you buy one ... PLEASE SHOOT IT !!! That's the only way anyone will know for sure if they work. Not the 20 rounds and "Yeah, it works ..." Shove a few hundred through it at a time. You'll only likely get a 1 year warranty, buddy. Oh, and don't get me wrong ... I can understand safe queens for antiques, rare finds and what not, but new production high cap rifles? You guys should be beaten with a hot wheels track ... :biggrin1:


What do you think I would do with one Doug? :thumbsup:
A one year warranty is a joke without a support structure behind it, even the PTR44 came with a 1 year warranty. In order for me to purchase another SSD Gun I would have to know (in advance) that there is a competent Gunsmith who can actually repair what they sell. SSD track record in the U.S. is abysmal in this regard. It took me 4 years and many original parts to find someone (PETE) who was able to rebuild my PTR44, no way do I want to have to go down that road again!
