New semi auto STG 44s being imported

Hi Model. I am not Lars but i will report inn with some news after the IWA show next month. You will get news about Usa and new guns. Greatings! !

Good, keep us informed.:happy0180: I want that Stg45!

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There might be more members in the stg family on the marked soon .And maybe "made in the USA ". I will keep you informed! !!!
My take on it is that you can get a semi FG42 for just a little more.
For $5000 I can buy a kit, have it rewelded into semi auto and have an original that's been converted into semi. Being stamped receiver it would be tricky but I have seen it done.

With that said $3500 would be about my limit on a reproduction.

My take on it is that you can get a semi FG42 for just a little more.
For $5000 I can buy a kit, have it rewelded into semi auto and have an original that's been converted into semi. Being stamped receiver it would be tricky but I have seen it done.

With that said $3500 would be about my limit on a reproduction.

FG42 parts kit?? Good luck with that! unobtanium
Stg 44

There is always the GSG STG 44 .22 replica. I have one and it is great for what it is. The ammo for the real STG 44 is hard to come by. They are reloads by people who have never seen or shot a real one, had problems using the reloads with a real one.

There is always the GSG STG 44 .22 replica. I have one and it is great for what it is. The ammo for the real STG 44 is hard to come by. They are reloads by people who have never seen or shot a real one, had problems using the reloads with a real one.

The ammo has not been hard to come by with the FNM and Privi being available. Maybe was an issue years ago.
The cases reload easily and last for many reloads. Don't know why anyone would have trouble with them.
Problem lately is Hornady not making the 125 gr. bullets for the time being so they say.
Cast lead with gas checks work ok though.
Just got some I cast poly coated. No lube, no gas checks. Have not shot enough of them so far to know how they will work out but seem to be ok so far.
Poly coat guy says 2000 fps should be no problem with leading.
That's what I was thinking too Pete. Last few complete kits I saw seemed to go pretty high. I think it boils down to if you want looks or as close to original as possible. Also, issue with the new parts reliability would steer me away. They'd have to sell a bunch, have spare parts available and have a history of good reliability before I would consider one. Also cheaper price would be necessary, as I already have a couple original sets.
seems lots of folks with disposable cash have been buying the recent kits the last three I saw go for sale heavily demilled and each went for close to 5K, all were in rugged shape. seems everyone wants to belong to the club, but alas I was one of those folks.

my thoughts would be to have them import the receivers ( don't know if that's feasible ) or at least a 80% unfinished ones

New MP-44 Supply Chain Issue Answers (Maybe)

After the announcement that El-Be-Tac had partnered with Robinson Armament to bring in new semi-auto MP-44's I emailed El-Be-Tac. I had emailed them inquiring as to whether they would be supplying spare parts in the USA. And if so, how could I go about getting a new oprod and bolt for my PTR-44 that had a bolt failure after only 49 rounds. I included pictures of my broken bolt. See the thread for pictures of the broken bolt. I did not hear back from them at that time.

On the 2/5/15 date at 1204 hrs EST I emailed Robinson Armament.

Here is part of that email--
[[[After reading this announcement I visited the El-Be-Tac website
( where I found two interesting things. First, the
firearms that they show on their website appear to be the ones made by Sport
Systeme Dittrich of Kulmbach, Germany. And second, that you are shown as
partnered with El-Be-Tac.

If this partnership is true then I have some questions to ask of you.

Are you currently able to get replacement parts from El-Be-Tac?

Will you be getting replacement parts from El-Be-Tac once the firearms start
being imported into this country? ........

.......If in fact you are partnered with El-Be-Tac, and are able to get replacement
parts, I would like to see about procuring a new oprod/bolt carrier assembly and
a new bolt. The oprod/bolt carrier assembly is shown as a complete piece on
the Sport Systeme Dittrich website ( for
328.44 Euros and the bolt is shown as a single item for 278.46 Euros on the same
webpage. Both prices have the 19% VAT included. So they should be a bit
cheaper without the VAT since they would be shipped out of Europe.]]]

At approximately 1600 hrs EST that same day I received a personal phone call from Lars Brüggemann. He had received the forwarded email from Robinson and was calling me from his office at Germany. He was very concerned about the issue at hand.

We had a long discussion about the previous PTR-44 problems with heat treat and the lack of spare parts. He assured me that since his money and his reputation were at stake he was making sure that there would not be any heat treatment failure issues. Also, he did inform me that there would be spare parts supply line set up through Robinson Armament. I informed him that should either issue arise that this product would die a very quick death here in the USA as the buyers had already be burned once before.

We also discussed the rumored pricing of $5000. He did not give me a price at that time but he did say that it would not be that high.

He also said that he would work on getting me a new oprod/bolt carrier group and new bolt at dealer cost straight from Sport Systeme Dittrich. That was back in February. To date I have not heard anything further from El-Be-Tac.

In the meantime, I have sent my PTR-44 to ShortFal for repair. It is running fine now with an original MP-44 oprod/bolt carrier/bolt/and recoil spring. ShortFal also did a bunch of other minor things to improve the receiver and other things. His work is truly a work of art and a labor of love! By the way, FYI, the SSD recoil spring has the same number of turns as an original spring but is approximately 1.5 inches longer. It also takes a much heavier force to pull it to the rear to charge the gun. It seems to have a heavier feel during recoil versus the recoil from an original MP-44 recoil spring.

I will post any updates that I get from El-Be-Tac or Robinson Armament.