But now were in too wartime production and now he says look "WAR EAGLES! Look at all the war eagles!
That's just because it's wartime. Otherwise it would be pre-war, and they'd be stamped with preagles!
But now were in too wartime production and now he says look "WAR EAGLES! Look at all the war eagles!
That BNZ/BCD "all matching" my a$$.....
Funny, this screen grab had "It Floats" in the tag in the background. How fitting. Lol.
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The rifles didn't even last 10 minutes... I guess people love being "Ben'd" over... Is there any guide or material I can read up on regarding forgeries and fakes in the K98 world?
Hopefully this was part of the deal. Whoever bought these is gonna need the whole barrel to make that thing fit up their a$$.
It's better without pepper...