New Classic Private Collection K98ks

These remind me of "Humper McBride's*" work....wasn't he offering that KM gun?

*Credit to DaveDavis for the name

If it is his, he's been doing some online shopping at Faker's HQ.


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I would gladly pay a premium for one of them thar rifles with shiny butt plates and deep blue butt plate screws. No doubt these all came from a bunker armory where new rifles were stored next to branding iron cartouches. Where can I get me one of them floor plate frames?
All matching 1937 for $999. is really all you needed to hear. Even if you had the video off and were just listening to the sound you knew at that moment it was all bullsh*t. I'd LOVE to know who 'did' these.
Those slings got bling..

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But these are the nicest ones they've seen?

Went on gunboards and crickets. Come on here and you guys don't disappoint!
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Quotes from the Video:

"Nicest batch of K98s we've ever had"

"When it comes to private collections, people ask me the story. Of course there is a story behind these.. the owner told us their story, but we weren't there, we don't know, we can never verify the validity of any story we're told. So what we try to do--instead of passing on something second-hand. We always try to let the product speak for itself. And you can see the product: you can see exactly what we have, exactly how we got it, and you can make up your own mind".

"every number I've been able to find matches... and these could be reproduction stocks folks--I'm not saying they're not"

If anyone watching this, after hearing all that hyperbole and all those caveats, is still stupid enough to drop over a grand on any of these, they deserve what they get. Also, I highly doubt Old Ben and his crew were "ignorant" of what these really were when they negotiated a price to buy the "collection" from the former owner.
Classic offering

My guess is that these are purpose "restored" rifles and not some collection but presented under the guise as a collection.
The large grouping of rifles that a large Ohio based vendor purchased were not as bad as these but nearly all renumbered, reblued, and "corrected" even to
the point of having new codes engraved - almost done on a factory scale, at least from my viewpoint.

My guess is that we will see more attempts at "restoration for resale" so stay tuned.

Mitchells created the mess in the first place which was a poor attempt but there will be additional vendors coming
to the table that have a higher skill level.

As many have pointed out over on the Questionable Camos thread, K98ks for the time being are not threatened from near perfect knockoffs but stay tuned.
The larger problem is that after the novacaine wears off and the purchasers realize they've been had, these rifles will be fobbed off on the unsuspecting at shows everywhere.
Ole Ben was really sweating on this vid!:laugh:

You'd be sweating too if you had to keep a straight face while selling these rifles. My sense was that even Classic is a bit wary of this lot, given the hurried video, relative lack of fanfare, and relative pricing restraint.

While you're all doubting my sanity over the "pricing restraint" remark, consider that the first two examples in this video are priced $300 less than the "excellent/unfired" Czechoslovakian K98ks from the video posted 3 weeks ago. If Classic really believed they had unissued/like-new pre-war K98ks, do you think they would bring these to market at anything less than top dollar?

The example of their Swiss Lugers springs to mind in this regard -- nice looking pieces at full retail price.
..If Classic really believed they had unissued/like-new pre-war K98ks, do you think they would bring these to market at anything less than top dollar?

Absolutely. That '37 would have been $2999 or $3999, not $999. As someone pointed out, all the CYA speak that almost reads like a script is because I believe they know these are fake.