So, I finally took the old gal all the way apart to do a below the wood line inspection. The firearm is all matching except for these two screws and, for lack of a better term, receiver parts that are all matching to themselves (#58). Just wondering if any member here can provide some insight as to why these four pieces would be matching to themselves? Also wondering if anyone can provide some insight as to some of the markings. Thanks in advance.
005 by vintage collector, on Flickr
001 by vintage collector, on Flickr
006 by vintage collector, on Flickr
007 by vintage collector, on Flickr
004 by vintage collector, on Flickr
003 by vintage collector, on Flickr
005 by vintage collector, on Flickr
001 by vintage collector, on Flickr
006 by vintage collector, on Flickr
007 by vintage collector, on Flickr
004 by vintage collector, on Flickr
003 by vintage collector, on Flickr