MP44 Flat?

2nd amend law

Junior Member
Help ID this pic? It looks like an MP44 flat. wonder where it came from and more importantly how do I get one.


  • MP44.jpg
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It's an HMG flat and it's literally good for nothing if you want to build a real MP44.
With a little bit more enthusiasm they could've made real MP44 flats and sell them to builders to subsidize their ugly rifle development.
It's an HMG flat and it's literally good for nothing if you want to build a real MP44.
With a little bit more enthusiasm they could've made real MP44 flats and sell them to builders to subsidize their ugly rifle development.

Yup, I wish those guys offering PTR44’s would offer flats
An entirely missed business opportunity. I've paid around $500 for a newly made MP44 trunnion for resurrecting a saw cut receiver. A lot of money for a chunk of steel but it's well made and nothing else out there. With all the work I've put into rewelding a sheet metal puzzle (still not completed), I wouldn't have shed a tear shelling out another $500 for a well made flat, maybe even more.

So here are these HMG clowns, on a mission to creating one of the ugliest MP44 copies ever, offered at $1,700 retail. They have made a flat which -with a little more effort- could have been a very close copy of an MP44 flat and still work for their design. While embarking on their brain fart journey of making the rest of the rifle work with different calibers from .22 short to 88mm flak, they could have ensured considerable incoming cash flow from selling MP44 flats, butt stock ferrules, etc. in an effort to finance their multi-caliber experiments. Now this train of opportunities has left the station for HMG, dkproductions offers all the small parts at very competitive prices. If dkproductions could also offer flats and trunnions, many more cut up MP44 could be resurrected, either in semi or full auto configuration. And nobody would even look at HMG's MP44 abomination.
no the HMG has not been released. hopefully never will

that flat looks like the ones PTR sold, jerry had a few for sale years ago. I asked him about them, he said he had no more.
I also asked Tor, if he would sell flats and he also said no

so there you have it, a opportunity to build a semi auto from scratch,

personally , I would hand the whole project over to Pete, bet he could whip up a outstanding rifle with that flat
You can tell it's an HMG flat by the magazine latch on the wrong side and an MP40 style bolt hold-open cutout.

While embarking on their brain fart journey of making the rest of the rifle work with different calibers from .22 short to 88mm flak, they could have ensured considerable incoming cash flow from selling MP44 flats, butt stock ferrules, etc. in an effort to finance their multi-caliber experiments.

If they're making one in 88mm flak ... I'm in. L:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
That sucks--I was hoping to have a new maker in the works for flats. Too bad they didn't make flats for MP44 parts kits they would be making $$ by now.
I can't figure out who the HMG thing is target for. If you want an expensive semi-auto, you'll buy something else. If you want an MP/STG, you'll buy something else. Who are the expecting to get money from?

If they had just built an accurate STG, I'd hand over a small pile of cash without second thought. But no, we have this unattractive vaporware that doesn't really satisfy anyone.
They're an American company making a firearm, so I am not going to say anything negative...

...I can't think of anything to say.

A few years ago someone on this site posted some images of original MP44 flats photographed in a German Museum - of course that is several lap-tops and a photobucket account ago - but, it was an interesting thread.
I would like an MP44 flat to frame and hang on my wall as industrial art. I've thought about getting a G3 or MP5 one but it just wouldn't be the same.
Hi, i will check with my partner once more if we gonna bring inn receiver flats. I need to check the laws on importing them. I have ordered trunions, and they will be on the marked this sommer. D
A receiver flat is a non-regulated part. Seems like it would be okay, but that's all you to sort out.
HMG is truly a missed opportunity. It’s unbelievable to me that this product still hasn’t hit the market and that they took so many peoples hard earn money without having a working firearm. That and how ugly this “take” on the sturmgewehr is. The fact that so many people were interested in this project shows the desire of many gun owners to have a semi sturmgewehr. It’s just a shame that this is what they are getting.. if they ever get it.