An entirely missed business opportunity. I've paid around $500 for a newly made MP44 trunnion for resurrecting a saw cut receiver. A lot of money for a chunk of steel but it's well made and nothing else out there. With all the work I've put into rewelding a sheet metal puzzle (still not completed), I wouldn't have shed a tear shelling out another $500 for a well made flat, maybe even more.
So here are these HMG clowns, on a mission to creating one of the ugliest MP44 copies ever, offered at $1,700 retail. They have made a flat which -with a little more effort- could have been a very close copy of an MP44 flat and still work for their design. While embarking on their brain fart journey of making the rest of the rifle work with different calibers from .22 short to 88mm flak, they could have ensured considerable incoming cash flow from selling MP44 flats, butt stock ferrules, etc. in an effort to finance their multi-caliber experiments. Now this train of opportunities has left the station for HMG, dkproductions offers all the small parts at very competitive prices. If dkproductions could also offer flats and trunnions, many more cut up MP44 could be resurrected, either in semi or full auto configuration. And nobody would even look at HMG's MP44 abomination.