Mitchell’s Mausers

This was at the end of your first post..."Incidentally, what’s with the “humped up turd” or “pumped up piece of crap” language. is this language of Gen Z? Grumpy old men? Involuntary celibates? I’ve just never heard that before."

You came out swinging like a douche, in our house, expect to take fire.

Have anyone here shot one? Who cares? A 98k shoots like a 98k, some are accurate, sone are not. No one gives a crap if one wants a Mitchells to shoot, to fill a hole, to scratch the itch for a 98k without shelling out for a good matching one.

Thats the point, buy what you want, shoot what you want...but you won't find a warm welcome in a forum dedicated to collectible 98k's and serious research pimping for humped RC's...

Please don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya on your way out. No reason to come back...
“He walked through with me all the manner and means it might have been altered by Mitchell but noted that, notwithstanding this or that alteration, it was basically a “correct” restoration of the rifle for the year it was built (leaving aside the pimp shining — he’ll likely get it blued).”

See, this quote right here tells us all we need to know about you and your supposedly knowledgeable friend. They were not good or accurate restorations…like at all. Why would you think that? The only part that’s authentic, or even looks the part, is the original but altered K98k parts. The metal finish, wood finish, proofs, acceptances….its all just sh*t chosen by Don Mitchell and not period correct at all.

And I really don’t understand what the point of you coming here even was. To try and throw out some “Gotcha Moment” on a collector forum? Everyone here knows MM’s are fine shooters, hell if one was cheap enough I’d take it as a shooter as well. Thats not why they get the hate though. They’re hated because a dude effectively started a scam company and altered more historically interesting pieces to take advantage of the ignorant and make money. Thats why people hate them. Seems pretty reasonable to me.

They also aren’t like CMP guns at all. The CMP never lied and manipulated people into thinking they were buying something they actually weren’t. It’s quite a different situation Winston.
Some of these drive by guys are very entertaining. Trying to put out an air of superiority by using $10 words and bragging about what they drive.
I had to go to work to support myself when I was 14. I tried to finish high school, but it was impossible to drive a forklift all night and still be able to go to school during the day. Had to drop out after 3 weeks in the 10th grade. I have had to work my azz off to get the few things I have. I raised two kids, I drove muscle cars and owned a few Harleys. A little over 11 years ago I traded a bayonet to a friend for a Mauser. That led me to this forum. I knew nothing about K98s. I quickly found out I had traded for a Mitchell`s. It was an older one that had nothing done to it except a pimp shined, humped up bolt added to it and that damn Mitchells extra line stamped across the X that was put on the receiver by the Russians. It was ugly with a thick coat of Russian Red shellac on the stock and had several Russian arsenal repairs done to the wood, plus it had an internal crack running from in front of the mag well back into the wrist. I didn`t get all butt hurt and defensive when these guys told me what I had and what it was worth. I came here to learn and that is what I have done. My collecting direction has gone towards the S84/98 bayonets which is/was more in line with what I earn, especially now that I am retired. I will never have an all matching K98 but the K98 I do have is a nice looking rifle. I sold and traded off every part of the rifle except the matching barrel, receiver, and trigger assembly. Now it sits in an unaltered Norwegian capture stock with matching bands and trigger guard, and a bolt I got from a forum member. The rifle doesn't look like a Mitchells, but it is because of that damn extra line across the X.
Yes, really, and I don‘t really care whether you believe me or not. In any event, this concludes tonight’s sociological experiment and I’d like to offer my personal thanks to those who participated in it — my posts were the product of a bet. My friend, who is quite knowledgeable about firearms in general and K98’s in particular, decided to buy a Mitchell’s Mauser notwithstanding all of the childish vitriol about MMs on this forum. I had never heard of the things before and really didn’t care. We went shooting with it (and none of the haters here tonight have actually stated they’ve done the same) and I actually enjoyed firing it. He walked through with me all the manner and means it might have been altered by Mitchell but noted that, notwithstanding this or that alteration, it was basically a “correct” restoration of the rifle for the year it was built (leaving aside the pimp shining — he’ll likely get it blued). He also explained all the hate that these rifles get and I joked with him about getting on the forum and making the CMP Garand/JRA carbine analogy and how actually it’s a pretty good rifle. His response: “you will get nothing but a bunch of thoughtless knee jerk hate from people who’ve never fired this.” So, I posted with a relatively calm description of my experience with a little bit of completely obvious trolling to see who would be dumb enough to take the bait. Well, many of you didn’t disappoint. You couldn’t have a rational discussion but instead had to demonstrate how your own self-esteem and self-worth apparently is tied up with your knowledge of firearms and your obvious superiority as it relates to Nazi weapons. Good for you. I owe my friend a beer. Now, I will go back to living my life while many of you need to go get one.
I could understand if you were completely unfamiliar w/ Mitchells & came here to learn why we disdain them so, even if you didn’t agree with the majority opinion here.

But to come here & argue at length for them, throwing insults at people you don’t know is ridiculous & makes you look so. You clearly have nothing in your life better than YOUR mother’s basement or you wouldn’t have spent the time on your long-winded responses.

Be gone, fool!
Not the first to be upset about the disdain collectors feel toward Mitchells and he won't be the last.

I have a few all matching K98Ks and I am just a caretaker. Someone else will have them after I drop dead.

Enjoy whatever you have, life is short.
So much goddamned cope.

I've got nothing against shooter 98ks that aren't all that collectible. I'm the first guy to run out and talk about how an RC is a really respectable place to get started. But a Mitchell's? It's a turd that won't hold its value compared to even the most modest RC.

If your criteria is just "it's a gun that functions" then fine, low standards are a thing I guess. Have fun, but know that you're over paying for garbage.
I have to chuckle at all the vituperative posts on this thread about Mitchell’s Mausers. I recently had the opportunity to shoot one with a friend who just bought a legitimate K98K that was an MM restoration (and, yes, he knew exactly what he was doing, had read all of the vitriol on these forums, and bought one anyway because the rifle was in very good shape). First, let’s all agree that Don Mitchell was a huckster and the PT Barnum of milsurp promotion. And, his passing M48s off as K98’s was blatant fraud and indefensible. Having said that, these rifles are not “garbage” or “humped up turds“ (more on that later). I don’t see them as much different than my CMP Expert Garand or my James River Armory M1 carbine. All are basically restoration projects and the one I held and shot was actually quite well done. Moreover, the bore was clean, well rifled and it had not been counter-bored. It shot fantastic. My buddy knew he was not buying something that had serous collector value anymore than when I bought a Harrington & Richardson M16A1 clone from PSA. Considering it was a nice restoration, and it shoots great, I thought he did really well. So, when someone asks, “what about Mitchells’ Mausers,” you can point out that they are not true collector rifles and there was a lot false promotion around their original marketing. But they are very nice rifles and I don’t know why anyone should have to apologize for owning one. Incidentally, what’s with the “humped up turd” or “pumped up piece of crap” language. is this language of Gen Z? Grumpy old men? Involuntary celibates? I’ve just never heard that before.

Man, you people just dig your own holes. lol
Where'd @Winston-Smith go? The entertainment value was High, with that one. It's Sunday. Please Come Back. 🤔😉😂

We are in need of more Social Experimentation. 😮
We have quite a history of nonsense. Nothing (probably ever) will top ShooterIke. Another guy brought a complete fantasy (I believe of his making) and wanted it vetted/validated and things got pretty wild. Both of them devolved to them calling many 'no nothings' and 'you should go read a book'.

A more recent but less dramatic incident involved someone who didn't get the answers he wanted so he ended up removing his photos and editing EVERY one of his posts to "F You" of something equally mature.
You folks really need to go lube your K98 barrels, or learn to reload, or build nice display cabinets to display your precious rifles, or anything else which may allow you to create value with your time. Thanks for a short introduction to Kindergarten 101, I’m outa here.

Bye bye…..
It was a Joke, @Wjmartins. 🤔

The guy, admittedly, came here to stir up trouble. Threw out insults, etc. What a Shock, that he got what he came for.

Lighten Up, Francis.
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Shooter Ike was the best, I really miss his comedic commentary on history that none of us understood.

WJ was just a typical, common internet troll, barely worth a meme response.
You folks really need to go lube your K98 barrels, or learn to reload, or build nice display cabinets to display your precious rifles, or anything else which may allow you to create value with your time. Thanks for a short introduction to Kindergarten 101, I’m outa here.

Bye bye…..
Buh Bye Arschloch....
You folks really need to go lube your K98 barrels, or learn to reload, or build nice display cabinets to display your precious rifles, or anything else which may allow you to create value with your time. Thanks for a short introduction to Kindergarten 101, I’m outa here.

Bye bye…..
The level of butthurt still shocks me. I swear I thought most people here were adults, but I'm often mistaken it seems. Oh well, time to go lube my gun barrels. :rolleyes: