RKI- Reasonably Knowledgable Individual
When does this date from?
'44 e block?
When does this date from?
Hi Dave
Wonderfull k98 indeed.
Is there any holes in the rainshield of the dkl scope ?
When does this date from? The gothic "mod 98" throws me for a loop every time.
No wonder if those never come to the market if everything top class ends up with Dave. Now that I've learned the new term, would that also be a "honey hole" where you got that one from? Can't get any better, and thanks for also sharing them here Dave!
No wonder if those never come to the market if everything top class ends up with Dave. Now that I've learned the new term, would that also be a "honey hole" where you got that one from? Can't get any better, and thanks for also sharing them here Dave!
Hi Dave
Can you add a picture of the rainshield with hole ?
Great addition to the sniper hogs trough!!!
It's fantastic
do you know where Ted found him
Best regard
Good grief, how did I miss this one? Beautiful.