As I said Robert`s Book may not have been perfect , but its my understanding he made correction on 2nd & 3rd Printing . I have not published a book and I do not know many who have actually made the effort to help educate K98 and K98 Sniper collectors by putting out a book except for Mike Steves & Bruce Karem and Robert Spielauer . So on that fact alone I will give credit were credit is due that said IMHO Robert made effort to help advance collectors knowledge base and same goes with Mike & Bruce .
In many respects collecting does come down to monitory issue , this why many are so reluctant to share info , most think why should I help educate someone who will then have more knowledge and in turn likely bid on something that I may be bidding on and this may not have had happened if I did not give out said info or show something that was maybe not known . For me I like helping fellow collectors because someday I will not be here and if knowledge is not passed on what will happen to all these items we enjoy collecting . I tell you Sporterized and or Destroyed completely . Best Regards