Martin100's High Turret for review

One of the main problem with collecting is that there are commercial and financial issues. That is why so many people make money with fakes.
Best regards

QUOTE=Dave Roberts;246702]True , it is a known fact that there is some bad items in Robert`s Book . I never claimed Robert`s Book to be perfect .
Best Regards[/QUOTE]
As I said Robert`s Book may not have been perfect , but its my understanding he made correction on 2nd & 3rd Printing . I have not published a book and I do not know many who have actually made the effort to help educate K98 and K98 Sniper collectors by putting out a book except for Mike Steves & Bruce Karem and Robert Spielauer . So on that fact alone I will give credit were credit is due that said IMHO Robert made effort to help advance collectors knowledge base and same goes with Mike & Bruce .

In many respects collecting does come down to monitory issue , this why many are so reluctant to share info , most think why should I help educate someone who will then have more knowledge and in turn likely bid on something that I may be bidding on and this may not have had happened if I did not give out said info or show something that was maybe not known . For me I like helping fellow collectors because someday I will not be here and if knowledge is not passed on what will happen to all these items we enjoy collecting . I tell you Sporterized and or Destroyed completely . Best Regards
Great points Dave. It is difficult to create a source of information for collectors. I also like the idea of helping people when I can. It was why I created my website (with much help from yourself). And I will have to update information as we learn new things. That is the nature of learning and growing as a collector.

You Dave, are a credit to this hobby (as are Mike and Bruce).