Martin100's High Turret for review

It is a nice looking rifle, but not originally a sniper. These rifles take years of looking to see subtle differences. It is the unfortunate truth here that someone has made this one post war. Just how it looks from your photos. I don’t like the safety, WR proof on base, I proof, or WaA 135 on sniper specific areas. Better photos might help, but I doubt it. I hope you did not pay a lot of money for it. It is worth the sum of its parts now probably. Also, I hope you understand and can return this for a refund. This rifle is not even a close comparison to the rifle in the original post in my opinion.

and what I noticed at the byf 44. The stamp on the 44 E ... is always partially visible. not like you totally covered. at least a 4 is always visible. ..
So I look again in the book war model 1. I have a WR stamp on the bottom of the case. You also ?

Furthermore, I have also found a photo where no H stamped in the front mounting base.

Also, I found a photo in the R.LAW of a double claw with a similarly fluted fuse like mine.

So everything fake ??
I do not think so, just because stamp like me the big i in the shutter was not seen. ...

soo ....

good evening

This does not make any sense at all.
Ive started a thread for your rifle Martin as to not mix up Herc's thread with his rifle.
Good idea to make this its own thread. Maybe a mod. should move this to a new section labeled off topic. Probably does not belong in the sniper section.
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I agree too that. Over the past few weeks if you don't tell someone want they want too hear. Or quite plainly tell them their rifle is 100% real and you did great on your purchase. When you tell them too take better pictures and their rifle has problems they get mad.

And the last thing we need is another Ike thread! :facepalm:
I agree too that. Over the past few weeks if you don't tell someone want they want too hear. Or quite plainly tell them their rifle is 100% real and you did great on your purchase. When you tell them too take better pictures and their rifle has problems they get mad.

And the last thing we need is another Ike thread! :facepalm:

When you post something you should at least expect a fair assessment. An actual photo of one is worth a 1000 words. Most reasonable people could not argue with that.
It’s a “sniper” so I’ll leave it here. As well documented bad guns still provide info.
Martin100, so far we have a handful pictures of your rifle and these do not look to be correct. It would be good if you could post more and detailed pictures of your rifle to specifically tell you if there is something wrong, and what is wrong.

If you buy something off a large collector, be very suspicious. They don't have large collections because they sell the best stuff, but they have large collections because they always kept the best and sold the ones that were not that good, and sometimes also items which are fake.

The authors of "Kriegsmodell" are the owners of this forum and one of them has even replied to you in another thread (regarding the SSZZA marking on a Single Claw sniper). And most of the rifles shown in their books are from the collections of members of this forum, such as Dave Roberts.

Please also compare the serial number on your bolt with the serial number on this byf44 in the same k-block. You can notice that on your rifle the letter is a capital K, while it should originally be a small k: . And when looking at your rifle in detail you can also see that the bolt shroud has been grounded on your rifle and new serial number stamped.
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Thanks for new Treat

OK I get it. Your rifles are all original and each other is a fake one. With arguments like "I've never seen the stamp", but no matter. None of you was then.
As I said in the LAW is a photo inside with a ribbed fuse. For a double claw.
But no matter. Certainly only fake. .... An objective discussion is probably not to think here .. sooo
Thank you for your time.

Martin100, I told you your rifle has a K (capital letter) on the bolt handle. It should have a k (small letter) on the bolt handle. Therefore the serial number on your bolt handle is not original.

Please check with any other all matching numbers byf 44 coded K98k rifle you can find. All original rifles have a small letter on the bolt handle.

Edit: here are some comparison pictures. The first is your rifle. The other three rifles are various that have been posted on this board before. Please compare the letter K yourself!


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OK I get it. Your rifles are all original and each other is a fake one. With arguments like "I've never seen the stamp", but no matter. None of you was then.
As I said in the LAW is a photo inside with a ribbed fuse. For a double claw.
But no matter. Certainly only fake. .... An objective discussion is probably not to think here .. sooo
Thank you for your time.


Anstatt hier beleidigte Heulsuse zu spielen, solltest Du lieber mehr Bilder von Deinem Gewehr hochladen, wenn Du wirklich an einer "objektive" Bewertung interessiert bist.
Wir sind all hier, um etwas zu lernen. Lernen erfordert, dass man offen fuer andere Meinungen ist und keine Scheuklappen traegt. Der "I" Stempel auf Deinem System ist ungewoehnlich, sagt aber nichts ueber Scharfschuetzeneinsatz aus.
Gerade im Bereich Scharfschuetzenwaffen wird so viel gefaelscht, dass eine gesunde Skepsis angebracht. Zum Beispiel hat Dein Mitbuerger Robert Spielauer bis vor kurzem jahrelang die besten Turmmontagen fuer das K98 hergestellt, die selbst von Experten kaum noch vom Original zu unterscheiden sind. Und Waffenamt Stempel bzw. Mauser WR Stempel kannst Du fuer ein paar Euro aus Polen bestellen.
Und hier kommst Du mit geschwellter Brust und ein paar mittelmaessigen Photos und reagierst zickig, wenn berechtigte Bedenken angemeldet werden.


Instead of being a crybaby and feeling insulted, you should rather upload more pictures of your rifle, if you are truly interested in an "unbiased" assessment.
We're all here to learn. Learning requires to be open minded and not wearing horse blinders. The "I" stamp on your receiver is unusual but says nothing about the rifle potentially being a sniper rifle.
Especially in the area of sniper rifles so much forgery has been encountered that there's nothing wrong with being skeptical. For example, until recently your fellow citizen Robert Spielauer has for years manufactured the best K98 turret mounts on the market, hard to distinguish from originals even for seasoned experts. And Waffenamt stamps resp. Mauser WR stamps can be ordered from Poland for a couple Euros.
And here you are, with a handful of mediocre pictures but full of attitude, acting pissy when justified concerns are being voiced.
OK I get it. Your rifles are all original and each other is a fake one. With arguments like "I've never seen the stamp", but no matter. None of you was then.
As I said in the LAW is a photo inside with a ribbed fuse. For a double claw.
But no matter. Certainly only fake. .... An objective discussion is probably not to think here .. sooo
Thank you for your time.


Best Advise I can give is , You need to buy some Newer Books because Law & Senich books are OK for the Period Published . But it also known to contain outright FAKES in both Books . The other thing you could do is a Reference Search here and look at Verified Originals . IMHO You lack basic knowledge of how to differentiate Period Original from Outright Fakes . If You truly wish to learn You came to the right Forums . There are very knowledgeable collectors that participate here from around the Globe .

Let me say it one more time , THERE ARE FAKE AND OR POST WAR Put togethers Sniper Rifle in BOTH LAW & SENICH .

I would also mention its not the collectors here who have Biased opinion of Your Rifle it is YOU . Stop belly aching and start by having an open mind if You really want to learn and if you care about what You collect , if not You will continue to buy Fakes . Best Regards

As for New Books , I would start here >
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Here is another "k" block HT rifle bolt for comparison.



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Best Advise I can give is , You need to buy some Newer Books because Law & Senich books are OK for the Period Published . But it also known to contain outright FAKES in both Books . The other thing you could do is a Reference Search here and look at Verified Originals . IMHO You lack basic knowledge of how to differentiate Period Original from Outright Fakes . If You truly wish to learn You came to the right Forums . There are very knowledgeable collectors that participate here from around the Globe .

Let me say it one more time , THERE ARE FAKE AND OR POST WAR Put togethers Sniper Rifle in BOTH LAW & SENICH .

I would also mention its not the collectors here who have Biased opinion of Your Rifle it is YOU . Stop belly aching and start by having an open mind if You really want to learn and if you care about what You collect , if not You will continue to buy Fakes . Best Regards

As for New Books , I would start here >

I've just purchased Laws and Senich books as well as Karabiner v1,v2 & v3....what are the fakes or page numbers of the fakes in Laws and Senich books please.
thanks a lot
Spilauer book

There are also doubtfull scopes and mount in spilauer book Dave ...
Just one example: ajack scope serial number 44678 on HT mount.... not a ww2 reissued one.

Best Advise I can give is , You need to buy some Newer Books because Law & Senich books are OK for the Period Published . But it also known to contain outright FAKES in both Books . The other thing you could do is a Reference Search here and look at Verified Originals . IMHO You lack basic knowledge of how to differentiate Period Original from Outright Fakes . If You truly wish to learn You came to the right Forums . There are very knowledgeable collectors that participate here from around the Globe .

Let me say it one more time , THERE ARE FAKE AND OR POST WAR Put togethers Sniper Rifle in BOTH LAW & SENICH .

I would also mention its not the collectors here who have Biased opinion of Your Rifle it is YOU . Stop belly aching and start by having an open mind if You really want to learn and if you care about what You collect , if not You will continue to buy Fakes . Best Regards

As for New Books , I would start here >
You do realize its already been mentioned that your letter font on the bolt root is the wrong kind for your rifle too be correct. And the one your talking about has the correct lower case letter font on the bolt root.

Post better pictures would be your best option.
There are also doubtfull scopes and mount in spilauer book Dave ...
Just one example: ajack scope serial number 44678 on HT mount.... not a ww2 reissued one.

True , it is a known fact that there is some bad items in Robert`s Book . I never claimed Robert`s Book to be perfect .
Best Regards