So here is a question>.... It seem as if the person who was selling this item when you look at the name has sold lots of other items(guns). There are no fly lists at airports... why not a "no buy" list from certain folks? Now there is a great chance that maybe he/she didnt know what they were selling....pawn shop etc.. but selling that much stock/guns one would think.. Anyway lots of sites have folks names or call signs that i have found to be suspect....kind of like pawel nowek, apollo and many others. Or if that is legally slander (not a lawyer) then have a list of reputable folks on those sites for us, and if not on all others beware. just a thought. I will say the trader forum is great but it doesnt have the volume to satisfy all who watch. thats why I seem to look at many other sights. I will say as I get "older" looking at fakes helps understand the real thing.