Machting byf 44 on Gunbroker and the high bidder

Yes, the bolt and it's parts are renumbered very badly.

I'm not seeing that renumbering was done. Looks legit to me, so I guess I'd have been the burnee had I bought this rifle! At least three different fonts were used, if this is true. Would like to have seen the other markings on the bolt itself.
I'm not seeing that renumbering was done. Looks legit to me, so I guess I'd have been the burnee had I bought this rifle! At least three different fonts were used, if this is true. Would like to have seen the other markings on the bolt itself.

If you can't tell the bolt is renumbered, you should stop paying any kind of money for 98k's. This one is REALLY bad and obvious! It's not about different fonts, it's about what a byf marked bolt numbering job should look like. Compare it to a known good bolt and the renumbering is obvious.
Any time I question a rifle's authenticity I seek out photos of a known good example, preferably from the same year, code, and serial number block. If that's not available I find the closest example possible. I will also find examples from the same year and code in order to compare one or more digits. If need be I will look at a rifle serial number digit by digit. I seldom walk away from a rifle with the feeling that I'm not sure. Usually, if I'm not sure, it is because of crummy pix, or missing pix. Things like the sticky index and search engines here and on GunBoards are powerful tools in evaluating originality.
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Great advice about knowing what you are looking at regarding pre-existing fonts et al from the experts. While it is an intangeble and can't be quantified, if my gut, which is considerable, tells me something is hinky, I listen.

The thing that stood out to me, besides the grinding and old numbers peeking out under some of the stamps was the curve of the downstroke of the four, and the seriffs on the ones. Stood out like a whore in church....

And I guarantee you Grey Blanket knew it was humped.....
So not only the bolt but the safety, firing pin and bolt shroud were renumbered/faked?

Yep, the grinding is pretty obvious, and look at the FP, see the original numbers under the re-stamp?

The place where it would get sticky for me is making sure it wasn't a depot re-work, but I think this one is simply a bolt mismatch with the bolt humped to match....
Looks like the side of the butt stock was restamped, too. You can see where the die was struck so hard that the wood in that area was buckled. When this same stamp was originally applied, this kind of damage did not happen presumably because the wood had not had 70 years to dry out.

During my first cursory look at the auction photos, I just did not see the counterfeiting. Everything talked about here becomes rather obvious upon a closer, unhurried examination. The evidence is certainly there.
Man that stamp is horrible on that stock talk about destroying some history. I hate fakes so much, nothing worse then someone taking advantage of someone else by selling them crap. And more fakes are coming out of the wood work now, so be alert or be burn. I have always believed if its too good to be true it most likely is.
Buyer is a repeat customer (at least 3x),,, with identical feedback from seller


sreisel A+(14939)
I think the seller is thinking right now is. Thank you returning buyer for purchasing my fake crap that you paid too much for and will have a very very hard time getting rid of it. Please come back next week so I can sell you more of my crap because your money is good and it makes my wallet fat:googlie. I hate to see what else this guy brings out the wood work. What's next double code rifles, snipers, SS rifles, man I don't know how people live with themselves for doing this to people its sick too me.
Bolt shroud was not replaced. The factory made a mistake on the last digit on the bolt shroud (and on the safety) then corrected it by overstamping the incorrect last digit with the correct one.
I have bought from him twice and am happy with my purchases. I cant say for sure if he messes with stuff or not. I simply dont know. But from what little I know of him, he is a "picker". He travels around and makes buys from local people, gunshows, auctions , etc. From what I have seen of his auctions over the past few years, he gets a wide assortment of stuff. Some good and some bad.
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That gun is a complete mess of a byf44. Nothing about that rifle is good, the buyer got reamed.