Paul- I can respect you POV, but respectfully disagree as all points you have made are plausibly refutable. I had mentioned in my initial post that this rifle has already been posted with mixed reviews, and yes I bought it from mike who I’m friends with who got it for $250 at a show setup. That’s the extent of the chain since surfacing for nothing. I certainly dont expect everyone to like it, just wanted to get some better pics out there.
I have to say it’s a bit disappointing that you think all of the eagles are bad simply because they haven’t been seen before, youve been around long enough to see swjXE’s and 1936 Bsw arise for the first time along with multitudes of other markings. While IMO the condition of at least some of the eagles clearly speaks to their age, at least you answered one question I was going to ask other doubters: why is just the Nazi eagle fake when none of the eagles have been seen or identified? At least your opinion of the eagles is consistent, though I have to say even more far fetched than the other opinions.
As pointed out above we know gew88's were in polish use, if the one eagle is Polish (which it may not be). We also know that while the Germans destroyed a lot of Gew88's it ceratinly wasn't comprehensive. If what you’re suggesting was true non Turk 88’s would be much less common than they are. What about all the gew98's and other arms stashed away by any number of individuals and groups during the time? Also, Ccarbines were in police use, could rifles have been? I've never seen a photo so cant prove it of course, but none of the possibilities I suggest seem hard to imagine.
Still, to me the strongest evidence is the depot serial. You may disagree, but IMO there’s not even a debate on its originality. Jory’s post pretty much puts that one to bed. And if one can’t refute the 3R era depot serial, you’re really forced to consider some of the other markings as well.
In addition to why a gew88 would still be in German hands…. I fail to see how it’s any more antiquated than any number of things we know were in German hands…. Lebels, Berthiers, 8x50 mannlichers, Krags, Gras, Belgian 89’s etc. IMO the fact that it was old and odd proves nothing at all other it’s definitely more than plausible