One of my friends won the auction and bought this rifle, it costs him 3K+tax/fees. Any comments on the price.
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Here is the description:
A rare opportunity to purchase a Sniper Rifle used as part of a Weapons Displays at USMA at West Point. For several years in a row this K98 along with other Military Rifles and Equipment were used a as Learning experience for the Cadets. The Cadets cannot handle the Weapons in the Museum, so people like myself bring our Private Collections for the Cadets to handle. It is an informal Q&A with the Cadets learning some History. Because of NY State Gun Control Laws, myself and the others no long take the risk of going to this State with valuable Historic Firearms, The Cadets loose out. This K98 was part of a Display where the topic was "Sniper Rifles of the ETO" while not every Rilfe is represented, there is enough for the Cadets to learn and handle them. Manufacturer is GUSTLOFF WERKE "bcd" code in SERIAL NUMBER This particular rifle SN 476gg has a higher than any other bcd 43 previously encountered. One Book list highest Serial Number as 518ff. This K98 for sale was purchase by me in early 2000 and originally was a Vet "Bring Back" no Import stamp on the Barrel, sometime in its life it was Sporterized, but the original parts kept, the original Scope Mounts were missing, but has the Original Scope which was probably a Civilian Purcurment in the 1930, when Germany was secretly rearming. The Scope is a Dr Gehard numbered to the Rifle #476. Most metal parts are matching #476, only part not is front Barrel Band and Stock. I have never fired this Rifle, it was purchased strictly for display, I don't know how well the scope is. I will include copies of WEST POINT photos, or by Email to buyer with a Letter from me stating this was used for Learning Purposes by the Cadets. Since we no longer do this Q&A Display it is a Rare Opportunity to own something like this given the History of West Point. I hope to add more close up photos and a Bore photo soon. *Make an Investment with your Trump Tax Cut Money, it can only go up in value since we will not be going back there and doing this Event.
Here is the link:
Here is the description:
A rare opportunity to purchase a Sniper Rifle used as part of a Weapons Displays at USMA at West Point. For several years in a row this K98 along with other Military Rifles and Equipment were used a as Learning experience for the Cadets. The Cadets cannot handle the Weapons in the Museum, so people like myself bring our Private Collections for the Cadets to handle. It is an informal Q&A with the Cadets learning some History. Because of NY State Gun Control Laws, myself and the others no long take the risk of going to this State with valuable Historic Firearms, The Cadets loose out. This K98 was part of a Display where the topic was "Sniper Rifles of the ETO" while not every Rilfe is represented, there is enough for the Cadets to learn and handle them. Manufacturer is GUSTLOFF WERKE "bcd" code in SERIAL NUMBER This particular rifle SN 476gg has a higher than any other bcd 43 previously encountered. One Book list highest Serial Number as 518ff. This K98 for sale was purchase by me in early 2000 and originally was a Vet "Bring Back" no Import stamp on the Barrel, sometime in its life it was Sporterized, but the original parts kept, the original Scope Mounts were missing, but has the Original Scope which was probably a Civilian Purcurment in the 1930, when Germany was secretly rearming. The Scope is a Dr Gehard numbered to the Rifle #476. Most metal parts are matching #476, only part not is front Barrel Band and Stock. I have never fired this Rifle, it was purchased strictly for display, I don't know how well the scope is. I will include copies of WEST POINT photos, or by Email to buyer with a Letter from me stating this was used for Learning Purposes by the Cadets. Since we no longer do this Q&A Display it is a Rare Opportunity to own something like this given the History of West Point. I hope to add more close up photos and a Bore photo soon. *Make an Investment with your Trump Tax Cut Money, it can only go up in value since we will not be going back there and doing this Event.