"Hunting Hitler" Program

.... Remember when the History Channel had history on it?:facepalm:

Yeah, but even back in the day, you had to take a lot of what they presented in those shows with a grain of salt. I used to catch a lot of errors and just plain B.S. on those shows. The producers were very sloppy in their research and vetting the so-called "experts" who did commentaries during the shows.

The crappy reality/treasure hunting shows they have now on the History Channels are bubblegum for the mind that is very easy and inexpensive to produce.
The merit of the entire documentary is there were no eyewitness that saw the body of AH only a wrapped blanket of a body.

Au contraire....but there was it seems.

Just a few weeks ago I saw a program that dealt with a detailed investigation done by one of the Nuremberg judges after the end of the trial. He felt that it was absolutely necessary to determine if Hitler was dead in order to get closure for all those who had suffered from his actions.

He decided to do a filmed,detailed, in depth interview of anyone and everyone alive who was in Hitlers orbit in the last day of his life.

One of those interviewed was a soldier who was a guard @ the Bunker Compound on that fateful day..he was asked to stand guard over the bodies after the fire had been set and the others had retreated to the Bunker and elsewhere and I think he commented on poking the body of Hitler with his gun or boot after the fire had died down a bit (cant remember for sure) so there goes the claim of no one seeing mein fuehrer after his death.

After all the evidence was in ,it was the Judges belief that Hitler had died that day in the Bunker.

As previously mentioned The Judge had the whole thing filmed with the intention of having it released to the public but by 1948 the world had moved on and and it was never ever shown..basically put away and forgotten...on that night that played it was the first time the interviews had ever been shown since they were filmed.

The program had some re-creation scenes that were added but the focus was on the interviews and the recreation of the bunker. it was very interesting...& kinda cool to see something air for the first time since 1947.

All that being said..they can cancel Hunting Hitler now.
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Found the show...its on the Smithsonian Channel.


They also have a pretty good one called "Hitlers Riches" dealing with just what it says...I didnt know that there was an ongoing fight for his estate..?

Plus it seems that Hitler in particular actually paid for all of his art and never took posession by invasion...and in some cases paid what was referred to as "knock down prices"...go figure.

More history i was clueless to.
Found the show...its on the Smithsonian Channel.


They also have a pretty good one called "Hitlers Riches" dealing with just what it says...I didnt know that there was an ongoing fight for his estate..?

Plus it seems that Hitler in particular actually paid for all of his art and never took posession by invasion...and in some cases paid what was referred to as "knock down prices"...go figure.

More history i was clueless to.

Thanks for the link.

The "history" of Nazi Germany and Germany's role in WW2 that most people see on television or read about in magazines and coffee table books tends to just scratch the surface. Much of it has been produced to fit certain narratives created by the victorious Allies so certain facts and details have been omitted. Some of it is just pure, made-up crap.

To get a decent understanding, you really gotta dig. What I find most interesting is to read historical accounts and memoirs written by Germans who were actually there fighting in the battles and personally dealing with Hitler and his henchmen on a regular basis. There's so much to learn.

BTW, I know it is peppered with propaganda, but I find it extremely interesting to watch Die Deutsch Wochenschau (The German Weekly Show) newsreels on YouTube. They do contain a lot of factual historical information, particularly on battles on the Eastern Front. Most of them have English subtitles. Here's one episode, for example:

Maybe they should bring in the Oak Island guys to help find the natzi gold train?

The Nazi gold train flamed out pretty quickly, didn't it? Remember the one about the abandoned train found in a German forest in the '60's loaded with hundreds of Tiger and Panther tanks? That one still pops up now and then.
The Nazi gold train flamed out pretty quickly, didn't it? ....

I knew it would go nowhere.

The two guys who supposedly found the location of the train should have gone the Oak Island route. Get a contract from the History Channel for a new reality series. Then send out a film crew to cover them blindly digging/drilling holes all over the place, engaging in melodrama, narrowly escaping injury and death, interviewing historians, and never finding anything, but always hopeful they will on the next episode. Hype the hell out of the series, milk it for two, three seasons, find only a few rusted out helmets, and walk away with millions.
The Nazi gold train isn't done. Nobody has confirmed it doesn't exist and there hasn't been any drilling or digging yet. If you read the recent press articles carefully and dismiss all, but first level reporting, nothing has been proven yet that overturns the original claims. When the story broke, it was indicated that digging wasn't likely to happen until late spring of 2016. From everything I've read, I think they detected something, and it could likely be a buried train, but might not be laden with gold. If I've noticed anything about this story, it's the shoddy reporting that appears to be a worldwide epidemic. I thought the US had a monopoly on western shoddy reporting, but I was wrong.


Yes..I discovered long ago that there are several versions of history...and it is up to the individual to disseminate what is factual. A lot of people decry revisionism as a travesty but in some cases it is well deserved if found to be justified...my big complaint is with liberal progressive revisionism.

History can be a very slippery thing...Someone said History is a collection of events that never happened written by someone who was never there.
When Churchill was asked how history would judge him...he said "History will be kind to be because i will write it".

History is prejudiced by the person who writes it...that will never change.
I tried to watch the first episode, but just couldn't make myself watch the whole thing. Then ended up later watching three episodes in a row. Go figure. I did learn one thing by watching, tho. Having never been to Germany ( I did put Germany as first choice on my "dream sheet", and my entire AIT class got orders for Germany except the three of us who were going to jump school; we got orders for South Korea after completion of jump school), I always thought that all symbols of the Nazi era had been removed from buildings. Apparently, all one had to do was put an address over the swastika, and that's good enough. I don't know why, but that one caught me by surprise.


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This may be a dumb question, but is it really possible for them to see what has been blacked out in the letters? Is something available that allows them to do this? Ron

When files are redacted or blacked out, it's a copy of the original document. Then the copy is redacted and released. So the original document is not actually redacted. Redaction is done to not release information that is still classified, even though some of the document is deemed releasable. Even with computer technology, this is still the best way to release some information, even if most of a document is still classified.

Anyways, for the show. I think when they show the black being undone, it's just for the show. It doesn't actually work that way in real life. The FBI declassified their original files, which would not be redacted. Only maybe agents names would be left out.
...I did learn one thing by watching, tho. Having never been to Germany.... I always thought that all symbols of the Nazi era had been removed from buildings. Apparently, all one had to do was put an address over the swastika, and that's good enough. I don't know why, but that one caught me by surprise.

Speaking of that, my daughter and I were talking this morning about this Burger King in Nuremberg:



It used to be an electrical substation for the parade grounds and has been repurposed into a Burger King. Definitely on my bucket list of sights to visit when I visit Germany.
Speaking of that, my daughter and I were talking this morning about this Burger King in Nuremberg:



It used to be an electrical substation for the parade grounds and has been repurposed into a Burger King. Definitely on my bucket list of sights to visit when I visit Germany.

Kind of shocking they did not sandblast that, especially for such a PC corporation. It's not like you have to look real hard to see that .........:facepalm:
Speaking of that, my daughter and I were talking this morning about this Burger King in Nuremberg:



It used to be an electrical substation for the parade grounds and has been repurposed into a Burger King. Definitely on my bucket list of sights to visit when I visit Germany.

Once I saw the one on Hunting Hitler, and started thinking about it, I guessed it was probably a lot more common than I initially thought it was. I guess I was right (for once!).