"Hunting Hitler" Program

K98 Man

Well-known member
I've been watching this program since the first episode. I find it very interesting that the story suggests that German aircraft filled with high ranking Nazi's fled Berlin just as the Allies were surrounding them.
My problem with this is how could any German aircraft take flight out of Berlin when there were so many Allied planes, and ground troops in the area? Maybe it was possible, but how could they make it out?

It certainly is an interesting story and the assistance from Spain at this time is new to me.

The program does offer a lot of hypothetical theories though. The most obvious one I don't believe due to the fact there were dental records matched to the skull of Hitler many years ago.

Still a fun show to watch. It runs right after the "Mystery of Oak Island". The show where they dig in a different location every week and find nothing, only to promise next week there will be the find of the century. :facepalm:
I have not followed the show, but there are documented stories of last minute flights out of Berlin as the Soviets closed in. I believe Hitler was asked to leave on one of these and refused.

The Fieseler Fi 156 Storch could land and take off in very short distances and was the plane making these last minute flights. Skorzeny used one to fly out a rescused Mussolini as well.

The Soviets I do not think had complete air superiority of all sectors of Berlin at that time as they were highly concentrated in the street ground warfare game to get to the bunker facility.
I believe that Tempelhof Airport was in German hands while Hitler was still alive. It was not far from the Fuhrer Bunker, just south of the city center. It would have been risky to get there, but certainly not impossible. I've read about several flights in and out by VIPs who wanted to see Hitler not long before he allegedly died in the bunker, including Albert Speer and Hanna Reitsch.

With regard to Reitsch, there was supposedly an improvised airstrip built in a street near the Brandenburg Gate, in which she landed her Storch and later flew out to safety in an Arado Ar 96. The Soviets tried to shoot down the Arado, but failed.

Anyway, I was going to watch the series, but after looking at the preview, I came to the conclusion that it was just going to be another History Channel caca spectacular with a bunch of "experts" enthusiastically hunting down maybes and could be's, but proving nothing.

BTW, the skull fragment that was supposedly Hitler's was tested and it was determined to be female. As of yet, no one located Hitler's remains.

Also, I'd like to add that Franco's Spain was extremely close to Germany, although it remained neutral throughout the war. After the war ended, it harbored high ranking German officers. As a matter of fact, Otto Skorzeny escaped from Allied captivity and sought asylum in Spain. He lived there until he died.
Anyway, I was going to watch the series, but after looking at the preview, I came to the conclusion that it was just going to be another History Channel caca spectacular with a bunch of "experts" enthusiastically hunting down maybes and could be's, but proving nothing.

Good point. I like shows about the TR, but too many have little if anything worthwhile to say. One show about the Alcatraz escape talked about two of the escapees living in S. America and even had a '70s photograph purported to be them. The photo was of poor quality and the two had sunglasses on, so it was impossible to tell who those in the photo actually were, but the show was centered in the premise that it was the actual escapees. An hour wasted. Big-foot, Noah's Ark and Bermuda Triangle shows fit into this category.

[/I]BTW, the skull fragment that was supposedly Hitler's was tested and it was determined to be female. As of yet, no one located Hitler's remains.

I had heard that the Soviets took possession of Hitler's remains when they first discovered them in the shallow grave. They have since destroyed them.

Also, I'd like to add that Franco's Spain was extremely close to Germany, although it remained neutral throughout the war. After the war ended, it harbored high ranking German officers. As a matter of fact, Otto Skorzeny escaped from Allied captivity and sought asylum in Spain. He lived there until he died.

Franco remained officially 'neutral' so he could play both sides of the war to his own advantage. He sent Spanish troops to fight on the eastern front to pay back Hitler for his assistance during the civil war, but then pulled them out when the tide of war turned in the east. Hitler considered deposing Franco and replacing him with a Spanish officer with Nazi sympathies but decided against it due to the guerrilla war he would have had in his rear.
This may be a dumb question, but is it really possible for them to see what has been blacked out in the letters? Is something available that allows them to do this? Ron
This may be a dumb question, but is it really possible for them to see what has been blacked out in the letters? Is something available that allows them to do this? Ron

They might have redacted some information only for liability reasons. The complete file was supposed to have been declassified last year.

But if the file was censored and blacked out, even if unclassified, how would you remove the black out ink to reveal what was written underneath. That is my question.
I have followed the show a little bit. They have found alot of neat places where someone like Hitler could have been hiding out. Such as hidden tunnels and a buried underground bunker by an island mansion which was very hard too get too by the documentary crew. Plus they found documents from some very rich families that have given large sums of money to the Nazi Party. One of the biggest problems they have ran into is a lot of the locals are not wanting to talk about this.
But if the file was censored and blacked out, even if unclassified, how would you remove the black out ink to reveal what was written underneath. That is my question.

My guess is that what they have is an unredacted copy from the recently declassified file, which they've subsequently blacked out, again possibly for liability reasons. See Warrior1354's response above regarding the lack of cooperation from some of those whom they've attempted to speak with, like the current descendants of Eva Braun.

I don't think there's enough compelling evidence to show that Hitler somehow made it out, but what they're finding along the way is interesting in and of itself.

Thanks, now I understand. Sometimes it is difficult for things to sink into this old brain!. Ron

My guess is that what they have is an unredacted copy from the recently declassified file, which they've subsequently blacked out, again possibly for liability reasons. See Warrior1354's response above regarding the lack of cooperation from some of those whom they've attempted to speak with, like the current descendants of Eva Braun.


Bear in mind I'm only guessing on this one, and going off of some previous experience along with what's unfolding on the show.

NO Question-There were tunnels that connected the bunker through subway underground and to the Tempelhof. Also to my surprise there were also underground bunkers at the Tempelhof to build airplanes. I understand up to April 21 these facilities were still under German control, until about next day or bit after until Russian took the airport. Possible Hitler could have exited Berlin yes, likely I don't think so. He was way to ill to have taken the risk of capture or getting shot down and taken alive. although the eye witness reports indicates un marked Germans plans did land in Spain. Now, he had to travel to port of Vigo, from there German Uboat which were still operating could have taken him to Canary island, in control of Spain's dictator Franco, a close friend with AH. After a week of rest, then to Argentina. Could AH survived the weeks of travel with Uboat. IMO not likely. If to say he did make it to Argentina, there were many known Nazi party associates that could have helped him to hide.

The merit of the entire documentary is there were no eyewitness that saw the body of AH only a wrapped blanket of a body. Could have Hitler faked his own death and a big cover up? Maybe we'll find out... remain to be seen.

Skorzeny also worked semi-permanent residential assignments in Ireland and Egypt - not just Spain.

These were different times, information was slower to disseminate - can you imagine pictures from a funeral of family members giving the german salute, today?

In the Infield book on Skorzeny, not the Whiting version - he is asked directly did he help Hitler escape by plane?
Skorzeny is evasive but hints that he did help with this assignment.

He also takes credit for any other special forces assignment he is asked about.

Who knows - what the truth is?
Why if AH had an exit plan in mind would he take the most difficult option, escaping from a surrounded Berlin if he could have much more easily have escaped from the Alps through Switserland or even easier from a U boot in Norway?

I guess he took the most difficult option and organized the murder on JFK from Argentine.
I watched the first couple of episodes of this show, decided it was ridiculous, and quit. I would rather watch the clowns dig on Oak Island, the "pickers" who cheat people out of antiques, the pawn shop guys who never heard of eBay, or the creeps who turn irreplaceable classic cars into ground-dragging hot rods. Remember when the History Channel had history on it?:facepalm:
A buddy of mine at work and I were talking about this earlier this week. I have had it on while doing other stuff. There are some interesting things they have talked about, never going to prove Hitler escaped though, if they had that kind of info I don't think it would have been able to have been kept secret long enough for them to do a series on it. What I think is kind of cool though is there are several other people at work who are not history people that are getting into learning about WW2 and asking me and my buddy all sorts of questions. These are people that used to say things like "you collect what?" so at least there is some positives that can come out of crap shows like this.
I get tired of their formula. History, Discovery, etc... take 3 minutes of information and stretch it into 30 minutes by repeating everything with a lot of nonsense.