Help with a Bnz 1945


I purchased a nice German k98 Mauser a 1945 bnz I used to collect these years ago but I forgot in just about everything I remember I have an a block could somebody tell me when my rifle might have been manufactured thank you so much and I'm glad to be in this nice forum. I've been collecting us firearms for years now I've been getting the bug for German stuff purchased a few nice pistols and I thought to myself well I really need to get a k98 and I figured either get an early war or a late War since I like my stuff looks really nice I figured I'd get a late War on the real nice one soon as I get it and I'll shoot some pictures
I’m no expert and I’m sure one of them that knows will chime in but if you have a BNZ 1945 they would only be “Q” “R” “S” or “T” block serials as according to Bruce and Mike’s book the first reported BNZ45 is 4699Q. without seeing pictures or knowing serial it’s hard to tell what you have.
Your post is difficult to decipher. You have a bnz45 A block or A bnz45?
Pictures will clear it up. Post them up when you can.
Hey thank for pointing out that I cannot write well I appreciate your help. And for all others I apologize for my bad Grammar and Writing abilities we all can't gone to Cambridge


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Well seeing the pic I’d say it’s less about the grammar than the gun! As others have pointed out the bnz 45 code first appears in the middle of the q block and runs just past the middle of the t block so that was the expectation. You had said it was an a block gun which would have made no sense then. But now I see why. The “A” is not the suffix it’s part of the barrel code. But there does not appear to be a suffix below the sn which is where it should be. I’ve never seen a suffix left off but others may. Is the bolt matching? Suffix should be there as well. And there should be a firing proof forward of the sn just near the rear of the sight base don’t see that. Also looks like a shadow of a number below the 9? Blued receivers go away mid s block so if this is original finish it’s earlier. Assume it’s a kriegsmodell stock? Seeing other parts - bands wood TG might help. I’m curious what others think!
Also I'm very appreciative all your help. These are photos from the person who I'm buying the rifle from I know he's a honorable man I don't think you would sell me something that was not correct but everybody gets schnickered occasionally. Also just like to point out again but my poor Grammar and Writing abilities I'm a 100% disabled veteran service connected and I haven't been right for years so sorry. please Help me Determine that this is okay because I'd hate to buy this thing and find out that I got a gun that was put together. I chose this late War rifle simply because for the fact of probably wasn't even issued to a soldier it was probably stuck in some rail car on the way out of Berlin. If it was an early War then there's a good chance all the parts would be gone or mismatch but I think a late War looks really good. I used to collect k98s like 15 years ago but since I've sold them all off and forgotten almost everything about them. I see that the books have gone up so much in prices God I remember buying k98 books for like 40 50 bucks now they're like 500 bucks it's unbelievable. My main collecting expertise is in M1 carbines and M1 Garand all is well as 1911's. Which is as a side note I hit Pay Dirt on my last CMP 1911 came from Swift boat Squadron 20 Navy Seals so cool so happy about that one anyway sorry for you know rambling on again I'm just disabled and I'm lonely I just talk sorry please help me out with this rifle I do have more photos


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I was thinking about it might as well put up all the photos


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Just a few more photos


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I am thinking it is a Q block as noted on the bolt, so an earlier example of the 45’s, also would explain the finish and machining not being as rough as later examples. Although I haven’t seen a letter block left out on serialing before on a 45. Maybe one of the more knowledgeable gentleman has some insight on that, learn new things everyday.
Thinking this might be a q block, based on what I can kind of see on the bolt root. That capital A is part of the barrel code and I wonder if it's EA, which would fit. Rest of it looks correct. Full KM stock with the proper small H acceptance. Bottom metal is exactly correct. The terrible number jumble on the bolt shroud is fairly common and the last 2 digits on the cocking piece and rear sight parts is correct as well.
Appreciate all your advice and help thank you all. So kind of safe to say it would still be a good purchase. I don't know much about what some of you guys are talking about but I can imagine that maybe in 1945 with the war going badly. maybe somebody missed stamping it, but again I'm not anywhere near an expert so don't take anything I say with a grain of salt.
I do like the rifle though and I am going to continue to buy it unless something tells me it's a total fraud,
Appreciate all your advice and help thank you all. So kind of safe to say it would still be a good purchase. I don't know much about what some of you guys are talking about but I can imagine that maybe in 1945 with the war going badly. maybe somebody missed stamping it, but again I'm not anywhere near an expert so don't take anything I say with a grain of salt.
I do like the rifle though and I am going to continue to buy it unless something tells me it's a total fraud,

I think it’s worth the purchase 👍🏻
Steyr is notorious for stamping errors and missing stamps. They're by far the most widely seen in 1945 production.

Depending on the price of course I'd gladly own this example.

Not sure why someone would tell you it's a "total fraud"? We've seen a few frauds over the years and this one ain't it IMHO.
No I didn't mean that somebody told me that was a total fraud, I was just hoping it it wasn't cuz I've been burned in the past.
Excellent looking q block. Hardest block to find. All blue except TG/FP is correct. Better finish overall also correct. I would not worry about missing suffix it’s a mistake not something anyone would question and should not affect value at all stock eagle looks sharp and crisp. The firing proof forward of the sn May be there and very faint - hard to tell. Should be one on the bolt root as well. But again not a concern as other have pointed out mistake are common. I would be very happy with this one. Purchase with confidence. And again your descriptions are great as are the pics - I think the “a block” reference just threw us off as it didn’t make any sense. Really crisp rifle and uncommon any late war guy would be happy to own. The book lists only one q block bnz 45.