Getting in 100 k98k rifles.

Probably a ruptured barrel that was bent around a pole, straightened, brazed, and sold as if it is perfectly fine.

Ask me how I know.

Their $1700 examples, albeit all matching, are pretty rough.

*be sure to read the fine print, "matching serial number rifle and bayonet* is pretty misleading*
So how do you know…?
I imagine he bought a RTI rifle and is referring to them. I highly doubt any of the portugese imports will be anywhere near as rough as those out of ethiopia.

RTI makes sense. I thought he meant that Centerfire had screwed him like that. The first is to be expected, the second would be a bit of a surprise.
So how do you know…?

I imagine he bought a RTI rifle and is referring to them. I highly doubt any of the portugese imports will be anywhere near as rough as those out of ethiopia.

RTI makes sense. I thought he meant that Centerfire had screwed him like that. The first is to be expected, the second would be a bit of a surprise.
I was referring to Centerfire. When Century bought out and sold off Springfield Sporters, Century included Springfield Sporters junk pile without inspecting any of them. Things that Springfield Sporters had sorted out due to defects. This included guns with dangerous issues/problems/etc. Century then sold those items to Centerfire, and Centerfire sold them without inspecting them.

Out of that batch, I got a rifle that had extreme setback and the ring was expanded from whatever happened to the rifle. I also got a barreled receiver that the barrel was bent, and had a 8" split down the barrel that had been brazed closed.

I am not saying the Portuguese rifles will have issues like this, more poking fun that their $900 rifles are probably going to be rough.
Ah, I’m local to them (half hour away) so I always buy in person. I remember their Springfield sporter haul. They had a bunch of .410 enfields that bordered on scrap, but they were sold as such, and you could pick through a bin of them and find the least jacked one.