GB Trader 98k bnz 42 humpjob No. 7206

Unfortunately not. Any interested potential buyers would have to be clued in to the relevant threads here and on GB, of course. This one will probably continue the rounds and wash up somewhere else.
New info!!

He has added...."I have been informed by knowledgeable experts that is not a Kriegsmarine as described in the title and that the stock may not be original to the rifle even though so marked on the butt and under the handguard."

That's certainly the tip of the iceberg....and cleverly worded. Its not "may not be original", its simply NOT ORIGINAL....

Carnival Barker...
An excellent, EXCELLENT example for the newcomers to learn from. It's stuff like this that ruins the hobby by burning new collectors.

Yep, and this one is an extra level of evil because whoever got it RE-humped it to try to “fix” the flaws that had been pointed out by knowledge people. It’s a better fake than some, which is not good for the hobby! Steyr/bnz/SS contract guns are a ripe field for fakery and one has to have a fair amount of experience to know what is “correct” and by that I mean has to have Loewe, Farb, and Bruce on speed dial. :)

It also makes me have that “....and the killer is in this VERY ROOM!” feeling too as I wonder if the humpers are refining their craft while lurking in groups and forums with us! If so, listen up.....

There’s plenty of money to be had in this hobby (and in the world) without ruining perfectly good parts. Get a freaking legitimate job if you need more money, or get off the meth, or cancel DishTV or whatever else you have to do, and stop trying to screw people over and stop ruining good, honest guns. You could be buying junkers and parting them out and make good money.

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New info!!

He has added...."I have been informed by knowledgeable experts that is not a Kriegsmarine as described in the title and that the stock may not be original to the rifle even though so marked on the butt and under the handguard."

That's certainly the tip of the iceberg....and cleverly worded. Its not "may not be original", its simply NOT ORIGINAL....

Carnival Barker...

Translation: I’m bitter about getting someone else’s sloppy seconds hump job and I’m going to ease my hurt feelings (financial loss) by passing this turd on TO YOU!

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My overall opinion is the stock and it's associated metal and the bottom metal are bad. If I was betting it was a bad sport job when the first humper got it.
Mike, you seriously need to add a poop emoticon to this site. It would set records.

That's my takeaway from this whole thing.
