Just curious, has anyone ever messaged sellers like these just to tell them “you’re an idiot”?

Several times. I think they know what they have but they use phrases like “user enhanced” and “professionally restored” to refer to the condition. Never will the admit that their item is humped or faked.
Several times. I think they know what they have but they use phrases like “user enhanced” and “professionally restored” to refer to the condition. Never will the admit that their item is humped or faked.

Have they actually replied? I only messaged a guy once about a Lee Enfield he was selling that was marked unserviceable, yet no where in the description did he mention it. Never got a response back lol.
Mitchell's are carefully doinked- usually when a turd is polished, all you end up with is a shitty rag.
Have they actually replied? I only messaged a guy once about a Lee Enfield he was selling that was marked unserviceable, yet no where in the description did he mention it. Never got a response back lol.

Not really. They only have to fool one person to get the price they are asking. If I’m pointing out issues, I’m not a viable buyer to the seller. If most people would do a google search before shelling out 3000 dollars on a MM, they wouldn’t be asking 3000 for it. Some world we live in.
Not really. They only have to fool one person to get the price they are asking. If I’m pointing out issues, I’m not a viable buyer to the seller. If most people would do a google search before shelling out 3000 dollars on a MM, they wouldn’t be asking 3000 for it. Some world we live in.

Makes sense....
I messaged the seller inquiring on the price. I told him it was a pimp shined turd. I also stated that I feel bad for the poor sap who buys it at that price, and even worse for the seller and their lack of shame.

Wish it were possible to get in contact with people who actually buy this shite, saving them from their imminent peril at the hand of poor/no research and common sense. But I suppose we wouldn’t have any $4,000 DOT 44’s to laugh at if we did.
Agreed! Way too many dumb or lazy to ask an expert or Google them up. Afraid it is a fact of like and the unwary will get hosed. No wonder the unscrupulous sellers lie and ask high prices most of the time.
Mitchell's has a customer base that's all its own. If someone wants to drop stupid money on these, let em. Keeps them from getting something more desirable. There were a couple on Gunbroker lately in the 1500 range. Paperwork and everything, listed as highly desirable. I don't blame the seller here. Buyer's responsibility to research a collectible and its really easy to get info on a Mitchell's.

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I sold a "nice" MMC, a DOT 44, on gun boards a few months back. Nice in the sense that it could be a worthy range toy or hunting rifle. I was very clear as to what it was and I asked for $600 in accordance with those facts. Fact is, I'll never buy an MMC again, I have no use for such. If I want to hunt, I'll use a nice X-bolt or any other fill in the blank modern rifle. These MMC's have absolutely no collector value, but they do make great tools I suppose. It'd be kind of cool taking one out in the woods and taking a deer with something that at least used to be an original 98k, without risking damaging an actual collector's piece of originality and honesty.

Let's wait and see how long it takes people that buy these things to come crawling out of the wood work asking what they have and how "well" they did on this forum. They'll be facing some bitter truths when they do.
But it has Not-zie markings and it probably was found in a closet in the Fuhrerbunker.
I wonder if the seller is trying to recoup what he paid for it, trying to sucker somebody, or really thinks the rifle is worth the asking price. All require ignorance however.
I also received an email from the seller, citing these other two MMC auctions as a justification for his lack of integrity and shame,

This was my response:

"And guess what? The idiots paying that amount of money for those most likely don't even understand what they are. They get googly eyed at the sight of a "pristine" K98 and don't even put in 2 seconds to look up Mitchell's Mausers. I sold an DOT 1944 MMC for $600 2 months ago, that's about what they're worth, because all they're good for is being employed as either a range toy or a hunting rifle.

Like I said, it's your right and your freedom to ask what you want, this is America after all. I haven't served this great nation for the last 8 years for nothing. It is of my opinion that it's not right to ask such a price in the hopes of reeling in a rube with more dollars than sense. People like you are ruining the K98 hobby, with dollar bill daydreams like this, as are those other 2 sellers you've cited. It's a toxic act of nill integrity."
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