I messaged the seller inquiring on the price. I told him it was a pimp shined turd. I also stated that I feel bad for the poor sap who buys it at that price, and even worse for the seller and their lack of shame.

Wish it were possible to get in contact with people who actually buy this shite, saving them from their imminent peril at the hand of poor/no research and common sense. But I suppose we wouldn’t have any $4,000 DOT 44’s to laugh at if we did.

Someone could make an auction titled "MITCHELLS MAUSERS k98K RIFLES - READ BEFORE YOU BUY" and just go over how they are fake, leave the auction up on 30 day cycles.
Not everyone would read or care.. But you'd save some folks.
Herk1994;311429 Wish it were possible to get in contact with people who actually buy this shite said:
That’s never gonna happen. GB like to see them sell for $10,000. More money for them.