FG42 Type I Progress! SMG site


The MKB42W is wery difficult to make but working on it , the resiver is terrible... Nice rifle Rick !!!!
God that MKB-42W is hideous looking. It looks like it has Radom grips on it.
Heat treating is now being done at the factory so yes the Guns are now Wery god. I am working on my emigrasjon visa but i hope it will be soon . Also working Gerat 06 and som other wery reare stg models.
Drool! One of these days

Yes that is the question. SSD or whatever it's called now has been trying for 7 or 8 years (with limited success) to have a presence in this Country.
Simply put I will believe it when I see it happen. Every couple of years a new rumor will start and nothing really happens. Getting tired of this BS:moon:

There is an old American saying, "shite or get off the Pot".

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Thanks Dingo, we just need to finish it up!

Thanks for everyone's input on the type I so far. We have no problem building the trigger guard with the expanded sheet metal strip on the front if that is what is preferred as we are trying to sell you a rifle - not dictate what it should be - as long as we can. There are going to probably be a couple of deviations but these can be set in stone later - small things. Such as..........

The "bolt stop" aka bolt hold open devise/bar was the second most common failure item right after the single wound firing pin spring. The ejector in that rifle also seemed to have a shorter than desired life. these parts can be made out of good modern stuff but some of this is inherent to the design of the part. So we either modify/omit them or buyers have to be willing to replace parts - not a cool option to me. As in the case of the bolt hold open that stops on a cuttout on the gas piston rod. As it is wearing/failing it is also doing the same to the mating part - gas rod - which is not going to be a cheap part to replace as it is the gas piston/rod/bolt carrier. Omit it and there is no bolt hold open past that of stopping on the mag follower like the type II.

But there was a reason some things were changed in the newer rifle and not all in the name of expeditious production with limited supplies. Again, future potential buyers opinions are always considered. Test firing the type II was sort of a fun adventure inter spaced with the irritation of failed parts to be re-made/designed until they lived as they should. I am really not looking forward to pulling the trigger 10-15k on the type I. Maybe make a FA test mule and just strap it to the shooting bench? : )

Im in for any of those goodies, guess I got to start buying more stg-44/mp-44 mags as they come up for sale
FG42E about the gripp , in europe it is about 50% that have the original trigger guard. Here is one


  • urlaub darst 179.jpg
    urlaub darst 179.jpg
    309.4 KB · Views: 76
Lets keep this thread on track ...

The FG42 Type 1 Rick is making looks great. Yes Rick - make a FA mule gun and save yourself some time in the process. If you want any help shooting a FA mule gun, just let me know and I'll fly down and hold the trigger for you.

Praise the Lord and pass the Ammunition ...


FG42E about the gripp , in europe it is about 50% that have the original trigger guard. Here is one

Thanks Dingo - sent you a PM.

Plans sound great, Rick - looking forward too seeing what you come up with, I am sure it will be fantastic!
Ok, a need to share - even if prematurely. Put the type I together today sans bipod legs, sights, and of course bayonet. No sights as there just wasn't time and this was a first time function test for semi auto so 10 feet away from the backstop - I can hit it!

After having taken it out and shot it I just had to compare it to something laying handy which just happened to be a Chinese "paratroop" SKS. You know, the para rifle with full stock, 16" barrel, and detachable 10 round mag. That rifle weighs 7.9 lbs with empty 10 round mag and as shot the type I was 9.5 with empty 20 round mag. Type I was about 1/2" shorter standing next to each other on the bench as well sporting a 20" barrel vs the 16" on the SKS......

Oh yeah, shooting. First two rounds no full cycle so open the port a little and now we are shooting! Observations for the test. Mag catch face angle wrong as mag levers itself out after a few rounds. Hard to hold that group with no sights. And last, coming in 2 lbs lighter than the production type II as shot I feared - and have been worrying about the recoil difference.......

How about feeling about the same recoil wise as the type II or maybe less? Oh yes, this should be one cool little rifle! And yes even at near 10lbs this is one small feeling rifle..... Getting closer!
