Senior Member
Exactly, Doug even went so far as to propose a live video link for all to watch at the next SOS to stream a open debate with anyone still espousing and would defend CS decals as authentic in any way shape or form. He even offered to put up wager of a large sum of money awarded to the winner's chosen charity or organization.
Brian you are all wet when it comes to Doug, you are carrying your personal vendetta and animosity way too far and to the point of risking your own credibility. If your attacks are not personal, you are either playing into the hands of those that are trying to besmirch him,.....or somehow fatefully aligned with them. He received pressure and was asked not to publish his scientific findings from a so called expert .
Doug stepped back and walked away because the community yawned, shrugged, and tuned out as to importance of who was negligent - if not complicit - in the scheme of thing. I believe he became totally disheartened with what was going on at the "Expert" level, and even more so when the community as a whole responded so passively. He was never in this hobby to make money, it was his passion. He became very disillusioned with the whole thing. When he recently retired and sold his business - he basically said, "(I have a small penis) it, I don't need this shite" and moved on to more worthwhile pursuits.
Agreed, but I wouldn't say risking his credibility. I'd say damaging his credibility. I don't think M45 has any credibility quoting Doug B without a screen shot.
And, welcome to the K98k Forum John B. That's a good first post.
hkp M42 champagne SS
The WRF (war relics forum) posts below show the extreme opinions of plenty of period photographic evidence supporting the hkp M42 Champagne SS helmets in 2011 to them pretty much being non-existent in 2015.
The blatantly false statements he made concerning "plenty of period photographic evidence" supporting C-SS and C-SS having "clear period pulver and base construction" cast serious doubt on his integrity.
While DougB did the hobby a great service by his "Mythbusting the Champagne Decal" research, the long memories of computers show he was once a strong promoter of this fraud for years. What he knew about C-SS and when aside, his crusade to convince collectors of C-SS authenticity caused him to apparently see things that weren't there, such as 'plenty of period photographic evidence' supporting C-SS, and his detailed magnification studies of C-SS that showed 'clear period pulver and base construction', both blatantly false statements. His later Mythbusting research merely highlighted his earlier contradictory C-SS claims; which he has never, ever adequately addressed BTW.
Doug was the leader of the C-SS parade in trumpeting from on high that C-SS was published, had the 'scientific backing' of XRFacts, had 'plenty of period photographic evidence' to support it, had a 'clear period pulver and base construction', and even came with a COA guarantee ! All the while Kelly was making a fortune off of these things at the expense of collector's hard earned $$$. That doesn't sound like a great guy to me.
Why do you think he erased everything he ever said on that forum? I think it's because that although he was very careful in what he said about C-SS in those early days (you can definitely detect evasiveness in his language), he made some very incriminating statements about 'plenty of period photographic evidence' supporting C-SS (clearly false) and C-SS having a 'clear period pulver and base construction (also clearly false). He also said something like C-SS had a 'similar if not the same construction as original Pocher SS decals' (false once again - a painted insignia does not resemble a celluloid decal in construction).
Recall that early criticisms of C-SS by members such as ZAM, Walter B. and myself with lot# research were in the beginning not well received by Doug, who gave the appearance of being completely taken in by the forgery as evidenced by his archived statements such as "plenty of period photographic evidence" supporting C-SS and his detailed magnified analysis describing C-SS as having "clear period pulver and base construction". The move to heavily scrutinize C-SS was not originally Doug's and he therefore should not, IMO, receive full credit for its unmasking.
But you must admit that the statement that there is plenty of period photographic evidence supporting the hkp M42 C-SS helmet is absolute rubbish. It was as much rubbish then as it is today. Everything was kind of rolled into one big ball; pocher-SS, ET-SS, Champagne-SS, EF-SS, Q-SS; plenty of period photographic evidence to support all of these, right?
mrfarb, I'll say this: those we accept as our SS helmet "experts", authorities or whatever you call them, those who wall-paper their walls with SS helmets, those who make or agree with such unsupported statements like plenty of period photographic evidence supporting C-SS decals, I guess they make mistakes like the rest of us. But is that a 'mistake', or a catastrophic tragedy?
This synopsis in July 2013 represents the mid-point in Doug's evolving opinion. Now, not all champagnes have 'plenty of period photographic evidence' to support them, but neither are they all template, spray painted fakes.
And remember what the "captain" and "Crew" were saying?
"Nothing to worry about! There is plenty of period photographic evidence to support these. We have been looking at these under loupes, USB and high magnification scopes and see a very similar if not the same construction as original Pocher SS decals. C-SS are in published works by well-known authors, come with COA guarantees, have oodles of vet provenance, and now are backed up by scientific evidence - XRFacts!"
I know that this C-SS issue has been a fighting retreat for Doug, doing his best to justify it at every opportunity in the face of mounting evidence to the contrary. If you want to make excuses for him, go ahead, but how do you square his absolutely ridiculous statements about C-SS; such as 'plenty of period photographic evidence' supporting it, or the idea that he thinks C-SS was mainly a private purchase decal mainly on NS M35 and hkp M42 ?
So what was DougB telling us about C-SS ? He was consistently referring to C-SS as a DECAL with a similar if not the same construction as a Pocher SS DECAL, and as a DECAL with clear period pulver and base construction. He even told us that there was PLENTY of period photographic evidence to support C-SS DECALS.
And when tjg read the DougB statement about "plenty of period photographic evidence" supporting C-SS, (a blatantly false statement) he watered it down considerably when he regurgitated it. Yes, he agreed that DougB's statement of period photographic evidence was "flaky". Tjg will never see the culpable DougB either because not only is he not digging into archives, but the evidence that is being found he has watered down to fit in with his understanding of the "hero DougB".
Let's get this straight, tjg. The quote was PLENTY of period photographic evidence to support C-SS. That is not a "flaky" statement, it is a BLATANTLY FALSE statement.
But wait a minute ! What about period photos ? Does C-SS appear in period photographs of SS helmets ? Absolutely ! Not only is there period photographic evidence that proves beyond a doubt that C-SS was period produced, there is PLENTY OF IT !!! (ANOTHER COMPLETE FALLACY)
Why attack SS lid collectors ? They were convinced by DougB that he knew what he was talking about. The believed him when he fed them bogus information concerning a 'clear period pulver and base' construction to describe a template spray painted fake. They believed him when he told them about PLENTY of period photographic evidence supporting C-SS as TR production when in reality C-SS was first created in the mid '70s, some 30 years AFTER the end of the Third Reich.
Listen tjg, I just gave you two major areas of concern of collectors regarding C-SS authenticity (C-SS construction and C-SS in period photographs). Collectors were fed COMPLETE FALLACIES both times.
Collectors were being told, "REST ASSURED COLLECTORS! C-SS has a CLEAR, PERIOD pulver and base construction, and there is PLENTY of period photographic evidence to support it."
It seems to me, from what I'm seeing, the issue of DougB's "advocacy" for period pics of the "Champagne Rune" existing is resolved; DougB did not say that from where I sit.
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