From Post#134 Doug's C-SS synopsis continues:
Regarding changes in the NS decal: Are the M42 decals different decals than the ones found on the M35 NS? Yes they differ indeed. It should be noted that ET SS decals change in about 1940 and there are 2 distinct Pocher and Q decals which appear to be from printing anomalies as the runes are "fatter" or "thinner", some appear to be double strikes or even triple strikes, and the print variation appears to be that of ink displacement which could be from sheet alignment or when the press was reinked. EF SS decals are the only ones which never ever change. Decals like any piece of equipment also evolve and this is noted with non SS decals as well as well as print anomalies giving a decal a slightly different look. The concern I have is there are 7 different kind of changes in these M42 variety of decals. The major changes I have observed are the runes which appear to "float" within the border, never aligning tightly, inconsistent spacing between the runes, width of the decal, and the thickness of the shield, including a very thick shield. This makes identifying real from fake a bitch indeed, especially for non SS helmet collectors and even for prudent SS helmet collectors. This is why many avoid them and I do not blame them one bit.
DougB here discusses print variations found on established SS decals and notes variations in the NS-SS (aka C-SS) decal as well, print anomalies (including non-SS decals) that give the decals a slightly different look.
He notes 7 different kinds of changes (variations) of C-SS found on M42 shells and this is 'a concern',
-The major changes I have observed are the runes which appear to "float" within the border, never aligning tightly, inconsistent spacing between the runes, width of the decal, and the thickness of the shield, including a very thick shield.
These are all consistent with a template spray painted forgery.
If collectors were looking for a definitive answer from DougB about C-SS (re: is C-SS real, or is C-SS fake ? ) they did not find it in this paragraph or even by searching the entire synopsis IMO. He does not make any such proclamations. While he notes variations in C-SS, he also mentions variations found in other period decals giving a nod to C-SS legitimacy. But then he says that the 7 variations of C-SS are a "concern", casting doubt upon C-SS.
One must consider whether the print variations in established TR decals could be considered minor compared to the striking variations found in C-SS. Why does DougB not simply conclude that all C-SS are fake based on these striking variations ? Because he has apparently become convinced that SOME C-SS are authentic, namely the few NS M35s and hkp M42s with C-SS because of the consistent appearance of the shields and helmets. Other details of these no doubt aided his beliefs, such as the '3 named and 2 fully researched' NS M35s and the hkp M42 that was 'vet procured' by Kelly H. 30 years prior.
-M35 NS; - Champagne decals; I prefer to call them NS decals. Why, because on the NS M35 they are distinct, appear on 1938 marked shells painted exactly the same using NS party decals.
Regarding hkpM42 shells; this is the gold standard for me for NS decals on an M42. Why, because they follow the identical application standards - few, tight cluster of lot numbers, matching decals - as on the M35 NS.
Some C-SS variations. All 5 helmet manufacturers, M35/M40/M42 and transitionals represented here, something that never seemed to bother the 'researchers'.
3. NS M42 ND with C-SS coming apart at the seams.
1. TVG C-SS on ET M35, a nice scratch across both finish and painted rune, probably to prove 'originality'.
4. A transitional with C-SS, the character lines of the old paint showing through the C-SS painted bug.
5. CKL M42 ND with C-SS, probably the most common maker/model with C-SS (often unissued), these had become 'a concern' for Doug after lot# research revealed problems with them.
6. Q M40 with C-SS, probably made earlier in the scam before Q-SS factory decal realized.
7. Probably a CKL M42 with C-SS, its flatness becomes apparent when viewed at a certain angle.
8. Determined to be 'a good copy of the champagne decal' by the 'experts'.
9. The ckl M42 'paint-ball camo' with painted C-SS bug worn to factory finish. p.166 "SS-Steel"
10.An hkp M42 ND with narrow C-SS bug and thick border, probably an early trial version in the attempt to 'get it right'.
2. EF M40 C-SS, painted on top of damaged factory finish.
11. EF M42 ND with C-SS, inconsistent shield breaks and rune dimensions reflecting custom template work.