DougB exposes "Champagne Rune" SS Decal Fraud and Adds a Coffin Nail to XRFacts

I remember when the waftards were clicking and whistling "wow" and "one looker" at a WAFmod approved exotic freshie that was posed outside on a barbeque pit how hysterical and angry they got when one person (now banned) posted "Was it placed outside for the paint to dry?" :laugh:

Do you have a link? This sounds like pure gold.
Do you have a link? This sounds like pure gold.

Those things are mostly censored and deleted, but it may still be there. I'd recommend a search for "camo paint drying". With respect to "exotic freshie", one will never see people here coining asinine collector terms to justify something suspiciously humptastic. An asinine term does not make it original. If such term was used, seriously, to shill ANYone's humper, particularly a moderator's, then witty, snide, sarcastic remarks and abuse would (justifiably) rain down and certainly not be censored and deleted to protect some Collectard Moderator Praetorian Gard idiotic self-interested humper shilling.

That's why we are able to remain stabilized, transparent, and objectively rational; the self-policing factor of the entire collecting community. That is why our hobby is fun, growing, and we don't have Shampain Ruin skandals. That is why we have plenty of young guys taking over from us middle aged guys who are taking over from the older guys. To understand the difference, ask yourself two questions: 1) Do you trust the information you get here? 2) Do you trust the information you get at WAF?
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Information wise Waf is at best infotainment, an online commercial.
The only reason it still exists and has a relatively high amount of users is its estand, actually it is the only reason I check out waf regularly and I think a lot of other collectors are doing the same thing: just checking what is offered on the estand or in the other sections, because for along while now I also noticed that a lot of objects that are posted in the non commercial sections are infact nothing more as hidden sales adverts, threads in which the poster is just fishing for offers or threads started by collectors that just post something to get attention so that other wafmembers will contact them by the pm system to do deals.
You can say a lot about waf but is sure is a commercial success story, for that I give them credit.
On the other end the by product of this lucrative militaria business is that they control or better censor information so that their lucrative business doesn't get damaged.
Asking for, or looking for honest information on waf is like asking a used car dealer information about the cars he is selling, you might get an honest answer but of course he could easily be telling you a bs story.
Great thread and forum I consider myself as one of the oldtimers due to my age and fifty years collecting I usually just read these with amusement this is the reason this one is my best as there are no "Good old boys Club" more like the "Good old boys bully club" cross one of them and they will put you in line and scream "Gunshow Lore etc" I just wonder how much of this fraud exists in other items a fellow named AD Royster sometimes sticks a stick in their cage and usually he Is banned and talked about I have read his stuff with zeal and don't agree with all of it but a lot makes sense I once mentioned his name on a item that was clearly fake on one of these "Good old boy forums" and was immediately sent a private E mail not to mention his name by one of the top moderators I then became suspicious as it was apparent to me what was going on. Forums need more people like Doug B and moderators like you have here. Good work and excellent reading. timothy
You got a private email from mod due too calling out a fake item? Wow you would have thought the Gestapo were paying you a visit.
DougB has stated that there will be a chapter in the new book by Ken N and Anders Lehman called "The helmet decals of the Wehrmacht" will contain a chapter on Shampain Ruins, and that those who still believe these to be real will have to think otherwise based on his study and this chapter in the upcoming book.

Hopefully there will be more concrete information in this book which creates an unquestionable consensus that all Shampain Ruins are fake.
That book was originally slated for a late summer 2015 release, now slated for an early summer 2016 release, about 9 months late. I wonder if Doug's 'coming out' on C-SS caused a revamping of the Sham-pain chapter to be more in line with the new information ?

In Ken's first book he writes in the SS Decals section: "Also as with the case of Heer helmets, the correlation between helmet producer and SS decal supplier is weaker among NS and SE marked helmets."

This is a clear reference to the sham-pain ruins since NS and SE did not produce factory SS helmets.
If you think about it, a lot of lid collectors are just like Hillary supporters. In spite of an abundance of solid evidence that Shampain Ruins are bad, there are those that want to perpetuate the myth.
Can you imagine what K98k collecting would be like if we had zombie humpers that wouldn't die, but come back again and again as legit?
Shampain Ruined german helmets are almost like the "Walking dead"....

Zombies which refuse to die in the minds of some...
You got a private email from mod due too calling out a fake item? Wow you would have thought the Gestapo were paying you a visit.

Yes I did I later found that he was a dealer or at least a seller also so no stirring the pot to say read AD Roysters letters sometime and you will see why some of these Good old boys don't want his name mentioned agree about Gestapo BR timothy
I think I read on GHW where Doug B states he believes these expensive fakes originate out of Michigan this is like a mystery novel want to see the end wonder who this 'Expert's faker might turn out to be ? (expert on making big bucks that is) timothy
I think I read on GHW where Doug B states he believes these expensive fakes originate out of Michigan this is like a mystery novel want to see the end wonder who this 'Expert's faker might turn out to be ? (expert on making big bucks that is) timothy

The question is why is WAF more concerned with burying that inquiry than supporting it? Why was WAF more interested in shilling for XRFacts (the "savior of the hobby") than openly discussing why it doesn't work? Go ask Willi Z the WAFmod. Better yet, go see how much spine he and his cronies have and invite them here to discuss these things on a transparent and uncensored forum that they can't control and spin with censorship.

It would be a contest here to identify the faker and his distribution channels. Why is it a coverup there? Perhaps this is why the shampain rune fraud lasted over 30 years? Go read page after page at WAF where the waftarded discourage the one thing that would get to the action. IMHO, this is shameful and embarrassing. Who would want to be involved in such a hobby with stewards like this?
I think I read on GHW where Doug B states he believes these expensive fakes originate out of Michigan this is like a mystery novel want to see the end wonder who this 'Expert's faker might turn out to be ? (expert on making big bucks that is) timothy

There are a few names that come to mind when one thinks of "Michigan" and "helmets". I hope those involved in the Shampain racket are named soon so that innocent Michiganders are cleared of any wrongdoing. Until then, all are potential suspects based on DougB's accusations.
The question is why is WAF more concerned with burying that inquiry than supporting it? Why was WAF more interested in shilling for XRFacts (the "savior of the hobby") than openly discussing why it doesn't work? Go ask Willi Z the WAFmod. Better yet, go see how much spine he and his cronies have and invite them here to discuss these things on a transparent and uncensored forum that they can't control and spin with censorship.

It would be a contest here to identify the faker and his distribution channels. Why is it a coverup there? Perhaps this is why the shampain rune fraud lasted over 30 years? Go read page after page at WAF where the waftarded discourage the one thing that would get to the action. IMHO, this is shameful and embarrassing. Who would want to be involved in such a hobby with stewards like this?

Couldn't agree more Ham Love a honest forum like this good old boy and bully free that allows discussion keep up the good work. timothy
There are a few names that come to mind when one thinks of "Michigan" and "helmets". I hope those involved in the Shampain racket are named soon so that innocent Michiganders are cleared of any wrongdoing. Until then, all are potential suspects based on DougB's accusations.

Hope so too. timothy
Doug is back with a vengance, letting everyone know his views on the Shampain Ruin scandal over at GHW2. Being a forum not censored or restricted such as WAF or Warrelics, he really lays the truth out before the community.

Now it only lacks the vital parts of the story, the who, when and where. Check out the threads now going over there:

I just read that.. Great stuff. Just short of naming names of the actual artist/scammer..
Well, it appears that the stew is starting to boil again. It's very refreshing to see that. If I was a serious lid collector, I wouldn't let this issue go. I don't think you'd see this type of fraud in the K98 community. It'd get stomped down real quick.

Kelly Hicks is taking some direct hits. When I was posting questions, observations, and concerns about Hicks, the God of Lids, on GB back in the 2009/2010 timeframe, my posts were either deleted or the thread locked by Vid, the GB Mod Disaster.