Of course Kelly will cast doubt, he has to or he would be refunding tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars. Show me a CH "decal" and I will prove its fake. None of the Klub has yet has come forth to take me up on the offer. Including Kelly with his "vet acquisitions". Sorry but the road goes right through Michigan, the helmets he was supplied, and the fake vets that were selling them to the suckers at gun shows.
The old timers used to call an ET a type 1 SS decal and a Pocher / Q / EF a type 2. They didn't even know there was a CH decal so this is compete hogwash. "Old timer" knowledge on SS decals with most of the old boys klub is remedial at best. I viewed a large "old timers" collection which had about 20 SS helmets. Of the 20 I'd say 16 were fake. Of course the old timers don't want to upset their buddies so they bless them as real and suddenly you have real SS helmets because the old boys club says so. It's the same in high end TR visors.
I have news for everyone. The old boys klub is corrupt as hell. Take their word at your own risk. I know, I've invested the money and the time and he research. Nobody else has and everyone is afraid of them in the hobby. I say, ******* them. I don't need their acceptance nor their acquiescence nor their validation and nobody else should either. That's the ego driven part of the hobby they like to control and its poisonous.
But the Old Boys Klub never thought they could be knocked off their perch because they never thought of the Internet, and their world was small indeed.
Collectors who buy this old timers horse s h i t are the same collectors who need to be spoon fed by them and need the old timers affections. WAF is corrupted by them. And I don't need to be explaining this for the next 40 years because you can't fix gullible, naive, or stupid. So they can read the research which cannot be disputed or they can wallow around believing a massive fraud is isn't true and these CH are real.
Too many dumb *******s in this hobby. Too many frauds. Too many guys who need validation and acceptance by the old boys klub. Not enough guys like Frank who say it like it is and don't give a damn what the old boys klub think.
Logic for some reason fails to take hold in the Kindgom of German Helmets. So let doubt prevail. It would be laughable there were not real people being ripped of for thousands of dollars out there.