It's a good indication that he's taking care to ensure that his report is as complete and thorough as possible. If there are any visible cracks or flaws, then they will be exploited by those with an interest in perpetuating the C SS hoax.
Just read through the threads, very interesting. As someone who works with paint, I'm shocked it took so long for people to realize there are fake SS decals that were painted on.
I agree, it's incredible. IMHO, it points to either something stinking amongst the "experts" or gross negligence of a high order, i.e., too arrogant and ignorant to know what they don't know. This is also what happens when alternative opinions are suppressed by censorship and the installation of a small cabal of "experts" who lord over a hobby. As an aside, I remember years back Mrfarb calling me with questions on K98ks. I now call him for that informationThere is money to be made off of "expertise" and information, and back in the day this was hoarded by a few.
BTW, how long has magnification been available on this planet? A quick google says the first microscope was invented in 1595.
And since they were 'in the know', they were able to silence the critics with the power of the pen (published works, COA's), the procurement of C-SS from vets (an obviously "inerrant" method) and many years of experience collecting SS helmets (looking down their noses at those critics who have never even held an original SS helmet).
And by censoring, abusing and banning all serious opposition, they alone were left on the stage to champion "The Great Champagne Rune Fraud".
Edit: BTW, I don't think it excessive to state that this is one of the biggest revelations in helmet collecting in the last 25 years, at least. The only other big informational event would be the advent of lot number research.
Without a doubt, this will shake the helmet collecting community. It should be interesting to see how many people flock to Kelly Hicks table at the SOS in a few months. The unintended consequences of this is that it will shatter the faith of a great many collectors and they could give up collecting after realizing the amount of money they tossed down to buy a fake helmet. This should be a fun and informative historical hobby, but, this revelation will likely alienate and discourage a great many collectors.
Good point. Losses could tally up to as much as $7k per C-SS lid. And I was in a bad mood when I lost $100 to that Pawel fraudster.
To kill an error is as good a service as, and sometimes even better than, the establishing of a new truth or fact.
Charles Darwin
The seller's failure to respond and provide close-up photos is a bad sign. Proceed with caution.
Considering what Doug B is alleging, that the C SS decal isn't even a decal and is a post-war fabrication, it seems odd that Hicks would be preparing a "lengthy essay" to rebut the allegations in defense of the C SS lid's legitimacy. What are Hicks' motivations? Why doesn't he wait for Doug B's report and evaluate his findings objectively? It seems that two former XRFacts cofounders, Hicks and May, have no interest in original research that conflicts with their claims.
It appears to me that Hicks must argue and show the legitimacy of these "Champagne rune decals" or he is going to be paying off on a large number of COAs he issued warrantying these as legitimate. If DougB shows these fake, as he's said, and the holders of these COAs come for indemnity, then Hicks will have three choices:
1) Lawyer up and defend against honoring his own COAs through his own expert testimony.
2) Man up and honor his COAs and indemnify those relying upon them from loss, either by providing helmets in kind and/or monetary remuneration.
3) Run or declare bankruptcy.
There are some interesting legal issues, such as, are the COAs for the original purchaser or do they follow the helmet, i.e., they are "bearer paper"? How much is the indemnity amount? Is it the price Hicks charged with the original sale? Is it the amount that the second or third purchaser paid?
These C SS lids likely had a preferred market entry conduit after they were born. I wonder where that entry conduit exists.