Senior Member
Also, the overall new condition of the decals does not match the worn finishes of the helmets.
It's comments like that that will get you banned on all the lid forums.
Also, the overall new condition of the decals does not match the worn finishes of the helmets.
There's always that 10% that don't get the word.
M45's lot number research didn't kill the market for C SS lids, because the lid gurus still liked the lids more than they liked M45. It should have. However, I would expect the bottom to fall out of the C SS lid market after the revelation that the decals or transfers aren't in fact decals or transfers. The evidence against the C SS lid is piling up and the latest revelation, assuming solid proof from Doug B, should break the C SS lid backbone.
What is Hicks going to do with a slew of C SS lids once they start coming home?
He could open up a re-enactor supply depot or wholesale them to Mitchell's Mausers.
What we are seeing now is the "renaissance" which started occurring with K98k collecting in the late 90s. Knowledge and information became the domain of regular collectors, not just with a few people. The internet caused this, which worked in our hobby because our moderators, the "gatekeepers" were not infatuated with control and being the arbiters of information. We didn't censor and run off people who disagreed. IMHO, the previous censorship, abuses, megalomania, and profiteering influences on the German helmet collecting hobby retarded the maturation of its integrity and knowledge base. The official treatment of XRF in those circles indicated such immaturity, as did the handling (or lack of handling) of the "Champagne Rune" matter. I think the kitchen light was flicked on by the helmet lot number research and is being kept on and intensified by the exposition of the long running Champagne Rune hoax. IMHO, this begs many questions to the SS lid gurus and those who were trafficking in these high dollar SS hoax lids. Just like in K98k collecting, the genie is out of the bottle and is not going back in, which is a very positive turn for helmet collecting.
That's the problem with SS lids. The legit SS lid population has been overwhelmed with restorations and fakes for so long that I don't believe there are lid gurus that truly know the differences and can sort them reliably. The reality is that if it looks good to the right people, then it's legit and worth a premium. The good news is that at least one class of fake, the C SS lid, has been outed with data analysis and high magnification visual inspection such that it shouldn't be polluting the supposedly legit lid population any longer. The bad news is that there are still thousands of fakes that are indistinguishable from legit original lids. The odds are such that if you see an SS lid, it should be considered a fake unless you can make the case otherwise; guilty until proven innocent.
Well said, Hambone. One troubling aspect I have noticed in the hobby is the idea of 'privileged information'; certain knowledge is reserved and protected for 'special people' and it is withheld from the 'commoners'.
This is exactly what I've seen with the SVT 40 sniper rifle community. The top secret notch in the receiver that no one may post a picture of lest the counter fitters know what one looks like. In all these years, some one serious about producing fakes need only buy an original, and viola!
So it appears the champagne fans are not going to give up! I look forward to the rebuttals and hope the truth is finally exposed to all collectors in the end.
Please note that there has been some recent discussion regarding Champaign decals. Mr Kelly Hicks is currently preparing a lengthy essay on these decals, and why he feels that they are completely period correct.
Because that essay predates the current C SS revelations, and that it's not "lengthy," I don't think that's the essay that's being referred to in the C SS lid auction you posted. I suspect the new lengthy essay will rely on Hicks' experience buying C SS lids from vets with capture stories and I think Hicks will indicate that he believes all these vet capture stories. So, although there are some fake C SS lids, they all aren't fake and Kelly Hicks wouldn't authenticate a fake lid as legit.