Confession of an idiot buying 98k

Sorry this happened to you, but I’m glad that you’ve shared your story and given me fair warning concerning this seller. I’ll confess that I don’t buy firearms on-line due to these kinds of stories.

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I received the following personal message from (apparently) the seller:

“If this Harassment tread, Post isn’t removed. I will be taking the next legal correct step’s against your forum.

This is Harassment and I Highly recommend this post Disappearing.“

My response was probably not in line with the demands. I’m not a fan of being threatened. We don’t censor here. Each of us here is responsible for our own posts, legally and otherwise. I invited the seller here to provide his/her side of the story.

Uh oh. I told you guys we weren’t alone in here. Great.

At least the seller gets to enjoy their roasting which is actually their own doing. They should have tried to have a dialogue about the parts and come to an agreement with the buyer. What’s more, because it looks like deliberate fakery, it’s more like fraud.

Sent from my top secret official Bunker of the Order of the Def’s Hed.
I received the following personal message from (apparently) the seller:

“If this Harassment tread, Post isn’t removed. I will be taking the next legal correct step’s against your forum.

None really. He's just threatening you because he knows exactly what he sold the OP. There are experts and authors in this forum who don't just guess, but have done years of research and collecting to back up their opinions.

Besides, I do not see a harassment "TREAD" or thread here.
I think I will never ever buy from GB. My feedback was removed, both from seller’s profile and my response to his feedback on mine. So he has a clean history now. Turns out GB feedback rating doesn’t mean a thing. One more lesson learned : )

Not sure if another thread about GB covering up fakery is needed.
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GB protects sellers. They pay them. The seller said “as is”, and you wanted to return it. They don’t care if fakes are sold, it means nothing to them imo. The seller complained, they obliged.

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I think I will never ever buy from GB. My feedback was removed, both from seller’s profile and my response to his feedback on mine. So he has a clean history now. Turns out GB feedback rating doesn’t mean a thing. One more lesson learned : )

Not sure if another thread about GB covering up fakery is needed.

Wow. Sorry to hear that OP. This is very very illuminating as to how GB ‘operates.’ Oh well, lesson learned. And at least through this whole fiasco you’ve found a decent collector community :thumbsup:
Besides, I do not see a harassment "TREAD" or thread here.

:facepalm: Yeah this is a real high IQ duo here. Hopefully she's just that kind of C to him.

As for the "NO Fake Numbers are present. Just say your Wrong" and their claims of innocence and selling righteous items you need look no further than this gem highlighted in the first post. It's ridiculously bad. Like 'Cartoon Grade'. Or maybe 'Moron Grade'? Yet they claim right in the title "Matching Bring Back Tight!" Just hand over the 1800 and here's your prize. Flipping through those photos reminds me of Aunt Bonnie in the fridge except instead of "Expired" it's "Fake", "Fake", "Fake"
The problem beyond “as is” is that the seller misrepresented it if described as “no fake numbers” in the auction ad. “As is” doesn’t mean you can misrepresent something. That seems to be a tactic on Gunbonker; post a whole lot of pics and troll for those who aren’t members here.
Wow. Sorry to hear that OP. This is very very illuminating as to how GB ‘operates.’ Oh well, lesson learned. And at least through this whole fiasco you’ve found a decent collector community :thumbsup:

Well put and that’s the positive takeaway from this. The trader here is the best way to find legit K98s, but fraud aside this is also the best place in the world to study and enjoy K98s.

Sent from my top secret official Bunker of the Order of the Def’s Hed.
The problem beyond “as is” is that the seller misrepresented it if described as “no fake numbers” in the auction ad. “As is” doesn’t mean you can misrepresent something. That seems to be a tactic on Gunbonker; post a whole lot of pics and troll for those who aren’t members here.


Fresh used car, as is.* Runs good, no rust no bondo. No returns. No warranty. See photos.

* as is: stolen three days ago in the next town over. Can’t see STOLEN in pictures.

Or more like Sweaty Ben: “I don’t see any numbers on this that don’t match.*

* because I stamped most of them myself.

Thirty-wonderful flavors of FRAUD.

Sent from my top secret official Bunker of the Order of the Def’s Hed.
Too bad, byf_41 really missed out on a great opportunity to do the right thing and restore his reputation. 30% restocking fee (about $840) is an assault on anybody's intelligence. $840, seriously? That's more than the actual market value of this humped turd. You've gotta be kidding. And what's next, wait a couple months and put it back on Gunporker, maybe under his buddy's name, with the same "all matching numbers" claim? Like the other turd humpers do? This byf_41 guy has ZERO integrity. Period.
After having read his rambling excuses, I think it's safe to say that collectively we're now all a little bit dumber than we were when we got up this morning.

That is, IMHO, absolute BULL shite, sir, no matter how you try to justify it ....

If the buyer has a legitimate reason for return, the only HONORABLE course of action is FULL REFUND, less shipping fees, as long as firearm is returned UNFUCKED with....

Any other act on sellers part is 100% WRONG and damages the hobby !!!!!!!!
Did BYF_41's response get removed?? I saw it briefly yesterday but didn't get a chance to read it and now I no longer see it in the thread?

I guess he couldn't cope with the fact that we didn't exactly roll out the red carpet for a known turd peddler. So he left the sandbox, pouting.
Maybe his wife will post here next, threatening to report us to authorities if we don't stop. I'm a afraid without deceptive turd peddling she may not be able to afford a new Toyota every other year. Heck, the "restocking fee" probably pays for the heated leather seat upgrade.

without deceptive turd peddling she may not be able to afford a new Toyota every other year. Heck, the "restocking fee" probably pays for the heated leather seat upgrade.

:laugh: Too good GunKraut! Wish I had seen their response before they deleted it.
Byf 41 zapped his own post. That is his right. I invited him here to address his side as I'm not censoring or deleting, particularly not based upon threats. We run an open show here. He can choose to respond or not and has the capability to change his mind and delete posts as we all do. This ain't MSNBCNNABCBS or the Democrats. I think Byf 41 should respond and provide his side. All of us are individually responsible for our posts. I'd ask that it be kept factual and businesslike.

Thank you.
I am not sure why his posts disappeared, he did delete them himself (I think), but I don't think he was banished or censored... he should not be in my opinion.

Speaking of this rifle alone, not the description or his general activities, he did not alter this rifle, I have prior records of it and it has been in this condition or state since at least 2003. It has been apart before also, while byf couldn't disassemble it, it has been before (I don't doubt he tried, he usually goes way overboard taking pictures and disassembly, so it is reasonable that he simply couldn't here)

Anyway, while I do agree a 20% restocking fee is ridiculous and excessive in this case, I do not agree byf is some turd monger or disreputable seller/flipper.. I observe his auctions routinely, no evidence exists that he alters rifles so far as I have followed his sales. He may be a flipper, maybe an opportunist, neither are crimes or immoral, he does an absurd number of pictures, he seemingly hides nothing (typically he takes huge numbers and total disassembles, in this case it would not have made a difference had he, the flaw is clear without disassembly imo) and I have nothing against him or his presence here.
Byf 41 zapped his own post. That is his right. I invited him here to address his side as I'm not censoring or deleting, particularly not based upon threats. We run an open show here. He can choose to respond or not and has the capability to change his mind and delete posts as we all do. This ain't MSNBCNNABCBS or the Democrats. I think Byf 41 should respond and provide his side. All of us are individually responsible for our posts. I'd ask that it be kept factual and businesslike.

Thank you.

I am glad you clarified the forums position, this is entirely correct imo. From the beginning this was the policy of the forum and imo the main reason why it is the best forum (why it attracts the best, most knowledgeable collectors).